
Global Beast Taming My Battle Pet is Double of Others (Beast Taming)

“Ding, Tempest War Eagle had leveled up. Its blood hereditary had been activated and evolved into Dark flame Phoenix!” “Ding! Black tortoise level synchronization completed, current level: Immortal rank!” Qi revived, ferocious beasts were rampant, and humans lost half of their population instantly. The beast tamers emerged right on the verge of humanity’s extinction, allowing them to survive. Today, this was a world full of beast tamers. Su Bai had traveled through time and space to this world, awakening his talent in making the dual contract so that he could possess twice as many battle pets as others! With his hot-blooded personality, Su Bai would eventually become the eternal legend of this world

Zero_D_Darkness · Others
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130 Chs

Chapter 56

The wind blade is no longer needed to cover up, and the lightning arrows are falling one after another, directly smashing the attackers into a blackened piece.

"Your... Sky Steel Crow...why...have lightning bolts?"

The sneak attacker trembled and expressed the doubts in his heart. He couldn't hold it any longer and died of anger. .

Chapter forty-four snake gallbladder (flowers plus more)

After instructing the Sky Steel Crow to release the wind blade to chop the attacker into several pieces, to ensure that he would not cheat the corpse, Su Bai stopped the attack.

After the rock python lost the beastmaster, his spirit was affected, and he was unable to move on the ground.

Su Bai walked over, used his power, directly punched the skull of the rock python, and then took out the spar.

"Bronze top spar, keep it first." Su Bai played with it for a while, then put it in his pocket.

At this time, the second battle pet projected by the sneak attacker was also separated from the battle pet space, and lay beside the sneak attacker, charred all over.

When projecting, the attacks received by the beastmaster will be simultaneously given to the battle pet. If the beastmaster dies, the projected war pet will not escape the end of death.

This is a black-faced monkey whose strength is at the intermediate level of bronze.

No wonder he ran so fast, Su Bai nodded knowingly, crushed the black-faced monkey's head, took out the spar, and threw it to the circling Sky Steel Crow.

If it weren't for the Lightning Arrow of the Sky Steel Crow, this sneak attacker would definitely not be left behind. At that time, once his secret was exposed, he would have to flee into the wild.

Even if his strength is limited, he can't go too deep into the wild, and with the foundation of the Federation, I am afraid that even if he hides in the territory of the platinum-level beast king, he will be caught.

"Dai Liqiang and I have no life-and-death conflict, but we just occupied his place in the 13th Wilderness Hunting Regiment, and we bought murders and killed people."

"As for what plan this person said, I forgot to ask, but he wouldn't say it if I think about it. Forget it, I can only put it aside for now."

Su Bai frowned and was very angry, "If I hadn't been promoted to Bronze rank, hadn't contracted ice turtles, hadn't acquired automatic defense skills, I would have already died when I attacked for the first time!"

In retrospect, Su Bai couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, any mistake, he was already dead!

"Dai Liqiang, or Director Dai, I remember you." Su Bai's eyes turned completely cold.

However, Su Bai also knew that with his current strength, it was not realistic to seek revenge against the Dai family.

Although he has four pets, and his talent and skills are all excellent, but after all, the level is there, it is impossible to defeat a silver-level beastmaster, let alone a gold-level beastmaster.

Especially after listening to Zhang Maodian's explanation and knowing that the gold-level beastmaster had begun to evolve, he knew that unless his strength improved, he would have the possibility of revenge.

Su Bai continued to think secretly.

"In the city, as long as I summon a pet, I will be found by detectors everywhere. Although the phantom dust can break through the surveillance, it only lasts for five minutes."

"Even if I find Dai Liqiang and his son and kill them, I can't leave the city and forge evidence before the phantom dust expires."

"So, in the city, I can't do it."

"If you want revenge, unless that Dai Liqiang or Director Dai leaves the city and goes to the wild."

"But this killer failed, they must be alert and will never take risks in a short time, so I can only wait."

After thinking about the joints clearly, Su Bai's anger was still not quelled.

The enemy had appeared and attacked him, but he was limited in power and could not take revenge.

Although it was not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, Su Bai couldn't wait that long.

"It seems that I can only seek Yu Nan's help." Su Bai frowned, thinking about the risks involved, "With the strength of the Yu family, I can definitely know the whereabouts of the Dai family and their sons. As long as they leave the city, I can wait for the opportunity. move."

"However, in this way, after the death of the Dai family and his son, Yu Nan will definitely know that I did it for the first time."

"This matter has to be discussed in the long run."

Pressing the rolling thoughts, Su Bai regained his composure. In any case, improving his own strength is the fundamental.

Taking today's events as an example, he was able to stand here, while the sneak attackers were cut into several sections, relying on the new battle pet slot obtained by being promoted to Bronze Rank.

Therefore, we must continue to hunt the beasts.

With anger, Su Bai moved on.

Along the way, as long as they are bronze-level, they will not let them go, and there are even bronze-level beasts.

Hit by a lightning bolt, no matter how powerful the beast is, he can only tremble all over, and will lose his life in the ensuing wind blade.

By the time he returned to the camp at night, Su Bai had already hunted and killed more than forty bronze-level beasts, and the efficiency was higher than yesterday.

This was also an unexpected harvest. Su Bai found that the rock python's corpse was an excellent bait, and fierce beasts kept coming, ready to devour flesh and blood.

So he resolutely hid, and then sent the Sky Steel Crow to continuously harvest the life of the beast.

It didn't take long for the fruit to be fruitful, the corpses all over the ground, and the smell of blood rose into the sky.

At this time, no matter how stupid the beast was, he knew that there was great danger here, and no new beast came to die.

However, Su Bai had already killed nearly twenty beasts and gained a lot of experience points.

Back at the camp, Xiong Xingbang was holding two bottles of spirits and excitedly preparing to fight with others. After seeing Su Bai, he shivered a bit and lowered his head to pretend he didn't see it.

Su Bai didn't care either. Since he had drunk Xiong Xingbang several times, this man was no longer willing to drink with him, and even avoided him when he was drinking.

"It's a pity, this wine is really good, it's a good energy drink." Su Bai felt a little regretful.

When Xiong Xingbang heard this, he trembled even more, and immediately strode up and didn't want to stop for a moment.

"Hey, why is the old bear so scared, is the head of the regiment here?" Yu Nan walked over and asked curiously.

Su Bai was stunned for a moment. What kind of person is this head of the regiment who has never shown up to make Xiong Xingbang feel scared?

"The head of the group should not be here, and I haven't seen any new faces." Su Bai said, he has never seen the head of the group until now, which is a strange thing.

I can't help but complain, this regimental leader is really big-hearted, letting the regiment members open up hunting grounds here, but he never shows up.

"It's a pity." Yu Nan said casually, "I recently discovered a new clothing brand, and I want to ask the head of the team to go and see it together."

"By the way, have you heard that there is a beastmaster riding a holy heavenly horse nearby." Yu Nan was amazed, and then said, "I heard that he also likes to fight with wild boars."

Su Bai's eyes twitched, and he really wanted to beat those beastmasters to death.

What's the matter, why don't you say it's not rumored?

"I didn't see it." Su Bai opened his eyes and said nonsense, "Holy Heavenly Horse, what kind of beast is that?"

"I don't know too well, I only know that this kind of beast is very rare and has special abilities. I don't know what it is." Yu Nan's expression was a little longing, "If I can ride the holy horse, I would like to. Marry that beastmaster."
