
Global Martial Arts: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chen Fan journeyed to a high martial arts realm where spiritual energy thrived and acquired the martial arts panel. This panel not only fortifies the body but also enhances martial arts proficiency, unlocks unique skill attributes, and facilitates continuous improvement. At Basic Archery Level 1, the characteristics include: Physical Strength Level 1, Arm Strength Level 1, and Slow Shooting Level 1. Upon reaching Basic Archery Level 3, the characteristics progress to: Physical Strength Level 3, Slow Shooting Level 3, and Riding and Shooting Level 1. Upon attaining Basic Archery Level 6, the characteristics become: Physical Strength Level 6, Riding Archery Level 4, and Rapid Fire Level 1. Chen Fan's journey encompasses a diverse range of martial arts, from basic boxing and footwork to Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, and Yijing Jin. Step by step, he ascends to the pinnacle of this world.

BLACK_CAT_096 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter 36: Supplies are Urgent

The entire family gathered around the table, and Chen Fan eagerly reached for his chopsticks, selecting a piece of meat to chew on vigorously.

"Is this beef?" he inquired with surprise.

"It is indeed beef," Chen Guodong explained, "We managed to salvage some from that wild bull attacked by a pack of wolves this morning. There's less than a hundred pounds left, and our family has managed to secure about four or five pounds, which is all here."

Chen Fan contemplated the fate of the meat devoured by the wolves, destined to be used in the creation of blood sausage with wolf intestines, adding a unique flavor to their meals.

"I also divided dozens of pounds of wolf meat, in addition to the wildebeest meat you brought back yesterday. We must have accumulated hundreds of pounds," the woman mentioned, her eyes narrowing with a smile.

For the past few years, they had never witnessed such a bountiful day; their stockpile of food could sustain the family for a month, if not longer.

"Is that so?" Chen Fan heaved a sigh of relief. It appeared that, at least in the short term, their food worries were quelled. However, he acknowledged that hunting must persist, and they couldn't afford to rest on their laurels.

After savoring the beef, Chen Fan received a notification in his mind: "Potential points +0.2."

"Beef truly lives up to its reputation, offering the equivalent of two slices of rabbit meat," he mused silently as he picked up the second piece for a more meticulous taste.

Meanwhile, Chen Guodong and his wife began to enjoy their meal.

In the midst of their meal, the woman suddenly broached a matter. "Guodong, our rice at home is running low, and the salt jar is nearly empty. Should we gather some meat and head to Songjiabao for an exchange?"

Chen Guodong paused, then nodded, replying, "I'll go exchange some."

Chen Fan's ears perked up, and fragments of memories resurfaced in his mind.

Songjiabao, much like Zhaojiabao, was a substantial settlement housing approximately one to two thousand people. Rumor had it that the village leader had connections with Anshan City, located a hundred kilometers away, and could procure precious everyday items such as rice, noodles, grains, oils, cigarettes, tea, and even medicines and weapons.

Guns and ammunition were rumored to be available, albeit at a steep price. In the surrounding smaller villages, one could exchange gold and silver jewelry, animal meat, and other commodities for desired goods. Some villages even engaged in the exchange of women and children, albeit under strict regulations. A designated area was allocated outside the fort for this purpose, and stall fees were collected for setting up stalls, with the guarantee of personal safety.

Therefore, Songjiabao's reputation far exceeded that of Zhaojiabao in the region.

"Dad, is Songjiabao far away?" Chen Fan inquired curiously.

"It's quite a distance," Chen Guodong pondered for a moment. "Around 15 kilometers there, and the same back. If you plan to go, it's best to depart around three or four in the morning. Delaying the journey could leave you stranded, and that's risky."

The woman fell into contemplative silence upon hearing this.

Nevertheless, they had no choice. Depleting their rice and meat supply was manageable, but a lack of salt would pose a severe problem.

"That sounds dangerous, doesn't it?" Chen Fan voiced his concern.

"It's not that perilous," Chen Guodong reassured him with a wry smile. "Even in a world with ample food, staying put in the settlement can be risky. Don't worry, as long as you don't cause trouble, nothing should go wrong."

