
Global Awakening: I, The Skill-Maker, Am The Arcane Emperor!

Lumiel has been reborn many times and he was tired of it all. Until his awakening did not happen for some time now and he became bullied by his classmates that have a Class. Up until he awakened the Arcanist class. The class he has been waiting for! It was his past Class has been awakened and he could create skills on his command! Making the weakest class become overpowered as he could copy jobs and their skills. Now with the threat of dungeons, he became a hunter and closed dungeons once and for all. All enemies will bow down to the Arcane Emperor!

Mel_Aniv · Urban
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147 Chs

Order of Prophets

They entered the passage towards where the meeting will be held. The walls were painted in black and the mood was gloomy. Torches were what lighted up the place and so they travelled with ease. Not worrying about tripping at all.

Upon Lumiel's first impression, they could have budgeted greater lightings on the entrance. It felt spooky on his part. Such Order of Prophets was very secretive when it comes to their meeting. Even more so, it was situated in a populous place like a school. But then again, it could be one of the most guarded places in the kingdom as it housed the headquarters of such Order. He couldn't imagine that it would be low guarded, thinking about the slyness of their current enemies will only lead to death.

Tik! Tak! Tik! Tak!