
Global Cataclysm: Get Level 3 Civilization at the Start

[alarm! Zombies have broken through our country’s defences, please enter the underground shelter as soon as possible! ] [alarm! Countries around the world are falling one after another! ] [In 2065, on December 31, human beings are now extinct. ]

VutukuriHarish · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
120 Chs

Zombie wave is over

Immediately, all the people lying on the forum let out a long sigh of relief!

"Great, there are still three hours to go! Brothers, grit your teeth and hold on!"

"Heaven pays off. I originally thought that it would be better to kill myself than to be eaten by zombies. Now it's fine, I don't have to die!"

"Damn it, isn't this big brother too pessimistic? Anyway, I've been hiding in the sewer for several hours, and I haven't even thought about it!"

"Before our refuge fell, when I escaped, I got lost with my parents. I don't know if they are still alive now."

"My family and I are also lost. Liu Haohao, my mother is in the star shelter. If you are still alive, please contact me in time!"

In the forum of Star Refuge.

The survivors are all rejoicing.

 Some people rushed to initiate a missing person post.

A thriving scene.

This wave of zombies is for all survivors in Donghai City.

It is tantamount to a devastating blow!

But fortunately, there are star shelters at the forefront.

And there are many people, by giving energy cores, to obtain the rescue of star shelters.

That's how most people survived!

At this time, the survivors who were rescued to the star refuge gathered at the temporary settlement.

Anxiously waiting for the time to pass by every minute!

Li Chen looked at the rising energy of evolution and the ever-increasing energy core.

I feel very happy.

This time, there are double evolution energy rewards.

Presumably after the zombie wave is over.

The property panel can be further improved.

It is not impossible to touch the threshold of the third level of evolution!

And this time successfully resisting the tide of zombies, the system will give a big gift package.

The products produced by the system must be high-quality goods!

Li Chen had already begun to look forward to it.

4 o'clock in the morning.

The sky was gray.

The darkness before dawn shrouded the entire Donghai City.

Ho Ho Ho —

The roar of the zombies hovered in the sky.

chug chug!

The fighters of the star shelter fell from the sky.

Hold two AK-103s and stab the zombie's heart!

The hideous looking zombie fell to the ground in an instant!

The periphery of the star refuge at this time.

There is no trace of the zombies.

Among the one hundred ravines.

Keep the gleaming energy core after the zombies are burned out!

The logistics team members had ropes tied around their waists, and they jumped in swiftly.

Without exception, they all carried a basket on their backs.

Just pick it up.

It's just a bunch of energy cores.

The logistics team skillfully threw the energy cores into the basket.

Then run to the next location.

"Quick, pick up the energy core inside!"

"There is still the first battlefield, immediately send a team to clean it!"

"The medical team is ready, when all the energy cores are picked up, go up and spray disinfectant immediately!"

Xu Ruoxi's throat was about to smoke.

But still stick to the front line.

They've been fighting for so long, so it's not too late!

The soldiers of the resident combat group quickly carried out the order.

Teams of fighters set off in trucks.

But this time it's not fighting zombies.

It's to harvest energy cores!

Every energy core is their blood and tears.

Therefore, the search is very detailed, and there will be no mistakes.

At the edge of the sky, a gleam of light lit up.

The sun rises slowly but surely from the east.

Shine on the world, bringing warmth, life and hope.

Donghai City has been reduced to ruins.

There are bombed and destroyed building wreckage everywhere.

Among them are mixed human limbs and broken arms, as well as corpses of zombies.

It looks dejected!


It is among such ruins.

Slowly, one survivor after another came out.

"What a beauty…"

I don't know who it is, stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and stared at the sun stupidly.

Each of them is in rags.

A sleepless night made everyone look very haggard.

But at this moment, their expressions are determined and their eyes are piercing!

The tide of zombies is over!

They survived!

Everyone's eyes were shining with joy.

After the disaster, most people burst into tears in front of the wreckage of the building.

It is both joy and sorrow.

They survived.

But there are more people who died in the night!

[Ding! Congratulations to the commander for successfully leading the star shelter to resist the zombie wave. In this zombie wave, the star shelter hunted and killed 3.87 million second-order zombies. Affected by the double reward, it gained 15.48 million evolutionary energy! ]

[Ding! Congratulations, Commander, for getting a King's Gift Pack! ]

The system notification sounded in Li Chen's ears.

Li Chen leaned back on the chair, enjoying the tranquility.

half an hour.

"Open the king's gift bag!"


[Ding! Congratulations to Commander for obtaining 3 primary star-rated shelters, a primary gene evolution liquid production line, and the opening of a level 1 civilization mall. ]

 Only seen on the holographic screen.

A peach-like mall page appeared.

There are star fighting skills, star gun skills, star medical skills, star language common skills, etc.!

Li Chen's gaze fell on the brief introduction of Star Fighting Technique.

After a while, the whole person became excited!

These are considered cheats and need to be exchanged for energy cores.

You only need to use it directly, and you will be as familiar with it as those who have practiced for many years!

Li Chen immediately exchanged the star fighting skills.

[Ding! 30,000 energy cores have been used, and star fighting skills have been obtained. ]

[use or not? ]

Li Chen clicked yes.

Almost instantly.

Li Chen's muscles began to convulse.

A lot of information was poured into my mind!

After receiving it in place for a few minutes.

Li Chen opened his eyes again and raised his eyebrows slightly.

A cold light shot out from the eyes!

"Unexpectedly, even muscle memory can be instilled!"

Li Chen tried to shake his fist.

You don't even need to call memory specifically.

They can swing a straight uppercut in the most standard posture!

Li Chen read some other cheat books.

But I haven't figured out what to exchange for the time being, so I closed the page.

Immediately afterwards.

Li Chen looked at other rewards.

3 primary star shelters!

It means that just like the current star shelter, it has three.

If you put everything down.

It can accommodate 300,000 more residents!

At the same time, the android warrior can also double!

It is equivalent to Li Chen directly expanding the star shelter by three times without any effort!

Look at the primary gene evolution liquid production line.

This is a line that cannot be redeemed.

The genetic evolution liquid produced is even more superb!

So describe it.

If it is an ordinary person, then it is necessary to find the opportunity to open the first genetic lock in the brink of countless times of life and death.

This premise has to be the energy attribute in the body, which has reached the standard of evolution!

The genetic evolution fluid can be understood as a key to unlock the genetic lock.