
Global Cataclysm: Get Level 3 Civilization at the Start

[alarm! Zombies have broken through our country’s defences, please enter the underground shelter as soon as possible! ] [alarm! Countries around the world are falling one after another! ] [In 2065, on December 31, human beings are now extinct. ]

VutukuriHarish · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
120 Chs

Recruiting new residents

"Tell me something."

Li Chen's eyes fell on the manager.

"Since our notice was sent out, shelters, large and small, have contacted me, wanting to take everyone to join us without applying."

"Can the commander agree to this situation?"

management asked.

Compared to receiving survivors one by one.

This kind of situation where the entire shelter joins together is obviously more troublesome.

Li Chen didn't answer immediately, but looked at the others: "What do you think?"

The other managers present looked at each other.

I feel something is wrong.

"Report to Commander, I don't think so!"

"First, if everyone in those shelters is really exempted from applying, the quality of the recruits cannot be guaranteed."

"Second, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. People who come in the entire shelter will form cliques. At that time, there will be a scattered situation! It will make it difficult to execute many orders, and it will also make our star shelter Miasma."

Xu Ruoxi stood up and opposed.

The entire refuge joined in, and those people would still obey the orders of the original person in charge of the refuge.

Power will be dispersed.

Moreover, there are various gangs in the refuge, which will affect the stability of the face.

Today you frame me, tomorrow I frame you.

In order to let their power have a greater say.

It made the entire star refuge smoky!

If you want stable and sustainable development, only Yiyantang is the most suitable.

"Well, you're right."

"First of all, we won't be able to open this opening without applying. Not all cats and dogs can enter the star shelter."

"Secondly, the purpose of our star refuge is to preserve the human fire and fight against zombies. Therefore, everyone should not engage in those who have nothing, and there is no need to accept the entire refuge!"

"You must pay attention when reviewing."

Immediately afterwards.

Li Yuchen's eyes fell on the manager.


Management nodded.

"Okay, if there are no other questions, everyone can start working now."

Li Chen nodded and walked out.

At this time, outside the star shelter.

As the platform rises.

With the management team, he appeared in front of many survivors.


The survivors' eyes lit up and they stood up one after another.

After dealing with the star refuge these days.

Everyone knows that he is the second-in-command in the star shelter, second only to Li Chen.

The appearance of represents that the recruitment of residents has officially begun.

The survivors who had waited for a long time rushed forward one after another.

"Keep quiet!"

"Those who submit the application, line up here."

He said with a serious face.

This moment.


There are more than a hundred android warriors standing.

All are fully armed!

Full of shock!

The survivors heard the words.

They lined up in ten rows according to the instructions.

The members of the management team stood at the front, turned on the smart bracelet, held the scanner, and started working.

"Hey, what are you doing, jumping in line, right?"

An android warrior with a gun pointed at the forehead of a survivor.

You're welcome.

"What are you talking about over there! Those who don't obey the discipline will either leave by themselves, or they will sleep here forever!"

"Why don't you line up and gather at the door!"

The android warriors are constantly maintaining order.

Some originally planned to make trouble.

In front of the black muzzle of the gun, he could only obey obediently.

Although the scene is no longer chaotic.

But there are still a lot of people poking around.

These are the eyes and ears sent by various shelters!

They lower their voices, almost whispering, to communicate.

And he raised his head vigilantly from time to time, for fear of being heard.

Yet they don't know it at all.

Everyone's words and deeds are all exposed to the surveillance outside the star shelter!

Noah's powerful analytical and computing capabilities.

Classification is being carried out according to everyone's words and deeds.

When the management and others scan the face of the survivor with a scanner.

Not only personal information will pop up.

On the management smart bracelet, the person's background, personality, etc. will also appear.

Relying on this, people with ulterior motives are screened out.

The management team acted quickly.

Coupled with the deterrence of artificial human warriors.

Registration went very smoothly!

But after a while, people who have passed the application are already standing in line.

They all have one thing in common.

Most of them look like they have been hungry for many days.

A small number of strong young men are also dressed in rags.

At a glance, it was obvious that they were all scattered survivors, or the lowest level in some shelters.

Survive in the apocalypse.

It's good enough to have a full meal.

How can we pursue the glamorous clothes before the doomsday!

"The logistics team distributes food to registered new residents."

Management speaks.

The staff of the logistics team immediately came up, carrying boxes of biscuits and instant noodles.

Issued to registered new residents one by one.

Next to them are several boxes of mineral water.

You can drink anytime if you are thirsty.

"Woooooo so happy! It's worthy of being a star refuge."

"I've been hungry for three days, and I can finally have a full meal!"

"The eternal **** of the star refuge! You haven't entered yet, and there's so much to eat."

One gets food.

The new residents couldn't wait to eat it.

Many scattered people survived this wave of zombies, and the hoarded resources were not enough.

I was hungry for two days!

The restaurant nodded while observing the eating behavior of the new residents.

Well, it doesn't seem like some Vault's eyes and ears have gotten in the way.

After all, those people who were sent out as eyes and ears were all cronies of the refuge.

Even if you almost eat, you can at least fill your stomach.

When eating dry food like biscuits.

It's not like eating as much as a new resident!

With the smooth progress of the registration work, a large number of people have been sent to the star refuge.

Seeing the line getting shorter and shorter.

Those who did not pass suddenly became anxious.

"Could it be that the quota is already full! I came here before dawn, and I've been queuing all morning."

"Look, some people have already entered the refuge. I don't know how many people have passed this time, and whether there are still places!"

"Damn it, I would have jumped in secretly if I had known about it. If there was no quota, wouldn't I still be wandering outside?"

Many people who have not been in the queue have complained.

The days of eating and sleeping in the open air are really uncomfortable.

It's not that these loose survivors don't want to join other shelters.

But people have been unpredictable since the end of the day.

They know that they are not the cronies of those shelters, even if they go in, they are the lowest level of coolies.

When the time comes to hunt zombies, you have to stand at the front as cannon fodder, and the hardest, dirtiest and tiring work in the shelter will also fall on them.

Instead of this, it is better to wander outside and hide in the plateau.

That way at least you can get enough to eat.