
Global Martial Arts: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chen Fan journeyed to a high martial arts realm where spiritual energy thrived and acquired the martial arts panel. This panel not only fortifies the body but also enhances martial arts proficiency, unlocks unique skill attributes, and facilitates continuous improvement. At Basic Archery Level 1, the characteristics include: Physical Strength Level 1, Arm Strength Level 1, and Slow Shooting Level 1. Upon reaching Basic Archery Level 3, the characteristics progress to: Physical Strength Level 3, Slow Shooting Level 3, and Riding and Shooting Level 1. Upon attaining Basic Archery Level 6, the characteristics become: Physical Strength Level 6, Riding Archery Level 4, and Rapid Fire Level 1. Chen Fan's journey encompasses a diverse range of martial arts, from basic boxing and footwork to Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, and Yijing Jin. Step by step, he ascends to the pinnacle of this world.

BLACK_CAT_096 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter 43 Slapstick

The reason was simple: he was the sole archer in the opposing team, indicating that this young man likely possessed formidable archery skills. The black rat in the hands of the people behind him served as clear evidence.

"I wonder how much draw weight his bow has," Chen Fan mused with curiosity.

"Xiaofan, did you see that too?" the bald man grinned, casting a knowing look between Chen Fan and Chen Guodong. "That's Gu Jianghai's son, Gu Ze."

"Ah?" Chen Fan's eyes widened. Such a coincidence?

Chen Guodong cleared his throat and spoke evenly, "It's just like Uncle Liu mentioned; Gu Ze is reputed to be quite skilled. He can pull a bow with an 80-catty draw weight."

He couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy when he mentioned it.

Before long, a disdainful voice chimed in, "What's the big deal? Our Xiaofan uses a bow with a 100-catty draw weight."

"That's right, there's a world of difference in archery skills. I have no confidence in that kid."

Gao Yang and the others declared, their confidence in Chen Fan unwavering.

After all, Chen Fan had single-handedly taken down six Steppenwolves in a row. Could that kid possibly achieve such a feat?

Chen Fan felt both bemused and touched by their defense of him. He could sense that their support was sincere.

He gazed in the direction Gu Ze had left in and couldn't help but feel relieved. It was no wonder a small village like theirs struggled with such a limited number of skilled individuals. Characters like Gu Ze would certainly be an asset. In his mind, Zhao Feng and Wang Ping unconsciously appeared.

After lunch, the group rested for a while before resuming their hunting journey.

Everything appeared peaceful, and within half an hour, a group of prey came into view.

"Looks like a herd of sheep," Chen Fan remarked.

He could now clearly make out objects nearly 500 meters away, though that distance was beyond the scope of Chen Guodong's vision, who could only see clearly up to about 300 meters.

The group consisted of around ten sheep, larger than average, with black horns on their heads, snow-white bodies, and strong, powerful legs. They were clearly built for speed.

Most were grazing, but one was on high alert, looking in their direction. It had spotted the group and was watching them.

"Sheep? Could it be antelope?" the bald man wondered aloud.

"It seems a bit tricky," everyone agreed, their smiles fading.

Chen Guodong explained, "Antelope are low-level beasts. They aren't aggressive but are naturally cautious. Even while eating, some take on the role of sentinels to watch for danger. If they sense a threat, they'll sound the alarm and flee. Even wildebeests can't catch up."

"I see," Chen Fan nodded.

It made sense, just as his father had explained.

"They're quite a distance away. Right now, we're just seeing their silhouettes. The sentinel among them has probably already spotted us, and they'll likely sound the alarm when we're three to four hundred meters away. I thought we had a chance at a good harvest, but it seems we were too optimistic. Let's move on," Gao Yang said with a hint of disappointment.

The others shared his mood.

They had learned their lesson from past experiences, so rather than expending energy in vain, it was better to act as though nothing had happened.

Hearing this, Chen Fan felt a twinge of regret.

They had finally come across a group of prey. If they could close the distance to 200 meters, even 250 meters, he was confident he could take down at least two of them.

However, his father's advice was sound. Antelopes were incredibly vigilant, and if they spotted Chen Fan's group, there was no doubt they would flee.

Was there no other option?

Indeed, if he had a bow with a 200-catty draw weight, the problem wouldn't exist. With a 300-catty bow, it would be even easier.

Obviously, this approach was unrealistic. 

But then, a flash of inspiration struck him, and he decided to look around for a better solution. It was a low-risk idea, and if it failed, they wouldn't lose anything. However, if it succeeded, they would have a bountiful harvest.

"Dad, uncles, what do you think about this?" Chen Fan shared his thoughts.

Everyone exchanged glances upon hearing his idea.

"We distract the antelopes while Xiao Fan takes the opportunity to approach them?" the bald man suggested with wide eyes.

"This sounds like a good plan, but is it feasible?" Gao Yang appeared doubtful.

"We could give it a try. Remember, when we tried dealing with the Steppenwolves last time, we initially thought it was impossible, but it worked out thanks to Xiaofan's idea," Chen Guodong reminded them.

"That's right, I think it's worth a shot."

"Agreed, let's give it a go."

"Sounds good."

Chen Fan took a deep breath and continued, "Following Uncle Gao's advice, when we get within three to four hundred meters of the antelopes, they'll likely bolt. So, while you try your best to grab their attention, uncles, don't get too close and let them scatter. If I can get within two to three hundred meters, I should be able to take down at least two of them."

"Two of them!" The group was stunned.

Two antelopes would weigh around three hundred catties in total if each was assumed to be around one hundred and fifty catties.

"Alright, Xiaofan, we'll do our best."


Chen Fan nodded, his nerves on edge because this plan relied on the cooperation of both groups. If one made a mistake, the whole plan could fall apart.

However, the advantage was that failure would be inconsequential.

So, according to the agreed plan, everyone gathered together and blocked the antelopes' line of sight before gradually moving closer to the herd in an arc.

As expected, the antelopes were immediately drawn to the distraction and turned to face the group.

Chen Fan, resembling a special forces operative, inched forward cautiously. The antelopes stood about two meters tall and had the high ground, so moving stealthily was essential to avoid detection.

Meanwhile, Chen Guodong and the others kept their hearts in their throats, moving as silently as possible. They didn't even dare to glance back at the antelopes.

"Why do I feel like we're acting like thieves?" Gao Yang whispered.

"Hehehe, I've never seen such an aboveboard thief," the bald man chuckled.

"Where's Xiaofan?" Chen Guodong inquired.

The group at the rear of the formation discreetly checked and replied, "Approximately four hundred meters away."

"Alright, let's keep moving closer and ensure the antelopes' attention stays on us," Chen Guodong instructed.

As time passed, the distance between the two parties closed to around 300 meters. One of the antelopes made a sound, prompting the others to raise their heads and look in their direction.

"Oh no!" the bald man exclaimed. "We might be too close. Do you think they're about to run?"

In an instant, it felt like a sword of Damocles was hanging over their heads, and they froze in place, afraid to make the slightest movement.