
Global Cataclysm: Get Level 3 Civilization at the Start

[alarm! Zombies have broken through our country’s defences, please enter the underground shelter as soon as possible! ] [alarm! Countries around the world are falling one after another! ] [In 2065, on December 31, human beings are now extinct. ]

VutukuriHarish · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
120 Chs


Doesn't the Star Refuge just want the energy core?

Cheng Fei was thinking about how many energy cores he could take out in exchange for such a stunner.

Li Chen narrowed his eyes, there was only bottomless darkness in them.

"Mr. Cheng, do business when you're in business, and don't worry about things you shouldn't."

Li Chen said meaningfully.

These words made Cheng Fei suddenly wake up from the state of lard.

Cold sweat on the back!

He immediately replied with a smile on his face: "Yes, yes, I think too much!"

Waited in the chamber for a while.

The guards came over carrying supplies.

Weapons, armoured vehicles, bullets.

Everything was placed in front of Cheng Fei.

Cheng Fei took a closer look and said in surprise, "Mr. Li, I don't seem to have exchanged so many weapons, right? Did you make a mistake?"

Cheng Fei remembered that he only asked for 300 AK-103s.

But this weapon box is too much.

Roughly counting, there are at least a thousand!

Li Chen would never give it to himself so kindly.

Do you still need to collect energy cores?

Facing Cheng Fei's suspicious eyes.

Li Chen smiled slightly.

Raise your hand.

Ka Ka Ka—

All members of the guard raised their guns.

Aim at the group headed by Cheng Fei.

All it takes is an order from Li Chen to immediately beat Cheng Fei into a sieve!

Cheng Fei did not expect such an accident.

Raising his hands tremblingly, he asked, "Mr. Li, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? No eyes?"

"I officially announce that the Lila Vault has been taken over by the Star Vault!"

Li Chen smiled slightly.


The worst is coming!

Cheng Fei was so frightened that his whole body froze and he held his breath.

A second ago, he was thinking about how to get Xu Ruoxi over.

Suddenly, my mind went blank!

"Mr. Li, how can you do this?"

"I'm also doing business with the Star Refuge properly."

Cheng Fei said in a low voice, his face was full of horror.

However, Li Chen didn't care so much.

Order directly over the radio: "Follow the plan!"


The voices of the soldiers full of enthusiasm came from the radio!

Cheng Fei was escorted to the meeting hall.

Guarded by Xu Ruoxi and others.

The rest of the fighters began to implement the plan one after another.

After one night.

Li Chen has figured out who Cheng Fei's cronies are.

The soldiers knocked on the doors of those people one by one.



A bullet went down, and it was dealt with neatly.

Let them have no chance to beg for mercy!

Some of Cheng Fei's confidantes even just woke up and still don't understand what happened.

They have closed their eyes forever!

"The search for Area A is complete!"

"The search for area B is complete!"

"The search of Area C is complete!"

Answers from various teams came over the radio.

Cheng Fei sat on the chair with his eyes closed.

At this moment, he could only keep praying, hoping that the barber who had always been at odds with him would be smarter.

Bring someone over to save him!


Ten minutes later.

Cheng Fei's hope was shattered!

Because the barber was dragged directly to the meeting hall by the soldiers of the guards like a dead dog.


The soldier threw the unconscious barber directly on the ground.

"Report to the commander, we found the Lila Refuge, there are three large mines!"

"In various places, human beings wearing handcuffs and being slaves were found!"

The soldiers put their legs together and reported.

The voice fell.

Li Chen glanced at Cheng Fei, exuding a murderous aura all over his body

Cheng Fei felt cold, everything was cold.

From the soles of the feet to the thighs, from the fingers to the shoulder blades, from the tip of the nose to the chest.

He opened his mouth, trying to quibble.

But unexpectedly, the soldiers of the star refuge not only solved Cheng Fei's cronies.

And let all these slaves out!

There are old people, women, and children in it.

Quite a few have been tortured until they are skinny.

Barely left with one breath to live!

These people who were regarded as slaves were all brought to the meeting hall at this time.

They were shivering and whispering in their mouths.

"don't want…"


"Let me die, let me die."

Many people were detained for a relatively long time.

I saw the people around me being dragged out one by one.

Mentally already a little abnormal!

They shrank their necks and looked at everything in front of them timidly.

When they saw Cheng Fei being pushed to sit on a chair.

When there were still two guns on his forehead.

All expressions froze.

"Cheng Fei, what else can you argue with now?"

Li Chen walked slowly behind Cheng Fei.

The voice is soft and slow.

Like the whisper of a demon!

Cheng Fei shivered.

He pursed his lips, but couldn't say a word!

Xu Ruoxi looked at these old and weak with distress, and said: "Everyone, don't be afraid, we are people from the star Refuge."

"After learning about the evil deeds of Cheng Fei, the person in charge of the Lila Refuge, I came here to deal with these demons!"

"You are saved!"

Xu Ruoxi's voice fell.

The eyes of the slaves instantly burst into the light of hope.

Among these people, one of the few middle-aged men said loudly: "Good! Good kill!"

"Cheng Fei, a thief, give back my family's life!"

"Today I will fight with you!"

for a while.

The eyes of these men were red.

He was staring at Li Chen viciously.

It's a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred!

Li Chen saw that these people were more sober than others.

So let them come up and talk about Cheng Fei's crimes.

Hearing Li Chen's words, the men hesitated.

Not daring to move.

Only one of them, a man whose head was shaved like a dog, stood up.

He looks around.

He said loudly, "Mr. Li, I would like to believe you!"

"My name is Li Tiezhu, and I'm a gardener at the resort before Doomsday!"

"After the apocalypse comes, the high-level officials of the resort will use this as a base to organize everyone to resist the zombies!"

Li Tiezhu's family, young and old, all live in the resort.

Naturally, they all followed Cheng Fei.

Li Tiezhu, who is strong and strong, has also become one of Cheng Fei's confidantes.


As the end of time gets longer.

Food in the Rila shelter is running low.

In the beginning, Cheng Fei would organize people to go out to search for food.

The people in Kelila Sanctuary have no weapons, and neither have enough food or clothing.

How can you have the strength to fight zombies?

They didn't get much food but lost a lot of people.

At this time, Cheng Fei had a meeting.

It probably means that instead of sending people out to be food for zombies, it is better not to go out.

Just in the Lila Refuge, several mines were discovered.

It's all iron ore.

Required for crafting weapons.

What Cheng Fei meant was to ask some of the people in the Lila Refuge to catch them and dig mines.

Then exchange food with other shelters!

Although Li Tiezhu did a lot of evil things to survive after the end of the world.

But it is still unacceptable to use humans as animals.

So he refuted it on the spot.

Those who dare to oppose Cheng Fei will certainly not end well.

Because of Li Tiezhu's opposition, all four members of his family were locked up as slaves!