
Global Frozen: I Built the Safe House

The globe enters an ice age, and an icy apocalypse arrives, killing all 95% of the planet's humans! In his last life, Phoenix Ashby was killed by the people he helped because he was kind-hearted. One month before the end of the ice age, Phoenix Ashby awakens his spatial ability and starts to hoard supplies! Lack of supplies? He directly empties a super mall worth tens of billions of dollars of warehouses! Uncomfortable to live in? He builds a super safe house comparable to a doomsday fortress!

Miller_Jack · Urban
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77 Chs

Chapter 73: Intentional Hannah

Phoenix, in his makeshift stronghold, was abruptly alerted by a knock at the door. A familiar voice followed, "Phoenix, it's Isaac. Are you at home?" Curious, Phoenix peered through the surveillance to find Isaac accompanied by a woman clutching a child. Despite her thick down jacket, Phoenix recognized her as Hannah, the mother with a baby known as Sugar Treasure.


His mind raced with suspicion. Phoenix had a cordial relationship with Isaac but harbored no such warmth towards Hannah. Her presence at his doorstep, especially given his previous life's experiences, made him wary of her intentions.


Without hesitation, Phoenix approached the door, his demeanor cautious. Isaac confirmed his presence, but it was Hannah who interjected with urgency. "Phoenix, our Sugar Treasure is suffering from a high fever. Please, can you help her?" Her voice quivered with desperation.


Phoenix, prepared for such an eventuality, retrieved a box of Acetaminophen Mixed Drops and Little Sunflower Cold and Flu Spirit. He passed them through the door's shooting hole, advising them to tend to the child immediately, emphasizing the severity of illness in these dire times.


Isaac gratefully collected the medicine, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Phoenix, thank you, thank you so much!" But as he turned to leave, Hannah's expression changed. She pleaded with Phoenix, asking if her baby could stay at his place, citing the warmth of his home compared to hers.


Isaac, caught off guard by her request, remained silent. He had not anticipated this development and now found himself in an awkward position. Hannah's eyes, brimming with sorrow, made it even harder for him to voice his thoughts.


Inside, Phoenix analyzed Hannah's request, sensing her underlying strategy. He politely but firmly declined, citing the scarcity of coal and the little difference in warmth his home offered compared to outside. His experience had taught him the dangers of being too accommodating, especially in these perilous times.


Isaac, understanding Phoenix's position, gently advised Hannah to return home, reminding her of the rarity of medicine and Phoenix's generosity. Hannah, tears in her eyes, played the card of a desperate mother, appealing to Phoenix's compassion.


Phoenix, however, remained unmoved. He explained that before the world had changed, he might have agreed to such a request. But now, with everyone in the building eyeing his supplies, he couldn't risk letting strangers in. His refusal was firm yet empathetic, understanding yet cautious.


Isaac nodded in agreement, feeling the awkwardness of the situation but grateful for Phoenix's help. He tried to defuse the situation, persuading Hannah to leave. Reluctantly, she acquiesced, still playing the role of a concerned mother.


Once they had left, Phoenix discussed the encounter with Lydia. He expressed his concerns about Hannah's intentions and the potential impact on his relationship with Isaac. Lydia listened, agreeing that such people were not uncommon in their new world.


Phoenix's wariness of Hannah grew, wary of her coveting his supplies and space. He knew that navigating these relationships would be crucial for their survival. The interaction was a stark reminder of the complexities and moral dilemmas they faced in a world turned upside down by catastrophe.