
Global Cataclysm: Get Level 3 Civilization at the Start

[alarm! Zombies have broken through our country’s defences, please enter the underground shelter as soon as possible! ] [alarm! Countries around the world are falling one after another! ] [In 2065, on December 31, human beings are now extinct. ]

VutukuriHarish · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
120 Chs

moral kidnapping

Start with Yang Chengyi.

These old foxes in the villa group complimented Li Chen one after another.

A small part is really grateful to Li Chen.

More is to subconsciously establish a good relationship after seeing the power of the star shelter!

Li Chen listened to these compliments without blinking his eyes.

He said directly: "Don't make me so good, I didn't save you for free."

"Remember to hand in the energy core."

As soon as I heard this sentence.

Everyone's expressions froze!

Especially Yang Chengyi, who looked at the IOU in his hand distressedly.

One wave of zombies owed 200,000 energy cores.

I still don't know how long I will work for Li Chen for nothing!

If I could share half of this with myself...

 Thinking of this, Yang Chengyi's eyes flashed, and he finally sighed.

If it was someone else, he would dare to renege on it.

But this is a star refuge, it's Li Chen!

Yang Chengyi has seen Li Chen's methods before.

It can be described as vigorous and resolute.

As long as he dares to default on the arrears, he may be separated tomorrow!

And now Donghai City is as big as weapons and as small as food.

Almost all have to be exchanged with star shelters.

Li Chen unknowingly controlled the lifeblood of the entire Donghai City!

If someone dares to owe a debt and not pay it back.

There is no need for Li Chen to make a move.

In order to sell well, other shelters will not spare him easily!

Who can be the person in charge of the shelter without two brushes?

Hearing Li Chen's words, they promised to return the energy core on time.

But there are always some ignorant ones.

Only a few casual survivors were heard, and they began to complain.

"1,000 energy cores for one person is really too much. There are six people on my side, so I need 6,000 energy cores. Where can I get them!"

"Yes, yes, and the Star Refuge didn't do anything, it just sent a helicopter to take us away!"

"It's not that I don't want to give it, it's just that 1000 is too much, and I can't kill it!"

Li Chen's eyes fell on the group of people.

A bloodthirsty smile bloomed on his face: "If you don't want to give energy cores, you know what to do?"


Management walked out immediately.

He took out the gun at his waist and raised it slowly.

Just then.

An old voice sounded.

"Everyone, don't you think that you have to give too many energy cores?"

"Mr. Li gave us a big deal this time! Others have no way to enter the star shelter, but we only need to pay a little energy core!"

The old man said with a smile.

His face was sallow and wrinkled.

Like the bark of a big-leaved oak tree, it is full of ditches and ridges.

The other casual survivors looked at each other.

Found new ideas!

"It's really like this! 1000 energy cores are not expensive at all, even cheap!"

"Let's not talk about it, I happen to have enough energy cores in my hand right now, so I'll hand it in right away!"

 "It's better to be Mr. Li. Others are crying and begging, but they don't have this chance!"

The casual survivor who was still complaining just now.

At this time, they all said with a smile.

The action of handing over the energy core is very active.

The corners of Li Chen's lips curled up, exuding a murderous aura all over his body.

His eyes fell on the old man who was speaking.

He has a little impression of this person.

It's called Jin Yaowen.

When he went to the rescue before, many zombies surrounded his hiding place.

One of the zombies broke through the window.

Li Chen saw it with his own eyes.

In order to survive, Jin Yaowen threw his grandson into the mouth of a zombie!

But after all, what Jin Yaowen threw away was not Li Chen's family.

So just close your eyes.

"Now that the tide of zombies is over, you'd better leave by yourself!"

"What kind of person I am, I don't need to go into details. Since I can save you, I can also kill you!"

Li Chen's eyes were like a gust of cold wind, and everyone felt cold in their hearts.

Jin Yaowen looked at the people around him.

He said with a dry smile, "Mr. Li, how can you say that?"

"You said in the live broadcast that 1000 energy cores will save us to the star shelter."

"If it wasn't for living in a star shelter, who would be willing to pay this price?"

"You can't go back on your word!"

Jin Yaowen kept his posture very low.

But the words are all sophistry!

These words made the rest of the survivors suddenly realize.


At the beginning, Li Chen didn't make it clear that these 1000 energy cores were just saving people or receiving people.

Now bring them to the star shelter.

Do you still want them to go?

have to say.

After many scattered survivors came to the star shelter, they all had the idea of ​​staying here.

In such a short ten hours, they saw the hot soup and noodles in the star shelter.

There are also the good living environment of the residents of the star shelter!

 Just looking at it makes them feel jealous and envious.

There is no doubt that Jin Yaowen's words let everyone see the train of thought.

It was Li Chen who didn't make it clear.

Most people think so.

Li Chen stayed in the star shelter in a shameless manner, and Li Chen had nothing to do with them.

"You guys are going too far!"

"Li Chen saved you all, but now you are putting your face down and trying to blackmail him!"

Yang Wei said indignantly.

Never have I seen such an ugly face!

Although he also wants to live in the star shelter.

Don't use such despicable means!

"Oh, young man, you don't understand anything!" Jin Yaowen squinted his eyes and said, "Almost all the survivors in Donghai City were in the live broadcast room and heard them all!"

"As the commander of the Star Refuge, Mr. Li can't go back on his word, can he?"

"If we don't stay in the star refuge, wouldn't we be sorry for Mr. Li's kindness!"

Following Jin Yaowen's words, many scattered survivors nodded in agreement.

"That's right, Mr. Li said it himself, a real man nails it with his saliva!"

"The resources of the star refuge are already so rich, isn't it just a matter of adding a few pairs of tableware. Besides, we are not waste. Since we have joined the star refuge, we will work hard to earn points. Mr. Li raised it for nothing."

"I don't care, I'm going to live here anyway. The big deal is my life!"

The survivors of the scattered people played rogue one after another.

They just think so.

Li Chen has already spent resources to save them.

The 1000 energy cores have not been received yet.

Li Chen would never dare to do anything to them lightly!

When Li Chen was broadcasting live.

Given are two choices.

The first one is to apply through the residents of the star shelter, and become a resident, you can get free rescue.

At that time everyone has already tried to apply.

But they didn't meet the conditions of the star shelter at all.

Otherwise, there is no need to wait for the zombie wave to come.

Before that, they had already joined the star shelter!