
Global Cataclysm: Get Level 3 Civilization at the Start

[alarm! Zombies have broken through our country’s defences, please enter the underground shelter as soon as possible! ] [alarm! Countries around the world are falling one after another! ] [In 2065, on December 31, human beings are now extinct. ]

VutukuriHarish · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
120 Chs


There are still five minutes until the battle begins.

The outside is already tense.

And Li Chen who was denounced.

At this moment, he is sitting at a luxurious dining table with king crab and caviar on the table.

Li Chen rinsed his mouth with red wine.

Only slowly enjoying the food.

If this scene was seen by the siege team outside.

I'm afraid it will cause a bloodbath!

"Commander, you don't seem to be worried at all?"

Jiang Tiancai stood beside Li Chen.

Said tremblingly.

He is here to report the progress of the primary gene essence injection.

Just in time for Li Chen to eat.

He stood aside and waited.

Li Chen took a bite of the caviar.

Wipe the corners of his mouth with a white handkerchief.

A bloodthirsty smile bloomed on his face: "Worried?"

"Just a bunch of rabble."

Just this little man, this little weapon.

If it can knock down the star refuge.

Then he doesn't have to be a commander anymore!

Others may not be clear but as the commander of the star shelter.

Li Chen understood very well.

Today, the technology of the entire Star Shelter is 30 years ahead of the end!

It's just that Li Chen kept a low profile before.

In every battle, only a small amount of troops were dispatched.

It will make these mobs mistakenly think that the star refuge is nothing more than that.

Looks like it's time to flex your muscles.

Let those who dare to underestimate the star shelter see how powerful it is.

Jiang Tiancai thought of the fighter jets dispatched in groups outside.

As well as the **** team and the combat group directly under it.

Can't help swallowing saliva.


Compared with the fighters in the star refuge.

The siege team outside was like a five-year-old boy facing a strong man.

There is no power to fight back!

Jiang Tiancai began to sympathize with the encirclement and suppression team.

Be greedy towards anyone, but not Li Chen!

With Li Chen's strength, he was willing to sit at the table with the major shelters in Donghai City and make good deals.

They are already great gifts.

Inhuman experiments?


Li Chen didn't need to do it at all!

If Li Chen wanted to, the entire Donghai City could be included in the scope of the star refuge.

Jiang Tiancai guessed.

The reason why Li Chen didn't do that.

It's just that it's troublesome to raise too many people.

After all, the star refuge has always followed the route of elite soldiers.

"Okay, I have my arrangements for things outside."

"Primary Gene Essence, how much has been injected now?"

Li Chen asked slowly.

After the primary gene essence is produced, it is sent directly to the medical team.

Professionals from the medical team came to inject the soldiers.

After all, no matter what, there will be certain side effects.

This is to prevent some fighters from having special physiques.

Rejection of gene essence.

This allows the medical team to respond quickly.

"12,022 doses have been injected, and a total of 6,000 soldiers have received injections, and there is no rejection reaction for the time being."

"The plan is to inject 1,000 fighters this evening."

Jiang Tian replied.

According to the plan.

After everyone in the guard has evolved to the first level.

The primary genetic evolution fluid will be distributed as a reward.

It can also be exchanged for energy cores.

Because the effect of the primary gene essence is unlimited.

Even if the genes have evolved to the first level.

Continuing to inject the gene essence can also increase the strength of the gene!

It's just that the original 10% has been reduced to 3%.

Want to become stronger?

Then exchange it with points and energy cores!

"Currently, some residents have opened the exchange authority for the primary genetic evolution fluid, and 20 residents have exchanged it temporarily."

Jiang Tian continued.

The current residents of the star refuge haven't realized the importance of the gene essence.

After the guards are all popularized.

They will find out naturally!

But when the time comes, if you want to get one, you have to rely on robbing.

Li Chen nodded in satisfaction.

He beckoned Jiang Tian to sit down.

Then turn on the holographic screen.

Appreciate the battle outside the shelter!

At this time, there is only one minute before the war begins.

The facilities on the ground of the star shelter.

All have been moved below.

The platform rises slowly and is level with the ground.

Thirty thousand soldiers.

It stood neatly and straight in the open space.

The wind whistled.

Blowing an unknown smell of blood into the nostrils of everyone present.

"All non-combat units, all retreat!"

"In one minute, there will be an indiscriminate strike!"

In the speakers outside the star shelter.

There was a sound.

There were indeed many people who came to watch the scene.

As soon as I heard the shout from the loudspeaker in the star shelter.

Don't forget to leave.

Just a joke, is it important to watch the excitement?

However, there are still some unbelievers.

Standing at the market on the other side of the river.

Stretching his neck, he poked his head over there.

This kind of person is surprisingly consistent with Zhou Qi's thinking.

They all felt that the Star Refuge would not deploy weapons of mass destruction, otherwise wouldn't the Star Refuge also suffer?

After shouting three times with the horn.

In the siege team.

Some people left quietly.

After they saw the armed force of the star shelter with their own eyes.

He has no confidence in being able to knock down the star shelter.

That being the case, why stay as cannon fodder?

Even if Li Chen conducts non-human experiments, it has nothing to do with them!


The encirclement and suppression team was reduced by half.

As time approaches.

Everyone present was strangely quiet.

There was only the sound of a nervous heartbeat and even breathing, which was extremely clear in the quiet and treacherous atmosphere.





As soon as the countdown in the horn ends.

Only a deafening sound was heard.

It's a fighter!

The fighter jet, which has always been regarded as a mascot, turned out to be the first to be dispatched.

Drop a cannonball directly at the place where the crowd is densest!

The moment the shell fell.

The person at the centre evaporates instantly.

Not even the bones were left.

Within ten meters around, there were countless casualties!

"Brothers! Go!"

"What Li Chen did is beyond the law of heaven!"

Zhou Qi, the leader, shouted.

Immediately, the people from Dongcheng Refuge and Shangri Refuge.

Immediately start to move!

What about fighter jets?

Just get close to the road troops.

They didn't believe that the people in the star refuge could be so cruel that they even bombed their people!


The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

The encirclement and suppression force led by them was not even close to the high-voltage power grid.

The illusion was shattered by an electromagnetic gun fired by the guards!

Unlike bullets.

Being hit on the arms and thighs, as long as the treatment is timely, will not be fatal.

But as long as you are hit by an electromagnetic cannon, you will die!

The most terrifying thing is.

The human body is still conductive.

The arc can directly penetrate a large number of people, causing a chain reaction!

Just had a face-to-face.

A large part of the encirclement and suppression team has fallen.

Most of them are people from Shangri Refuge!

Zhou Qi stared angrily, her face turned pale with anger, and her breathing became heavy.