
Global Cataclysm: Get Level 3 Civilization at the Start

[alarm! Zombies have broken through our country’s defences, please enter the underground shelter as soon as possible! ] [alarm! Countries around the world are falling one after another! ] [In 2065, on December 31, human beings are now extinct. ]

VutukuriHarish · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
120 Chs


Before that, Li Chen considered the convenience of transportation.

No weapons of mass destruction were transported to the Rila shelter.

So much so that it was attacked this time.

The people in the Lila shelter are carrying rifles.

Very passive!

At this time, countless fighters from the patrol team of the Lila Refuge had lost their lives.

The rest of the people are also in a panic.

Seeing Li Chen, they were so excited that they almost jumped out!

Some residents of the Lila shelter burst into tears.

"Saved! We're saved!"

"Brothers, hurry up, increase your firepower, and cover the fighters in the star shelter to get off the plane!"

"Come on! Avenge my family!"

The patrol team at the Lila Refuge felt as if they had been beaten to death.

Crazy shoot at the enemy!

Li Chen glanced at it, then made a gesture.

Da da da-

All I saw was that on the transport plane, teams of android warriors were walking in uniform steps.

Walk down slowly!

Each of them wields a lightsaber and wears a powered exoskeleton.

Like an army of skeletons crawling out of hell.

His expression was indifferent, and his whole body exuded a murderous aura!

The android warrior just got off the plane.

Everyone present was frightened!

"All have orders."


Li Chen's cold voice came.




Hundreds of android warriors roared in unison.

The lightsabers in their hands waved one after another!

Only the crackling sound was heard.

Rays of light streaked across the air.

Immediately afterwards, all the soldiers rose into the air.

Then the powered exoskeleton, directly past the patrol in the Lila shelter.

Falling from the sky, it lands on the side of the enemy.


The situation on the battlefield fell instantly.

The android warrior turned into the Grim Reaper.

And the lightsaber in his hand is a harvester.

Wherever you go, leave a trail of blood!

"Quick! Run!"

"What is this!"

"Help! I don't want to die yet!"

People in the refuge of the past are like stray dogs.

Just seeing the attack speed of the android fighters makes the liver and gallbladder tear apart.

Let alone the courage to fight.

Conversely, look at the people in Lila Sanctuary.

After seeing the android warriors displaying their supernatural power, they all followed behind and charged.


"Kill them all!"

The people in the Lila shelter yelled loudly.

One by one frantically rushing towards the defence.

One after another, people from the Future Refuge are buried here.


Finally, the high-level officials in charge of commanding the battle at Qiancheng Refuge couldn't take it anymore.

Pulled the bomb.

Intense flames erupted from the crowd!

almost instantly.

All the people around were blown away by the powerful firepower.

The flesh and blood instantly turned into powder, and the stumps scattered in all directions, floating into the sky.

Many fighters from Qiancheng Sanctuary are among them!

After ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

The figure of the robot warrior reappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone is unscathed!

The lightsaber in his hand is still bright!

"Long live the star shelter!"

"Long live the commander!"

All the residents of Lila Refuge cheered!

This wave of self-exposure by the senior management of Qianchen Refuge did not cause any damage to the robot warriors.

Instead, he blew up his people.

all of a sudden.

The crowd in Qianchen Sanctuary has no leader.

Soon to be beheaded by angry Lila Vault residents!

"Chen, go! We are not the opponents of the Star Refuge!"

only see.

In the corner of the battlefield.

A group of people are sneaking and trying to escape.

Zhao Chen, who is the leader, is the person in charge of the Qianchen Sanctuary!

Before the end, he was just a small private teacher.

I work hard every day to earn that little money.

Wait for the end to come.

Because I am physically strong, and I know many students and coaches who also like fitness.

So quickly organized a team.

At first, they used the gym as their base.

Uninterruptedly hunt zombies and collect supplies.

Later, after knowing that the energy core can be absorbed.

The people in the Qianchen Sanctuary have undergone the first genetic evolution one after another!

Due to the strong value of force.

Many people around came to join him.

Gradually form a refuge.

Of course, compared to the scale of the Lila Refuge, it is still relatively small.

The combat effectiveness of the Lila Refuge before was very rubbish.

It is because of the lack of supplies that no one is interested in attacking.

This time Zhao Chen received the news.

It is said that the Lila shelter has changed, and there are a lot of supplies hidden in it.

And the one who carries the news.

Zhao Chen was also provided with weapons.

Immediately, Zhao Chen's heart skipped a beat.

Then they took all the personnel from the Qianchen Refuge and attacked the Lila Refuge collectively.

before that.

Zhao Chen never thought that they would fail.

With the combat power of Lila Sanctuary, failure?


Until the arrival of the fighters from the Star Sanctuary.

Zhao Chen suddenly realized that he was being used as a sabre!

"What kind of monsters are these?"

Zhao Chen took one last look at the android warriors who were still fighting on the battlefield.

Gritting teeth.

Those battle suits that looked like skeletons directly made Zhao Chen classify them as non-human!

"There is a dog hole here, Hurry up, Ah Chen."

The person in charge of guarding Zhao Chen's eyes lit up.

Hastily pulled Zhao Chen, and was about to stuff it into the dog hole.

Just then.

Two figures blocked their way.

"Where are you going?"

Li Chen stood on the other side of the dog hole with a half-smile, his eyes were like hockey pucks, shooting a cold light.

Zhao Chen only felt that his mind was empty.

Can't say anything!

Instead, it was the person next to Zhao Chen.

He quickly raised his pistol, wanting to kill Li Chen.

After all, only Li Chen has discovered them so far.

Just get rid of Li Chen.

They can run away quietly!


Gunshots rang out.

It was not Li Chen who fell, but the person who was about to shoot.

He fell beside Zhao Chen, patches of dark red blood were slowly soaking his clothes.

"Old Mo! What's wrong with you, Old Mo!"

Zhao Chen was scared back to his wits by the gunshots.

Holding on to the shoulders of the people on the ground, my heart felt like being filed back and forth with a sharp file.

If he is not greedy.

If he hadn't attacked Lila Sanctuary.

Is it that none of this will happen?

So many gym brothers lost their lives here.

Even Lao Mo...

"Quick, run..."

Lao Mo struggled and uttered the last sentence.

Then close your eyes forever!

Zhao Chen looked at Lao Mo's body in a daze, and burst into tears!

If you change to someone else.

I'm afraid my heart has softened by now.

The true love in the world!

But Li Chen is not someone else.

"Look, our stupid leader killed his brother."

Li Chen pulled the corner of his mouth and showed a cold smile.

He doesn't care who Zhao Chen has a deep relationship with.

As long as it is trying to challenge the status of the star refuge.

One counts as one and all of them must die!

Zhao Chen knew that he was powerless at this time.

Closing his eyes, he muttered to himself as if discouraged: "Shoot."