"In that case, I'll go with you," Chen Fan declared after some thought.

"No need for that," Chen Guodong hesitated before saying, "This trip is just for a simple exchange, not hunting. It's not as hazardous as you think, and we have experience in these matters. We'll be fine."

"Yes, Xiaofan," the woman added her agreement.

"Dad, my main intention is to observe," Chen Fan confessed with a smile. In truth, he didn't desire anything specific, but human intentions could be unpredictable.

If his hunch was correct, the village used to make purchases with gold and silver jewelry—items like a few pounds of rice or a bottle of salt—kept secret and under the radar. However, this time was different. Everyone was exchanging prey, and according to his father, just one pound of the most common animal meat could fetch two or three pounds of rice. With dozens of pounds of animal meat involved, it was possible to attract significant attention—perhaps even undue scrutiny.

"In this case, having me there can offer assistance if things take a turn for the worse," he explained.

As for the exorbitant prices, they were due to the mutations affecting rice and wheat, rendering them incapable of producing grains. Although substitutes were found, seed costs skyrocketed, rendering them unaffordable for small villages like theirs.

The primary concern was that if they planted crops outside the city, daytime cultivation posed no issues, but nighttime farming would inevitably attract fierce beasts, making it a highly challenging endeavor.

Scarce resources commanded higher prices, and some individuals intentionally maintained control over them, thus contributing to the current situation.

Moreover, Chen Fan had a genuine desire to witness this himself.

"Alright, wait for another two days, and we'll have more game. You can set off with us," Chen Guodong agreed, finding Chen Fan's perspective quite reasonable. In his view, if Chen Fan intended to lead their group toward survival, he needed exposure to these aspects of their existence.

"Please be careful," the woman's anxiety flared up once more.

"Don't worry, Mom," Chen Fan reassured her with a smile. "Didn't Dad just say it wouldn't be dangerous?"

"Yeah, don't fret; it won't be the first time," Chen Guodong chimed in.

As for Chen Fan, he couldn't help but sense that this journey might not be as straightforward as he initially thought. Nevertheless, what other option did he have? They had to press on.

Following a hearty meal, the family of four polished off the entire pot of meat. Chen Fan had devoured roughly two pounds of meat himself, leaving his stomach satisfyingly full. Finally, after several days here, he felt satiated, a rare feat.

Furthermore, his potential points had risen from 6 to 28, enough for two rounds of body strengthening.

With a quiet thought, he pondered, "There are still two or three days left. Reaching the third level of body strengthening would be ideal. If that's unattainable, the second level will suffice."

He contemplated how reaching the third level would enable him to wield a 200-pound draw weight bow with an effective range of approximately 300 meters. Such a powerful weapon would significantly boost their chances of surviving encounters with fierce beasts or potential pursuers, allowing them to venture into the "dangerous zone" referred to as such by Uncle Liu and others.

The second level, with a 100-pound draw weight bow and a 200-meter range, was still formidable, suitable for facing ordinary individuals and intermediate-level beasts.

In addition, he aimed to raise his [Basic Archery] skill by one level. Level 3's riding and shooting characteristics weren't yet 100% accurate, so advancing to level 4 would ensure reliability.

In short, he hoped for a safe journey but remained prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

"Dad, I'm going to practice martial arts with Uncle Zhang."

"Huh?" Chen Guodong was momentarily taken aback, looking up to find no trace of Chen Fan in front of him.

"This kid..." A wry smile crossed his face.

"He's working hard," the woman chimed in with a worried expression.

"Yes," Chen Guodong sighed, realizing that the village's survival now heavily relied on Chen Fan's archery skills. Even he wasn't an exception.

Meanwhile, Chen Fan strolled along the dusty road, contemplating his attribute panel.

Strength attribute: 18.51, nearing 20.

Initially planning to strengthen it when his physical endurance was depleted, he now considered fortifying it sooner. After all, once the strength attribute reached 20 points, he could comfortably wield a 100-pound bow. Practicing archery with this bow would likely expedite his proficiency growth, wouldn't it?