
Swimming Skills; Mysterious...Weird Perception Ability; River Of The Blind [2]

Making use of the freestyle...or the front crawl.

The fastest and most efficient swimming stroke.

It involves alternating arm movements with a flutter kick.

The technique included ranges from:

*Body position: which entails that one should maintain a horizontal and streamlined body position...to reduce drag.

*Arm movement:

Which involves the recovery and the pull.

The recovery entails that as one arm exists the water, the elbow bends and the hands stay relaxed until it re-enters the water above the head.

Whereas the pull entails that the hand enters the water...fingertips first, extending forward, then sweeps down and back, pushing water towards the feet.

Propelling one to swim faster...

The kicking technique of the freestyle says that one should make use of a flutter kick...with small, fast and continuous up and down movements of the legs.

The kick should come from the hips...while the knees are slightly bent.