
Chapter 246 Undead Epic Boss — Mutated Death Imp!


"Damn, can't use scouting skills, this sucks!"

Zi Liyuan always felt that the first underground level shouldn't be this simple. At the very least, there should be a Lord Level Boss Undead governing all the undead bosses in this round, right?

But from the first laboratory to the last Patchwork Monster workshop, he hadn't seen a single Lord Boss.

So, with no other choice, he had to resort to the most foolish method and explore this level again.

Having made up his mind, Zi Liyuan didn't hesitate to summon the Skeleton Mage, which hadn't seen action in a long while.

This time, in addition to the necessary Undead Bosses and the previously summoned Vulture Skeletons, Wraith Mages, and Blood Race, he went for a full summoning spree, maximizing the number of creatures his Soul Value could call forth.

The first step was to open his Spatial Backpack and start tossing out corpses.