
Global Mining: My GPU has Infinite Upgrades

# GPU # gundam # cryptocurrency When Liu Yu woke up, cryptocurrency skyrocketed once again and people began to kick off their mining journeys. After his girlfriend had broken up with him, the lifeless Liu Yu realized that his old GTX 960 began to morph and could be upgraded infinitely. [Ding! Congratulations! Your GTX 960 has been upgraded to RTX 8090ti! Its computing power has been increased by 10,000 folds.] [Ding! Congratulations! Your RTX 8090ti has been upgraded to XTX 10090ti! You can now mine other people’s cryptocurrency!] As his GPU continued to upgrade infinitely, Liu Yu’s mining speed was now 10,000 times more efficient than the best mining rig in the world and had become the richest man on Earth in just one day. “The gap between me and Liu Yu will only increase indefinitely!” exclaimed the richest man in the internet industry. “Heck! I’m quitting the finance industry! Liu Yu! You have to let me manage your wealth!” announced the richest man in the finance industry. “Liu Yu is one of the humblest rich men I’ve ever seen!” praised the Prince of Oil. Finally, on a certain day, he got a fateful notification. [Ding! Congratulations! Your XTX 80090ti has been upgraded to a Space Battle Suit!] It was then Liu Yu realized that his fate might be more than just mining.

Hugh · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Critical Moment

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

"System Notification: A new computing method has been discovered. Do you wish to conduct in-depth learning?"

"Indeed!" Liu Yu decisively chose yes. He did not expect the smart graphics card to notice the difference in the other party the moment they came into contact. It seemed that he still did not know enough about the smart graphics card. After this matter was over, he should conduct a test on the performance of the graphics card.

"Everyone on the plane, it seems that you have not given up. You still want to fight with me for control of the plane? Now I will let you know how much control I have over the plane!"

Liu Yu's contact inevitably attracted the attention of the robbers. Although it did not pose a threat to him, this kind of rebellious spirit was naturally not allowed to exist.

"Creak." The door between the economy and first class cabin opened automatically. Han Xue'er's seat was moved to the position of the two cabin doors. Han Xue'er, who was connecting to the plane's control network, was exposed in front of everyone.

"Miss Han!"

"It's Han Xue'er!"

"Huh?" Han Xue'er looked at the chaotic mess outside and could not help but frown.

"Miss Han, how much is your Han corporation going to pay for the ransom this time?" The old man who had made his will said first.

"You are... grandfather Bai!" Han Xue'er recognized the old man who spoke. He was Bai Pengcheng, the founder of the Bai Corporation. She had heard of the things that happened before, and when she saw grandfather Bai, she instantly understood many things.

"I don't deserve it. Miss Han is really lucky to know an old man like me." Bai Pengcheng did not expect Han Xue'er to recognize him at a glance. If he had known earlier, he would have hidden behind the scenes to add fuel to the fire.

"Over there, grandfather Bai is our Han family's biggest partner. He controls our largest amount of cash flow. How much cash we can take out depends on your Bai family's face!" Han Xue'er had already received a message from Ah Wei, she said humbly.

"Miss Han, you can't say that. How big is the Han Corporation? How can our Bai family take up your cash flow?" Bai Pengcheng immediately denied it. In this kind of situation, he could not admit it.

"I can't do anything if you don't admit it. After all, you just made a will and are prepared to let everyone die with you. I mean, no matter how much, we still have to feed the fish with you, don't we?"

Han Xue'er could not be bothered to waste her breath on elder Bai anymore. She had just discovered that Liu Yu had used all his computing power and might have launched an attack on the robbers. Now, she had to do her best to cooperate with him.

"What a sharp-teethed little girl." Bai Pengcheng's expression was unsightly. Now, the people around him were looking at him with unkind eyes.

"So it's elder Bai. I'm so disrespectful. I wonder how much the Bai family is planning to pay for the ransom?" The fatty from the beginning had long become impatient. Elder Bai had never done anything good from the start. Now, he had to really disgust him.

"Didn't I already say it?" Grandpa Bai did not accept any threats at all. He said coldly, "I have already made a will. If any of you are willing to accompany me, I naturally have no objections."

"Is this your own idea or the Bai family's idea?" Fatty gritted his teeth and asked.

"Of course it's my own idea. It has nothing to do with the Bai family." Bai Pengcheng was very clear that if he died, so be it. However, he could not drag down the Bai family.

"Hmph, what you said is easy. If you want to clear the name of the Bai family, no way!" Fatty said fiercely, "I'll contact the Bai family right now. If they dare to disregard your life and death, hehe, even if I die, I won't let them last until next year!"

"What do you mean, kid?" Bai Pengcheng's expression changed greatly. His eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at Fatty's face. He actually could not think of who this fellow was.

Liu Yu did not have the time to care about the rubbish in the economy class. He was now focused on cracking the encryption algorithm of the robbers. After coming into contact with this algorithm, Liu Yu was attracted by this algorithm. Even he could see the exquisiteness of this algorithm.

With only a little computing power, it was able to construct an extremely complex password, which made the difficulty of external hacking increase exponentially. Until now, Liu Yu had already invested all his computing power, but he was still unable to crack it.

In other words, the computing power of the smart graphics card was not completely used to crack it. Instead, it was used for in-depth study of this algorithm. According to the computing power of the smart graphics card, the construction of the algorithm could actually be deduced in reverse.

However, this encryption algorithm should have a fatal flaw, causing the smart graphics card to consume a large amount of computing power to perfect the algorithm. The robber obviously lost his patience. Liu Yu's strong computing power also made him feel uncertain.

Because of the flaw, he could not really control the operation of the algorithm. He could only constantly issue new instructions to make up for the flaw, and the constantly updated instructions provided a large amount of learning content for the smart video card.

"My lovely hostages, you have really disappointed me. The plane is about to reach its destination, but your money has not been transferred yet, and not a single person has died. It seems that you do not plan to have a sea burial. Perhaps a gorgeous firework at the airport is your favorite destination!"

"Don't be anxious, we are currently raising money!"

"Yes, yes! We are already raising money!"

The people led by fatty started shouting.

"Hmph! It better be like this. There are still people among you who are fighting with me for control of the plane. You really overestimate yourselves. I will give you five more minutes. If the money is not received, then you can blame yourselves for being useless!"

The robbers shut off the communication, and everyone fell silent. It was fatty who broke the silence. "Now let's calculate how much money we can raise. I can take out 200 bitcoins."

"Hiss!" Many people sucked in a breath of cold air. In such a short time, he could actually gather 200 bitcoins in cash. This fatty's power was indeed formidable!

"I have 100 bitcoins here."

"I only have 50 bitcoins here."

"I have 30."

"What about you first-class cabins?" Fatty frowned as he looked at the people in the first-class cabins. The gap was still very big, so he could only hope that there would be more people in the first-class cabins.

"I... I only have 0.01 bitcoins..." The first person fatty asked was Fang Yi. She blushed and stammered, her voice pitifully soft.

"What! ?" Fatty was furious. "Are you kidding me! ?"

"No... I really don't have any money..." Fang Yi was so anxious that she was about to cry. Han Xue'er could not stand it and said, "She was brought here by me. Our family can offer 500 bitcoin, no more."

"Miss Han is indeed generous!" Fatty cupped his hands. Fang Yi looked at Han Xue'er gratefully and then looked at Liu Yu worriedly. He was sitting in the cockpit, his head full of sweat. There were only two minutes left until the time set by the robbers.