
Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Upon waking up, everyone had time-traveled. Everyone had their own territory, and everyone was a lord. Fang Hao, who also time-traveled, opened his eyes to find himself a recruited farmer, thrown to the wolves. He killed the lord in anger and received a 'Hundredfold Amplification' as compensation. Thus, he embarked on the path of becoming a lord. [Hundredfold Amplification activated, received 10100 Skeleton soldiers.] [Hundredfold Amplification activated, received 10100 iron swords.] While everyone else was struggling to collect resources and survive, Fang Hao had already amassed a mountainous amount of resources. He wiped out all surrounding forces and established his own kingdom.

Angry Piranha · Games
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685 Chs

Chapter 171, Routine Competition Champion_1

The alert sound suddenlymade Fang Hao pause in his actions.

The compulsory task had ended, and lots of people were speculating about when the event task would appear.

Some said half a month, others said even longer.

But it came sooner than anyone had anticipated.

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords, switched to the regional channel, and saw everyone discussing the event task.

"Damn, it came so early, even earlier than the 7-day compulsory task."

"What does this task mean? We can't bring our troops? What's the point without troops? Are they asking me to fight on my own?"

"The task is a trial for the lord. They won't let you bring in troops, otherwise, they might as well give you planes and tanks."

"Don't worry, everyone, this isn't a compulsory task. Those who fear danger don't have to participate."

"That's easy for you to say, but if everyone else participates and you don't, the gap between you and others will keep growing. You'd be screwed."