
Global Martial Arts: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chen Fan journeyed to a high martial arts realm where spiritual energy thrived and acquired the martial arts panel. This panel not only fortifies the body but also enhances martial arts proficiency, unlocks unique skill attributes, and facilitates continuous improvement. At Basic Archery Level 1, the characteristics include: Physical Strength Level 1, Arm Strength Level 1, and Slow Shooting Level 1. Upon reaching Basic Archery Level 3, the characteristics progress to: Physical Strength Level 3, Slow Shooting Level 3, and Riding and Shooting Level 1. Upon attaining Basic Archery Level 6, the characteristics become: Physical Strength Level 6, Riding Archery Level 4, and Rapid Fire Level 1. Chen Fan's journey encompasses a diverse range of martial arts, from basic boxing and footwork to Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, and Yijing Jin. Step by step, he ascends to the pinnacle of this world.

BLACK_CAT_096 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter 48: Do You Think They Will Help?

Let's rewind time to just a few minutes ago when the two groups made eye contact.

"Is that them? People from Chenjiazhai?" remarked a strong man in the team, clutching his bow and arrows with a hint of surprise.

"It certainly looks like them, doesn't it? Isn't the one at the front Chen Guodong, the well-dressed guy?" added another archer, squinting his eyes.

"Let me get a closer look. It's definitely that coward."

"Hahaha, it really is him! This coward, remember how last time, when we took their prey, he looked like he wanted to argue but backed down when I slapped him?"

Laughter erupted among the group, their eyes tearing up from the amusement.

However, the faces of others nearby grew increasingly grim.

They were the residents of Gujiazhai, and they had been halted once again, seemingly surrounded.

It was, in all honesty, just bad luck.

After encountering Chen Fan and his companions, they had changed direction. Before long, they had managed to hunt down a solitary wildebeest after considerable effort.

Their joy was palpable, imagining how bringing this prey back could provide food for the village for several days. However, on their way home, they had the misfortune of running into a group from Lijiazhai who had returned empty-handed.

This was not their first such encounter.

As usual, the other group stopped them, threatening that they could go free, but the prey would remain. There would be no toasts or fine wine, only their prey taken from them.

A few among them were unwilling, but they dared not voice their anger. They could only accept their fate, hoping the others would demand less.

Yet, when they saw newcomers approaching, a spark of hope ignited within them.

People from Chenjiazhai!

Although they were only acquaintances, surely they would step in to help, right? After all, they had also been mistreated by Lijiazhai, hadn't they?

Several of them anticipated this, watching as Chen Guodong and his group drew nearer.

Then, their eyes widened in astonishment.

Oh my goodness, the people from Chenjiazhai had a significant number of prey!

What in the world was happening here?

In Gu Jianghai's mind, an inexplicable sense of foreboding began to emerge.

"Wait! These guys!"

The square-faced man, at this moment, also noticed the unusual sight. The smile on his face froze instantly, replaced by disbelief.

"One, two... five, five prey! Five prey!"

"What? Five prey! My goodness, how did they manage that? Weren't the Wei brothers part of the group we encountered from Zhaojiabao last time?"

"Take a closer look; there are only nine of them, and the Wei brothers aren't there at all."

"So what's happening? How did they acquire five prey?"

Others began to react, grinding their teeth in frustration, their hearts burning with envy.

How could the people of Chenjiazhai accomplish what they couldn't? It had to be sheer luck—these five preys must have stumbled into the trap they'd set in advance.

"Brother," a middle-aged man chuckled, "I had been worrying about hunting for so long and found nothing, but now, the prey has come to us."

"Yes, and it's quite a haul, brother. If you don't accept all this delivered prey, you'll offend the heavens."

"That's right, let's head over there quickly. They have so much prey; they won't be able to move fast."

Everyone wore smiles and looked eager to make their move.

As for the appeal of the wildebeest back in Gujiazhai, it seemed to have diminished significantly.

When a few from Gujiazhai heard these remarks, they couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

If this group of people headed to Chenjiazhai, it might be a favorable outcome for them and others. Of course, it was regrettable for the people in Chenjiazhai.

However, there was a strong sense of resentment in the eyes of a young man standing nearby.

"Not in a hurry," the square-faced man sneered. "They can't go very far."

With that, he turned to Gu Jianghai. "Old Gu, can you spare us a few pleasant words? I don't have time to waste here."

Indeed, he coveted the prey not only from Chenjiazhai but also from Gujiazhai.

After all, one can never have too much wealth.

Seeing this, the others exchanged glances and broke into knowing smiles.

"That's right, why waste words?" Gu Jianghai muttered.

"Brother Li," he continued with a forced smile, trying to flatter, "Let's be reasonable here. We'll cross paths again in the future. We've managed to catch some prey, and the village has gone without food for days. If we return empty-handed this time, people might truly starve."

"Yes, yes, brothers, please, at least leave us some," others chimed in, their voices filled with desperation, while surreptitiously eyeing Chen Guodong and his group.

They hoped Chen Guodong's party would take notice and lend a helping hand. After all, with equal numbers, the people from Lijiazhai wouldn't dare to act recklessly.

Li Xiong, however, wore an impatient expression. Did these people think they were bargaining at a vegetable market?

At this moment, a man with a hooked nose whispered something in Li Xiong's ear. His complexion changed, and he nodded before snorting coldly. He turned to Gu Jianghai and said, "Fine, I'll leave you a small portion."

"What?" Gu Jianghai's eyes widened, his pleas continuing, "Brother Li, please give us more. The village is depending on us to bring back this prey."

"Yes, Brother Li, we implore you," they continued to stall for time.

"Um?" Li Xiong raised an eyebrow. "My name is Gu, not Li. I suggest you don't bite off more than you can chew. I'll give you half, which is generous enough. If I get irritated, I'll take it all back. What can you do to stop me?"

"Gu Jianghai, are you intentionally stalling, hoping Chen Guodong will come to your aid?" the man with the hooked nose sneered. "If that's your plan, you'll be disappointed. Look, they've already left."

Several people from Gujiazhai glanced in the direction he pointed and realized that Chen Guodong and his group had indeed departed.

Gu Jianghai slumped to the ground, a self-deprecating expression on his face.

His worst fears had come true.

While the two villages had some camaraderie, it wasn't strong enough to risk trouble, especially when the Chen family village's prey was so abundant.

The best course of action was to leave as quickly as possible while their group stalled Lijiazhai.

"Hahaha, they actually believed that," one person from Lijiazhai chuckled.

"How naive! Do they think they can challenge us?"

"I'm laughing so hard I might die," another joined in.

The laughter from Lijiazhai felt like a blade cutting into the hearts of Gu Jianghai and his companions.

"Brother Li, just half, please," Gu Jianghai pleaded.

Gu Ze and the others hung their heads, their faces flushed with humiliation.

"Hahaha, I wish I hadn't said that earlier," Li Xiong quipped, watching Chen Guodong and his group's retreating figures. Did these cowards truly believe they could slip through their fingers?

How naive!