

In a time where pro gaming has earned a high level of respect, gaming tournaments aren't just what they are today. Ever since he was young, gaming was North Rivera's escape from the painful reminder that his home life sucked. He was tired of his parents and family looking down on him, he needed to show them he was good at something even if they didn't support him. But how does someone as poor as him get the opportunity to become a world known pro gamer? He doesn't know the answer until news of the toughest, brand new gaming tournament in town comes in and its allowing novices a chance at the spotlight. With help from his friends, North is able to enter the tournament but will his skills be enough to win home the gold, especially with obnoxiously proud gaming legend Blaise Fury determined to knock him out? North honestly doesn't know why the pros take this so seriously, their lives aren't on the line or anything...right? Whatever the challenge North is ready to take it on to prove he is the best and no one is going to stop him. A/N: This is actually one of my old written stories and I just decided to type and edit on this platform just to get it out there. Just for fun. Give a try if you feel like it.

Ren_Senpai121 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Level 2

North winced at seeing the score on his Spanish essay sheet. He was definitely not going to the shore if his father saw this.

'C' minus, not good.

"That still counts as a pass." Migos said putting some of his books inside his locker while North waited.

"But you got an 'A' and you'll probably get a car by the time we graduate."

"I really don't see how those things go together, mi amigo." Migos closed the locker and turned to face his best friend's scowl, it didn't phase him North was not near anywhere threatening as he thought he was, "Besides my mum said a car if for my second year in uni, we'll be walking together for a year." He said as a means of to pacify.

North made blabbing mouth movements with his hands as they walked, "At least you'll get something."

"I can teach you Spanish, its not that hard."

North rolled his eyes, everything was 'not that hard' for Migos Ramirez. Good grades, good parent, good everything. "Fine, I'll allow you to tutor me since you insist."

"Changed my mind, struggle on your own."

North's demeanor changed instantly, he flung himself at Migos and held him in a death grip, "Don't leave me alone buddy, I was only joking"

The brunette held back a smirk. "If you insist."

North made a scoffing sound and pulled back, glad he had someone like Migos at his side. Truth was he'd take anything his friend could give, academic or otherwise, not that it would change anything. His parents were still expecting him to be some stellar rocket scientist that'll help men get to Jupiter some day.

Ridiculous, right? But it was very true.

Coming from his kind of family was hard. He had three elder brothers and one older sister. All of which his parents had groomed to earn money to get the family out of the poverty rut they were in. The money from his schooling was coming from his brothers' pay checks so he could go to his super nice private school.

His older siblings had snatched all the impressive feats before he was old enough to even think of impressing his parents. Juan was a Neurosurgeon somewhere in Washington, Marco designed software for some company in China, Riano was a big shot lawyer and Elena was going to become pro athlete soon. With them doing so many cool things, how was he meant to stand out if he did anything in relation to what they did.

Bottom line, he was sick of trying to live up to his parents expectations. He wasn't the pampered last born kid people would think he was. He was suffering.

"Let's head over to the shore, that surfing contest we heard about is going down later this evening." He told Migos.

"What will your parents think when you get home late?"

"I'll just say I got detention."

"Don't you even think before you talk?"

Now that he thought about it, it did sound really dumb, "Then...I'll just walk in and hope they don't notice."

Migos shook his head, quite amazed at how simple and stupid this guy was.

~Check point reached~

Jersey shore was one of the places loved most in the city. There was alway music and activity and no one openly judging him. He breathed in the salty sea air, letting the sun warm his muscles.

He had changed out of his school clothes as soon as they got here and was now waiting for Migos to come back with their snacks. He had insisted on getting it but the brunette said he was using the opportunity to get close to the girl who worked there.

His eyes landed on those surfing in the distance, they looked so cool. He made a mental list to learn someday but right now he was comfortable with his high score on a surfing simulation game at one of his other friend's house.

He was walking towards their usual snack stand. Migos was making way too long with his flirting and North was getting hungry, he had to rush out of the house earlier because his parents were getting in his face again, and he didn't buy lunch since he was saving up to head to the arcade later. There were just a few more weeks till school ended and summer vacation rolled in. He'd be free to do as he pleased.

"Yo! Rivera!"

He looked up to see who the hell was shouting his name so loudly. It was Wesley Moores, a fellow gamer and surfer. The tanned blonde was walking towards him with wide grin.

"Yo Wes, my man, how's it hanging?" He said as the slapped hands.

"Its all breezy, I saw Migs over at the shack and figured you'd be here too, how the games going?"

North smirked, "I can still beat your ass and anyone else's."

"You really think so? Well then have I got a treat for you." Wes pulled out his phone and was going through it. out of the corner of his eyes North caught Migos running towards them.

"Wes don'tshow him that video."

But said video was already playing.

'The brand new Glitches Convention are coming to New Jersey this summer. A two month long event full of action excitement and all your newest and favorite games. Not to mention the main attraction...A brand new gaming tournament of the decade...The Glitches Game Trails, where Noobies will be competing along twenty of the best Pro-gamers in the flesh. There are only twenty-five entrance forms available for Noobies and out of those only ten will join the Pros in the main event. If you think you've got what it takes better get a move on, forms will be available on xx/xx/xxxx. For more info on the tournament please check GlitchGT.com, we can't wait to see you.'

North replayed the video again, and again, and again until Migos snatched the phone out of his hands and handed it back to Wes glaring.

He looked up at his two friends with very determined and serious face, "I have to enter that tournament, if I don't, I think I'll die. It's an opportunity that only comes once in a life time."

"Well done Wes, now he won't sleep or eat until he finds a way into that competition or die trying." Migos huffed in annoyance.

Wes was already checking the website, he winced, "You might actually want to consider 'die trying' buddy, An entry form costs well above a thousand bucks."

"Say what now?" North's face paled.

~Flip page to next level!

This Chapter varied a lot from what I originally wrote in the manuscript, turns out you have a lot of editing to do when you revisit your year old work. Anyways thanks for reading, tell me if you enjoyed it or just anything about the work in general in the comments.

Support me by sharing to those interested or adding my work to a collection so I feel the love and not fall into depression.


Have a nice day and next level coming soon.

Ren_Senpai121creators' thoughts