
Global Martial Arts: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chen Fan journeyed to a high martial arts realm where spiritual energy thrived and acquired the martial arts panel. This panel not only fortifies the body but also enhances martial arts proficiency, unlocks unique skill attributes, and facilitates continuous improvement. At Basic Archery Level 1, the characteristics include: Physical Strength Level 1, Arm Strength Level 1, and Slow Shooting Level 1. Upon reaching Basic Archery Level 3, the characteristics progress to: Physical Strength Level 3, Slow Shooting Level 3, and Riding and Shooting Level 1. Upon attaining Basic Archery Level 6, the characteristics become: Physical Strength Level 6, Riding Archery Level 4, and Rapid Fire Level 1. Chen Fan's journey encompasses a diverse range of martial arts, from basic boxing and footwork to Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, and Yijing Jin. Step by step, he ascends to the pinnacle of this world.

BLACK_CAT_096 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter 54: He's an Awakened One!

Chen Fan glanced at Gu Jianghai and the others, then turned his attention to Gu Ze.

If he can pull an eighty-pound bow, his strength attribute won't be far from Body Tempering.

Judging from Gu Shu and the others' expressions, it didn't seem to be the case.

Could it be?

"Brother Chen, I actually intended to mention it earlier," Gu Jianghai said, looking at Chen Fan. "Ozawa, he's actually an Awakened One."


When Chen Guodong and the others heard these words, their minds raced, their faces registering extreme shock.


Gu Ze, an Awakened One?

Gu Ze raised his head with pride.

Yes, even though he wasn't a warrior, he was a bona fide Awakener!

Then, he glanced at Chen Fan from the corner of his eye, wondering if the latter had already guessed it.

"Brother Gu, is what you're saying true?" Chen Guodong's voice trembled as he looked at Gu Ze, still unable to believe it.

Awakened Ones!

These were individuals every city coveted, for once they matured, they could be world-breakers!

"Exactly," Gu Jianghai replied, expecting this kind of reaction from everyone. He gave a wry smile as he continued, "He's an Awakener with enhanced abilities, able to double his own strength momentarily by consuming mental power. That's why he can draw an eighty-pound bow."

"Double the power!" Everyone gasped, including Chen Fan.

No wonder Gu Jianghai and the others had initially claimed that Gu Ze could only handle a forty-pound bow. However, when he tapped into his power, his strength doubled, enabling him to draw an eighty-pound bow.

If he advanced to the first level of Body Tempering, could he draw a two-hundred-pound bow effortlessly?

Chen Fan felt a tinge of envy.

This Awakener was undeniably formidable.

Liu Yong and the others grinned widely, secretly giving Chen Fan a thumbs-up.

Who would have thought there was an Awakener in Gu Family Village?

No, now that Gu Jiazhai had agreed to join their village, it meant that their village now had an Awakener!

In this day and age, the status of Awakened Ones was self-evident, and having one in the village would greatly enhance their security.

Thus, everyone praised Gu Ze, just as Gu Jianghai and others had praised Chen Fan earlier.

Chen Fan watched in astonishment from the sidelines.

However, having an Awakener join them was a significant boon for him and Chen Jiazhai.

Their first Awakener!

"This is just the beginning," Gu Ze snorted, "I've only recently learned how to control my abilities. Doubling my strength is just the start."

"!!" Everyone was shocked once again.

"You mean you can double or even triple your strength?" Gao Yang's mouth hung open in disbelief.

Chen Fan also displayed surprise.

"Indeed," Gu Ze replied confidently.

Everyone gasped in unison.

Was this the power of an Awakener?

"Ahem." Seeing his son getting carried away, Gu Jianghai coughed twice. "Don't listen to his nonsense; it's not that easy. Ozawa has just learned to control his abilities recently."

"Recently?" Chen Fan asked curiously. "Don't Awakened Ones have control over their abilities from the start?"

Chen Guodong and the others also looked puzzled. They knew very little about Awakened Ones, except that they were extremely powerful.

After all, Awakened Ones and ordinary people seemed to inhabit different worlds.

Gu Jianghai shook his head,

"At first, Ozawa didn't even realize he had awakened his supernatural ability. It was just that his strength would surge when he became emotional. He didn't pay much attention to it initially, but he gradually became aware of it after multiple instances.

Once we found out, we didn't know how to assist him. We had to rely on him to figure things out. Finally, about two years ago, he gained control over it, but it would leave him quite exhausted every time he used it.

As time passed, he grew more proficient, and his strength increased from half of what it was initially to double now. To be honest, we didn't provide much help during that period, and it wasn't easy for him to progress on his own."

"The remarkable thing is, despite being an Awakened One, Ozawa never left us."

"Yeah, he could have left anytime."

These words touched the others deeply. Chen Guodong and the rest couldn't help but admire Gu Ze's determination.

Chen Fan also nodded in agreement. Despite his brash demeanor, Gu Ze had a good character.

Moreover, Chen Fan understood that being an Awakened One didn't guarantee unlimited power. The extent of their abilities depended on their individual talents and how well they could control them.

"Brother Gu, don't worry. Ozawa being an Awakened One will remain a secret known only to us. It won't be spread," Chen Guodong reassured.

"Yes, we'll keep it under wraps."

"That's reassuring."

Gu Jianghai expressed his gratitude.

"Chen Fan."

Gu Ze suddenly turned to Chen Fan.


Chen Fan looked at him.

"Chen Fan, I admit that you're stronger than me right now," Gu Ze said earnestly, "But as long as there's enough food, I'll surpass you in no time."

Chen Guodong and the others exchanged puzzled glances.

What was this about? Was it a challenge?

Chen Fan was momentarily surprised, then smiled and accepted, "Alright, I'll look forward to you surpassing me."

Everyone chuckled.

The day was drawing to a close, and it was time to say goodbye.

They agreed that the next day, people from Gujiazhai would move over, and Chenjiazhai would make the necessary preparations before parting ways.

Chen Guodong and the others were in high spirits, discussing Gu Ze's abilities and envisioning a promising future.

"By the way, Xiao Fan, take a look at this," Gao Yang said suddenly, producing a small booklet from his pocket with a smile.

"What's this?"

Chen Fan stopped in his tracks, examining the booklet. It was thin, with only a few pages, and the cover displayed large, bold characters.

"The Meteor Arrow Method?"

Chen Fan was dumbfounded. He gazed at the words on the cover and then at Gao Yang's face.

The name sounded like something out of a martial arts novel rather than archery, which was what he expected. Taijiquan and Xingyiquan also had a distinct martial arts style, but this was different.

"Uncle Gao, where did you find this? Can it be practiced?" Chen Fan inquired, his curiosity piqued.