
Global Awakening: My Clones Have Different Classes

Sun Xin was a martial artist that was renown to the underground fighting. He dreamed of Awakening a good power to fight villains. Until one day, he awakened a power called "Cloning". In which he could clone himself. With him as a martial artist, he fought villains but he was still regarded as trash. In this age of Heroes, Dungeons, and, Villains. With others able to breathe fire and command other elements, he could only punch and kick. Up until one day, all his clones awakened and a mass Awakening happened. Awakening, Combat Class! Dragon knight! Necromancer! Berserker! Swordsman! Druid! Lycanthropy! Conjurer! Awakening, Production Class! Blacksmith! Mechanical Engineer! Hacker IT! Inventor! Alchemist! Enchanter! Bookworm! Now, with him as their trainer and leader, all of the villains would cower in his presence.

pantserplotter · Action
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82 Chs

Goblin Dungeon 2

Xin went inside the portal and immediately felt the change in temperature. It was a bit cold and the trees were in its autumn season. Leaves falling off the mother tree and a bit chilly.

He immediately gathered information to the surroundings and saw claw marks on the bark of the trees. In his estimation, he could feel that there were patrol groups in this goblin base.

The team of Xin's clones then heard sounds of war cries that echoes from the vicinity. Mischievous wails were heard and a palpable feeling was felt that they were immediately discovered.

Xin looked at them and they immediately knew the thoughts of Xin. They formed in defensive position and get readied for the upcoming battle.

Soon after, slowly, red eyes appeared one by one emerging from the dark. The green skinned stout monsters have their drooling mouths uncovered with. Seemed to be excited upon the thought of feasting on his carcass. They enjoyed a human delicacy and who knows, might be tasty and a first class meat.

One two three four, more came, until seventeen were present. Some on the branches of the trees, some were sneaking on them and were ready to pounce anytime. Holding clubs, bone daggers, crude and worn off dull sword and maces.

One of them, seemingly taller than the rest commanded in a shrieking voice. It was none other than the notion to attack.


They dashed and attacked in unison. All having been trained in their movements and were adept at comboes of attacks. One thing was feared on them and that was their ability to attack in coordination. It seemed easy for them to cover each other and attack in certain chances that were able to deal fatal blows.

Xin knew this and was still confident and calm. They were not the only one with that skill.

One goblin attacked and Xin was in tank mode. He blocked the attack of dagger and then hammered it's head with a mace. Sending it off like a battered baseball with leaving a snapping sound. The others attacked and some fired poison darts at the team and they all mitigated the attack. Two sword bearers attacked in unison. Covering each other from the attacks of the goblins. One blocked the attack from his behind and then the other one slashed on the neck. Sending it's head off as a propelled ball.

The dual wielder was doing fine with him as the hidden trump card of the team.

He was able to slash so fast that the ones who wanted to block was a second late. He was able to butcher a mass numbers and was left unscathed.

The archers were firing nonestop and were all damage dealers of the team. With their range and speed of attacks, they were able to decimate a huge deal on the enemy's formation. Leaving them to hide behind the trees.

Soon after, they chased the ones who wanted to escape as the enemy camp would get alarmed in this case. Making the archers to hunt them down one by one.

Meanwhile after the chase, they arrived at the goblin mines and there were guards. Archers fired into their forehead and they were left surprised by the attack. Leaving them open for such ambush.

They immediately went inside and saw goblins mining the bluish crystals. Feeling surprised and fearing for their lives, they shouted and threw their pickaxes. They tried to escape but Xin did not let them.

With it, the mines were secured. They immediately used monster attractant and the goblins appeared in the aluuring scent of the potion.

They immediately culled their numbers and the trio of swordsmen and dual wielder was left in high horse. Rampaging and massacring all the monsters that arrived.

They left one of the goblins and tied it on a pole. Xin instructed them to kill it when they finished looting the mana crystals.

Soon after, Hobgoblins arrived with their King on board of a throne that was carried by its slaves. It yelled in a gibberish voice that they did not understand. But in their thoughts, it was scolding them for disturbing his turf. Making it worse, they killed all of it's kin.

Xin immediately ran towards them and attacked. Others followed through and the battle once again began. Xin bashed enemies one by one with his mace and others combatted the Hobgoblins.

Hobgoblin champions were also present and his clones duelled them. The champions all wielded two handed axes and were as big as their shoulders.

The enemies then were one by one killed and the battle was brutal. They were left unscathed with the enemies missing a limb or two. Immediately, Xin's clones ended their suffering with a slash on the neck.

It was then, Xin was also beating up the King and died too. Making him release his necklace and was looted by him.

[Level up!]

[Level 7]

[+2 clones]

[Achievement: Goblin King Killer]

[+10 stat points]

[Goblin King Necklace]

+ 10 to all stats

+ 200% damage to all types of goblins

+ Apply fear aura on all goblins

[Equip Goblin King Necklace?]

[Yes] [No]


Now, the time has come. They looted the mana crystals and after putting them to the deep pocket sacks that was enchanted by a spatial mage, they were able to put a hoarded mana crystals into it.

Two days has passed and they finished mining all the mana crystals that were present. Then they soon killed the last goblin and the dungeon announcement rang.

[200 goblins are killed]

[Dungeon requirements met]

[Dungeon is closing]

[Level up!]

[Level 8]

[+2 clones]



Name: Sun Xin

Current Level: 8

Power: Cloning

He could clone his self into multiple entities. Copying his original capabilities into his clones.

Talents: Martial Arts, Imperial Animal Martial Arts, Photographic memory, Qi breathing

Number of Clones: 11

Number of clones per level up: 2

Strength: 23

Agility: 38

Endurance: 31

Focus: 35

Intelligence: 40

Wisdom: 30


Now, he assigned the 10 stat points and put it to Intelligence. With the Goblin King Necklace, the stats all have +10.