
Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Upon waking up, everyone had time-traveled. Everyone had their own territory, and everyone was a lord. Fang Hao, who also time-traveled, opened his eyes to find himself a recruited farmer, thrown to the wolves. He killed the lord in anger and received a 'Hundredfold Amplification' as compensation. Thus, he embarked on the path of becoming a lord. [Hundredfold Amplification activated, received 10100 Skeleton soldiers.] [Hundredfold Amplification activated, received 10100 iron swords.] While everyone else was struggling to collect resources and survive, Fang Hao had already amassed a mountainous amount of resources. He wiped out all surrounding forces and established his own kingdom.

Angry Piranha · Games
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447 Chs

Chapter 371, Advance Attack_1

Translator: 549690339


The iron hook scraped across the ground, creating a disturbing noise.

Everyone in the room turned ghostly pale in an instant.

Now that the troll had seen them in full armor...

It would undoubtedly kill them on the spot.

Peering through a gap, Xu Yang watched as the one-eyed troll approached bit by bit, his face terribly pale.

The attack on Bloodthroat was supposed to happen the day after tomorrow.

The troll shouldn't have made a move on them today.

What on earth had happened?

But now was not the time to consider these matters. He drew his iron sword from his waist.

On the other side of the tent, a hole was cut open.

He spoke in a low voice, "You all go first. If he finds us, we fight to kill him."

While speaking, he began to remove the armor he had just put on.

"Oh, oh!" the farmers responded, nodding subconsciously.

The peasants' Loyalty wasn't so low that they would disregard orders from Xu Yang, even in the face of danger.

"Go, quick." Xu Yang urged again.