

"{SYSTEM SHUT DOWN}" "What! System I need you" Layla said as she looked at the three vampires covered with the strong smell of blood. "It seems we got an intruder here" the tanned skinned man said as he squeezed the cigarette butt between his finger totally unaffected. "Fuck am screwed" Layla cursed under breath, looking at the unconscious guy beside her. BANG! The loud sound was the last thing she heard as a force made her head sting and ache before slumping down on the floor. Thud!. This is the story about the main character and the systems as she fight against the influence of scientist tyranny and uncover the truth about her parents and many dark secrets facing different circumstances of pain, hate and betrayal is tasked by a system in other to level up. This is my first story forgive me If it is not good enough ☺️☺️ WARNING: ALL INFORMATION IN THUS STORY ARE COMPLETELY FABRICATED.

Jade_Oyin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs





Layla said with much enthusiasm as she stood up.

"Now there is a task now" Layla said in disbelief as she scoffed.

{System 1049: yes host}.

"What if I don't do it?" Layla said as she walked around the sitting room.

{System 1049: the world will come to an end and wars will continue to happen between the infected and uninfected and humanity will cease to exist, and I will be obliterated from this world}.

"Wow but unfortunately I know nothing about science." Layla said as she scratched her head.

{System 1049: sometimes you need to be responsible host, and there is always a way host}.

"How?" Layla said confused as she sat down again.

{System 1049: The task never said you should create it yourself, sometimes you don't need to do all the work. I believe you know someone whom you know fully is a pro in things like this}.

"Jason Morgans,Stella's step brother but there is a problem I don't know where he is. After college he suddenly vanished, even Stella knew nothing" Layla said as she kneaded the middle of her forehead.

{System 1049: that why do you have a system host, I am very capable of doing this things}.

"Well that makes you a little bit less useless now, but you haven't fully earned my trust" Layla said.

{System 1049: am not useless, thisone has been keeping you save, you should be grateful if not you have been a zombie meal by now hmph!}.


Layla chuckled as she imagined the system as a cat with an angry expression with two words written on its head .

' COAX ME! '

"I can't help but want to tease you" Layla said as she smirked teasingly

{System 1049:(。ŏ﹏ŏ) wuwu, you are a bully}.

Layla rolled her eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling.

"So how much time do you need to find him" Layla said.

{System 1049: Due to all my calculations and based on facts I will need 2 days for his location and his phone number host,and I have just checked his past information and he seems to work for the National Scientist Organization (NSO)}.

"Which organization is that?" Layla said  as she tilted her head.

{System 1049: I haven't found out host}.

"Ok please do tell when his information is ready" Layla said as she stood up from the chair and found her way back to her room, as she touched the door she paused and turned around to a different direction.

Layla walked to right and followed her instinct and seemed to weirdly smell Rowan faint chocolate mint smell as it continuously became stronger then she stopped at a black huge door where

The smell was mostly strong.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" The deep masculine voice resounded as Layla pushed the door without hesitation.

"Layla? How did you know where I was?"Rowan said with a cautious gaze.

' would you believe me if I said I followed your scent? '

Layla bit her lips and swallowed the urge to say what was running in her mind, she raised her head and concealed her expression.

"I can't visit my friend, why do you sound like I disturb you from something important." Layla said as she walked inside and caught a whiff of a strange smell. She suddenly then realized Rowan strange appearance, his lips was pursed in a thin line as it expressed his displeasure, his was half naked with his wheat coloured chest glowed under the chandelier flaunting his eight abs.

Layla eyes trailed to his thighs as she saw a strong bulge that was not really noticable.

The door of the bathroom opened a lady with black hair having a flushed face and a robe exposing her cleavage which hanging loosely. One tug could make it fall straight to the ground. Her breast was plump and swollen that the robe would barely cover it it was obviously a breast augmentation , her waist twisted seductively as she walked slowly while her skin glowed which was probably was rubbed with oil.

' oh, so that was why Rowan was asking her how he knew his whereabouts, because THIS WAS HIS PLAYROOM! '

"Darling who is this?" The strong Italian accent was boldly heard as Layla was embarrassed and shocked as she caught sight of the red lingerie hanging on her curvy waist, It was too erotic for Layla virgin eyes.

"Am his friend, sorry for the disturbance" Layla said hurriedly before Rowan could reply as her cheek flushed spreading to her neck, lowering her head as the floor suddenly became  interesting.

"I wanted to ask if you had a laptop I could borrow" Layla said as she looked at Rowan face.

"Ok wait for me in my study" Rowan said as he stood up extremely tall and domineering, the Italian lady was drooled as she fluttered her fake eye lashes, everything was fake.


' If you were in my shoes you wouldn't drool over him like that ' Layla said as she looked at the lady with a trace of sympathy , Rowan was the opposite when he was a child, a annoying cry baby and very clingy.

