
Global Beast Taming My Battle Pet is Double of Others (Beast Taming)

“Ding, Tempest War Eagle had leveled up. Its blood hereditary had been activated and evolved into Dark flame Phoenix!” “Ding! Black tortoise level synchronization completed, current level: Immortal rank!” Qi revived, ferocious beasts were rampant, and humans lost half of their population instantly. The beast tamers emerged right on the verge of humanity’s extinction, allowing them to survive. Today, this was a world full of beast tamers. Su Bai had traveled through time and space to this world, awakening his talent in making the dual contract so that he could possess twice as many battle pets as others! With his hot-blooded personality, Su Bai would eventually become the eternal legend of this world

Zero_D_Darkness · Others
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130 Chs

Chapter 69

Although it is the fifth ring, ordinary vehicles can only run on the ground, which makes Su Bai a little regretful. He still wants to feel what a floating car feels like.

The driver is a talkative person. He looked at Su Bai and asked curiously, "Little brother, are you a member of the Wild Hunt Group?"

Su Bai nodded and said, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Just curious, because you are too young, and I haven't seen you in the fifth ring." The driver explained, "I have driven here for half my life, and basically everyone in the fifth ring has seen it."

"It hasn't been long since I joined." Su Bai said casually.

After speaking, Su Bai stopped talking, staring at the scene outside the window in a daze.

Although the fifth ring is the outermost part of the central area, it has undergone earth-shaking changes from the sixth ring.

Although he couldn't see the pet, but just by observation, Su Bai still found a small number of silver beastmasters, with a few followers around him.

"Is the silver beastmaster so rich, he always brings his followers when he goes out." Su Bai said curiously.

The driver's expression was full of envy, and he took over the words, "Of course, the silver-level beastmaster does the easiest job, holds the highest salary, and it's not easy to hire a few servants."

Su Bai suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. The silver-level beastmasters he knew were all members of the 13th Wilderness Hunting Regiment, and they were a group of men fighting at the forefront.

Rude, without image, see cheap run faster than anyone else.

It is completely different from these silver-colored beastmasters with arrogant faces and luxurious clothes.

The driver seemed to see Su Bai's doubts and said, "Sir, you are a member of the Federal Wilderness Hunting Group, and you have little time in the city, so you feel strange."

"Because your comrades in arms are all good, they gave up the favorable conditions, chose to join the famine hunting group, and constantly fought against beasts, so that we civilians can live a stable life."

"However, there are also some people who choose comfort. This is normal. I can't even get this kind of comfort if I want to."

The driver was overwhelmed with emotion, and said with some regret, "For example, if I can reach the intermediate bronze level, it is already the limit."

"However, in this central area, the streets are full of bronze grades. If you want to have a good job, there is too much competition."

"I've worked for half my life, old man, and I haven't been able to settle in the fifth ring."

Arrived at the destination, the driver said nothing.

"This time, without a beastmaster like you fighting on the front line, there is no way for us civilians to survive."

After speaking, the driver just kicked the accelerator and slipped away, making Su Bai unable to smile bitterly.

Su Bai didn't care either, looked at the name of the community, made sure that he was not wrong, and walked inside.

A figure rushed in front of Su Bai and said loudly, "Stop, who is it?"

Su Bai was a little puzzled, didn't Yu Nan say that the team uniform is easy to use, why did it fail after entering the fifth ring.

"I'm here to find someone." Su Bai said, seeing the figure just now, it was a middle-aged man in a security uniform.

Su Bai is a little strange. Shouldn't soldiers be in charge of guarding the family community of the Federal Wilderness Hunting Corps?

In fact, this is also because Su Bai has no experience. When the beast tide occurs, all soldiers must participate in the battle, including the duty personnel at the gate of the family's community.

This middle-aged man was transferred from an ordinary community, which is commonly known as a temporary worker.

"I think you want to go in and steal something." The middle-aged man pointed at Su Bai and said, "How dare you pretend to be a member of the hunting group, I think you are impatient!"

Su Bai didn't want to entangle with this person, and said again, "I'm here to find someone."

The security guard next to him tugged at the middle-aged man and said, "This uniform is the real thing, and the fake one doesn't have such working materials."

The middle-aged man held his neck, his face flushed, and said, "Are you teaching me to do things?"

"You are really hopeless." Another security guard scolded, then looked at Su Bai, and said apologetically, "Sir, he is drunk, don't know him in the same way, who are you looking for, I'll take you there."

"Lin Guang, what do you mean, you are dereliction of duty, do you know that!" The middle-aged man stopped at the entrance and said loudly, "This person's origin is unknown, and he cannot be let in."

A smell of alcohol came to his face, making Su Bai almost vomit.

Su Bai couldn't help being a little annoyed, and said angrily, "I'll say it for the last time, I'm here to find someone."

"How dare you talk back." The middle-aged man seemed to be greatly insulted when he heard the question, "I said you were a fake, you are a fake!"

Su Bai laughed in anger, "When I was fighting outside the city, you didn't know where I was!"

"Just you?" The middle-aged man gave Su Bai a disdainful look and said, "I'll put my words here today, and you don't even want to enter the door when I'm here."

Su Bai could see that although this middle-aged man had been drinking, he was sober, and he wanted to show his prestige here.

When I recalled when I was at Bluestar, I would sometimes be stopped because I forgot to bring my keys. Even if I gave the specific room number, I would not let me in, but I had to stand at the door and call the people inside.

Su Bai's anger level was directly full, and he felt that it was necessary to clear up this new hatred and old hatred together.

"Hey, Su Bai, why are you here?" Xiong Xingbang passed by the gate, stunned for a moment, thinking he had read it wrong, and said repeatedly, "Why are you standing at the gate, come in quickly."

When Su Bai saw Xiong Xingbang, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was full of surprises.

"Old Bear, you are not dead."

Xiong Xingbang laughed and said, "You kid, you can't see me well."

During the previous beast swarm, although Xiong Xingbang acted with Zhang Maodian, in the fierce battle that followed, he and some other members of the group got separated.

Su Bai didn't see him until he returned to the city. He thought he would never see this man again, but he actually met him here.


Hearing the conversation between the two, the middle-aged man was stunned.

do they know?

Although the middle-aged man did not know Xiong Xingbang, he knew the team uniform on Xiong Xingbang.

Exactly the same as the boy outside the door.

Especially the neckline logo.


The thirteenth hunting group! .

Chapter 56 Reunion

Facts have proved that some people have no brains when the villain is successful.

The middle-aged man was originally an ordinary security guard in the sixth ring, but because of the beast tide, he had the opportunity to enter the central area. Although it was only temporary, it still caused him to inevitably swell.

The fifth ring belongs to the middle ring area. Although it is the outermost ring, the members of the hunting group who can live here are at least top bronze, and there are also many silver beast masters.