
Global Martial Arts: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chen Fan journeyed to a high martial arts realm where spiritual energy thrived and acquired the martial arts panel. This panel not only fortifies the body but also enhances martial arts proficiency, unlocks unique skill attributes, and facilitates continuous improvement. At Basic Archery Level 1, the characteristics include: Physical Strength Level 1, Arm Strength Level 1, and Slow Shooting Level 1. Upon reaching Basic Archery Level 3, the characteristics progress to: Physical Strength Level 3, Slow Shooting Level 3, and Riding and Shooting Level 1. Upon attaining Basic Archery Level 6, the characteristics become: Physical Strength Level 6, Riding Archery Level 4, and Rapid Fire Level 1. Chen Fan's journey encompasses a diverse range of martial arts, from basic boxing and footwork to Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, and Yijing Jin. Step by step, he ascends to the pinnacle of this world.

BLACK_CAT_096 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter 28: The First Realm Breakthrough!

After a few sips of water and a brief respite, Chen Fan noticed that the attention of everyone had shifted away from him. Seizing the moment, he took a deep breath and tapped the plus sign next to his level.

Instantly, a surge of intense heat radiated from his core, enveloping his entire body like a soothing hot spring, erasing his fatigue in an instant.

After a few seconds, the heat dissipated entirely.

Realm: None

Grade: 4 (0/8)

Physique: 19.55

Strength: 14.92

Agility: 10.41

Spirit: 6.65

Potential Points: 1 (1 point/1 day)

All attributes had seen a remarkable 10% increase, nearly doubling his physical attributes compared to an ordinary person.

However, the strength attribute was still below 15 points, making it impractical to wield a 100-pound draw bow.

Agility, on the other hand, showed steady progress.

As for the spiritual attributes, they remained an enigma.

"It's unfortunate there's no other way to bolster the spirit apart from body strengthening," Chen Fan ruminated, shifting his gaze to his level.

To elevate his body strengthening level to 5, he would need 8 potential points, a goal attainable today with unwavering dedication.

For the ensuing period, he dedicated himself solely to archery practice.

After undergoing another round of body strengthening, he undeniably felt much stronger. The second quadruple shot no longer left him fatigued as it once did, though he still required about a quarter of an hour's rest.

By the third attempt, he found himself needing a half-hour reprieve, with his right arm beginning to strain.

Fortunately, as evening descended, [Basic Archery] finally ascended to the next level.

Reveling in the gratification of enhanced physique and strength attributes, just as he was about to inspect his attribute panel, a message materialized in his thoughts.

"Physical attribute reaches 20 points. Would you like to proceed with a breakthrough? Probability of success: 100%."


Chen Fan almost blurted out in astonishment, his eyes widening as he read the message.

While he had harbored some suspicions, the assurance of a 100% breakthrough probability made his decision crystal clear.

Opting for "yes," a distinct cracking sound echoed from within, and the familiar heat surge returned, accompanied by a faint itching sensation.

It felt as if his body were undergoing a form of restoration.

After several breaths, the heat gradually dissipated, prompting Chen Fan to hurriedly examine his attribute panel.

Realm: Body Tempering Level 1

Grade: 4 (0/8)

Physical: 22.6

Strength: 17.51

Agility: 11.45

Spirit: 7.32

Potential Points: 1 (3 points/1 day)

"Huh, just as I anticipated," Chen Fan exhaled slowly, a contented smile gracing his lips.

He had successfully achieved a breakthrough, transitioning from an ordinary individual to a first-level body-tempered warrior. Although his strength had yet to reach 20 points, he could now comfortably draw an 80-pound draw bow, and even a 100-pound one.

The advantages of this breakthrough were evident in the 10% increase across all attributes, akin to undergoing another round of body strengthening without depleting potential points. The crux lay in reaching the required threshold to initiate a breakthrough.

"If I aim for the second level of Body Tempering, I probably need a physical attribute of 30 points, right? And for the third level, perhaps 40?"

Chen Fan pondered, realizing that with unwavering determination, these milestones lay within his grasp.

Now that he had attained the third level of body tempering, contemplating the journey to the meat refining realm appeared to be anything but straightforward. It was possible that meeting the threshold of dual attributes would be necessary.

"Perhaps it's premature to dwell on this. I'll take it one step at a time," Chen Fan decided.

With the breakthrough, Chen Fan's confidence surged.

The night passed swiftly, and Chen Fan continued his practice with a sixty-pound bow. Although [Basic Archery] had reached level 4, achieving a 5% proficiency in four consecutive shots was now a challenge, barely reaching 3%.

During this period, he attempted five consecutive shots, which improved proficiency by nearly 4%, but it came at the cost of considerable exhaustion.

Before returning, he made sure to bring along the 80-pound bow. Zhang Ren was mildly surprised, as he believed that with Chen Fan's current strength, using an 80-pound bow shouldn't pose a significant problem.

Compared to the sixty-pound bow, the latter had a maximum range exceeding 200 meters and an effective range of about 80 meters. If they encountered formidable prey, it would undoubtedly provide substantial assistance.

However, Zhao Feng felt the pressure double when he saw the change.

The following morning, the entire hunting team assembled at the village gate once more. Given the substantial haul from the previous day, Chen Guodong allowed everyone to rest for two hours. Consequently, the group appeared refreshed, their faces flushed with energy, and their eyes gleaming with determination.

Chen Fan stood amidst the team, listening to the chorus of praise from his fellow villagers.

He felt a tad embarrassed and somewhat overwhelmed. After all, he was merely a first-level body-tempered warrior, and he was in his own village. Though his strength was notable, he still paled in comparison to the people of Zhaojiabao.

"I need to work harder," he resolved.

One by one, they exited the camp, and the drawbridge behind them ascended.


At that moment, the bald man slapped Chen Fan on the shoulder, his voice tinged with curiosity. "What's on your mind, kid? You seem distracted."

"Yes, Xiaofan, are you feeling unwell? You could stay in the village and rest today. The prey from yesterday can last for a few more days."

"You're right, there's still time to turn back now."

Several others voiced their concern.

Chen Guodong also glanced in his direction, his gaze somewhat anxious. "Is something bothering you?"

"No, I was just thinking, when we encounter prey, should I use the bow I have with me or the one I'm carrying?" Chen Fan snapped out of his reverie and smiled.

"Alright, kid, do you think you can handle an eighty-pound bow?" The bald man gaped at the longbow on Chen Fan's back.

If it were him, drawing the bow would require all his strength.

"I haven't tried it yet, but having it with me might come in handy," Chen Fan explained.

"You're right, every inch counts. When the Wei brothers are around, they can shoot prey from a distance of 150 meters," the bald man sighed.

"They use a one-hundred-pound bow, right? That's not something just anyone can draw."

"Hmph, don't underestimate Xiaofan. I believe he'll be able to handle it someday."

"That's right! Xiao Fan is the best archer in our village. He hits the mark every time, hahaha."

Laughter and chatter filled the air. Little did they know that within ten minutes of their walk, they would cross paths with another group carrying a massive prey, also chatting and laughing.

The atmosphere in their group suddenly grew somber.

Chen Fan's heart pounded, and he instinctively tightened his grip on his longbow. Could this group belong to Li Family Village?