Layla walked out of the room and breath a sigh of relief, she fanned her self with her right hand and walked away.

Rowan on the other side was cursing under his breath as he wore a black tank top, he was displeased by how Layla knew this room, he didn't want to taint his friend with his dirty acts.

Rowan lost interest and paid the lady handsomely even though he didn't do anything, he sighed and looked at his angry little brother and went straight to the bathroom. After some minutes the door opened and Rowan felt refreshed.

He walked straight to his study in a stylish and elegant way. Layla waited for a maximum of two hours using most of the time to chat with the system.

The door opened and Rowan entered, Layla looked at Rowan and recalled the scene lowered her eyes in embarrassment, even though when she was with her ex-fiancee they never kissed or done it before, the least she did was hug and holding hands. She was not a saint and wasn't new to all this but still kept herself chaste.

Rowan grabbed the black apple laptop and gave Layla, she drew out her hand to grab it but the laptop retracted from her range.

"How did you know that room?" Rowan said as his eyes stared with suspicion at Layla.

"Well! I got list in the building, you this house is big haha, I just suddenly heard a sound and followed it until I got to your place " Layla said as she tried to sound natural as possible hopefully Rowan would buy it.

She couldn't just say that she had a system and was a half vampire. It would be absurd and Rowan would think she had lost it. She couldn't say

' sorry Rowan I actually followed your scent because am a half vampire duh '

Rowan stared at Layla eyes and he gazed deeply making Layla break into cold sweat as she squeezed the side of her pajamas.

"Ok" Rowan said as he handed over the laptop and stated some rules before leaving.

Layla secretly sighed a breath of relief as she took the laptop,damn! It was like I was on judgement day, Rowan is too terrifying.

Rowan knew Layla was lying but a trace of doubt flashed as he walked away, no one knows the existence of that room except Rowan and those he brings to spend a night with.

He mostly used sex as a way of relieving his anger and soothing it well.

Layla went back to the room and sat on the bed and opened the laptop.

"Let's get this started" she said as she cracked her fingers, flexibly typing on the keyboard.


Two consecutive days passed without Layla knowing and Stella was ready to be discharged and Layla was already in the hospital as she listened to the doctor advise on which food she take and so on.

The lockdown hadn't commence yet so people still has the time to start stocking up their homes with the things they need to be at least enough during lockdown.

Finally the boring section was gone as Layla and Rowan walked through the large corridor heading towards the metal like elevator.

After clicking on the 4th floor, Layla waited as she gaze at the elevator door reflecting her appearance. Sincerely it's been long since Layla had checked the mirror.

He black hair without a ting of brown was smoothen straight reaching her waist, her Black phoenix eyes gazed at the door intently, the black knee length gown hugged her body not too tight as her white skin stood out.

Layla let out a sigh from her thin red lips as she looked at the stiff Rowan with his phone in his hands.

"How long have you had that room in your house?" Layla asked curiously as she looked at him.

"2 years ago " Rowan said as he raised his eyes from his phone.

"Oh!"Layla made a light sound .

"Why did you ask?" Rowan questioned as he looked at Layla.

"Nothing just curious" Layla said as she looked away.

"Don't tell Stella about this" Rowan said as he the elevator dinged moving automatically to reveal a quiet ward which had a VIP tag on them.

Layla chuckled as she made a zip sign on her mouth before walking out of the elevator.


The door opened and the most shocking thing made Layla widen her eyes.

The scene was terrifying a Stella was on the floor trying to get out from the grasp of a man who seemed to be a doctor looked rather abnormal because of the sharp razor teeth and the sharp black nails protuding out trying to prey on Stella's skin his eyes were dilated as he let out an ugly sound spilling drool all over the floor.

' why does this creature look familiar? '

{System 1049: a middle-level zombie is detected host}

' of course it is a zombie '

"Help!" Stella's cry's for help woke up the dazed Layla as she struggled violently.

Layla looked at the zombie acting on instinct, as it tried to grab a bite.

Layla suddenly hit an object making a lousy sound, strangely the zombie attention went to the sound.

Zombie's are sensitive to sounds!

Layla took an injection needle as she took the stainless tray an hit the wall.

Rowan on the other side seemed to have gotten the clue rushed forward aand grabbed Layla away from the distracted zombie.


the zombie snapped at Stella's direction as it wanted to rushed forward but the sound hindered, it was like the body was already automatically set to sounds the zombie changed direction and rushed forward to Layla.

"Is there anything I could use to kill this thing"Layla said.

{System 1049: of course but that won't be needed host, some men are already heading to your location in 10 seconds, 5, 4 ,3 ,2, 1...}

The door suddenly burst Open as the sound of gunshots resounded.




