

"{SYSTEM SHUT DOWN}" "What! System I need you" Layla said as she looked at the three vampires covered with the strong smell of blood. "It seems we got an intruder here" the tanned skinned man said as he squeezed the cigarette butt between his finger totally unaffected. "Fuck am screwed" Layla cursed under breath, looking at the unconscious guy beside her. BANG! The loud sound was the last thing she heard as a force made her head sting and ache before slumping down on the floor. Thud!. This is the story about the main character and the systems as she fight against the influence of scientist tyranny and uncover the truth about her parents and many dark secrets facing different circumstances of pain, hate and betrayal is tasked by a system in other to level up. This is my first story forgive me If it is not good enough ☺️☺️ WARNING: ALL INFORMATION IN THUS STORY ARE COMPLETELY FABRICATED.

Jade_Oyin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs




Layla couldn't bare with the hunger and stood up and sneaked out of the bed heading for the door.

"What are you doing?" A voice made Layla freeze and become a little bit nervous.

"I need water!"Layla immediately said, bella looked at Layla suspiciously but surprisingly didn't ask further and slept back.

Layla walked out of the room with ease and took a bottle and opened the lid taking a gulp to quench her thirst and hunger.

Layla drank two bottles and regretted it immediately when she started taking a pee every 10minutes.

Finally dawn came and Layla managed barely alive from her starving stomach,her eyes were that of a panda, her blue eyes reflected hunger and thirst making her look haggard and terrifying

Layla looked at the fine ceiling playing dead as she didn't move an inch,bella had already woken up and Layla didn't bother to great her like usual since it was clear.

' bella hated her gut '

Through the encouragement and sympathies of the system, Layla stood up in a weird manner and walked into the bathroom to take a bath.

The water gushed out and the room was filled with steam and made it look hazy, Layla came out of the bath tub naked not even bothering to take a towel.

Her white Rudy skin glowed and the hazy look on her face made her seductively.

Layla wore a comfortable blue knee length gown which matched her eye colour surprisingly.

Layla stepped out of the room,today Layla decided to step out for a look around of course after eating.

The usual way of the food being Carted in Layla ate and was still hungry but it was relieved a little.

Layla walked out of the suite after informing the others, she smiled happily.

Layla ignored the gazes directed at her, Layla suddenly realized how dump she was when she wanted to order for a snack.

The Chinese lady kept speaking Chinese and made fun of her in her language,some laughed and giggled while pointing fingers at her discriminatingly making Layla embarrassed and angry but she kept calm and smiled.

"System is there any way I can temporarily speak Chinese"Layla said.

{System 1049:yes host but it would cost you 20coins}.

"Okay!,do it!"Layla said preparing for her attack.

{System 1049:it has been activated, you have only an hour}.

Layla smiled and spoke back to the waitress in Chinese which was fluent than hers that she couldn't help but gasp and got flustered.

*"注意你的语言女士不要轻易地以封面来判断一本书,这可能会导致你的毁灭" Layla said and the woman became guilty and bowed her head two times before responding to her order.

After that Layla took out her phone and chatted while waiting for her order to arrive.

Then the lady came in and dropped the bowl of  strawberry ice cream and a half sliced strawberry placed gently on it the lady apologized again.

Layla spoke in Chinese one more time and the waitress retreated and Layla enjoyed her ice cream peacefully and with satisfaction.

But saw something quite suspicious, a man in Hood and a black cap on his head covered half of his face, Layla could only see his side view due to her seat position.

The man held a black mini bag which was loaded with something unknown.

Layla watched from afar and tried to see the man face but couldn't. Suddenly a man with a bodyguard walked in and gave the yin vibe.

The more Layla observed the more she was burning with curiousity.

The man spoke casually and relaxed like a young master,the interaction seemed normal but the secret pass of a small micro chip didn't go unnoticed in Layla keen eyes.

Her weirdly sharp hearing could vaguely hear the code between them.

Making Layla realize this was an illegal act.

Layla kept a low profile and watched silently,the man left walking out of the restaurant naturally.

Layla took a photo of the scene and video for report.

Layla phone suddenly rang it was Mitchell calling.

"Hello!"Layla said.

"Hey Stella,where are you?, Sir Rowan didn't even say anything about your location, he just said you traveled!" Mitchell said over the phone.

"Am sorry but that information is enough for you to know"Layla said.

"Well I came to report about the care home, the families of the patients have started to withdraw their relatives from the care home as planned,but there is a problem the properties that were to be liquidated I can't find the documents of ownership and a buyer claimed it, what should we do now?"Mitchell said worriedly.

"Did the person show you the evidence of ownership on the properties!"Layla said anxiously.

"Yes, I asked the owner who sold the properties but the owner said the seller didn't drop any Information but sold the property at a low price and had the original document of the properties,someone is targeting us on purpose!"Mitchell said angrily.

Layla paused for a while with her eyes calculating.

"Mitchell find a lawyer as soon as possible ,that property is really precious and we need it,I will try to find help,this is illegal!"Layla instructed.

Layla was In a mess as she walked back to the hotel suite. Layla stopped at the entrance in a daze.

"System do you have any idea who would do that?"Layla said.

{System 1049: Host I don't have any information based on your memory who has the grudge to do that}.

{System 1049: host you need to know something, your cravings are starting to kick in, which may affect your rational behavior, except if you-}.

"Can I suppress it with normal human food"Layla said because of the thought of biting people neck for blood made her disgusted.

{System 1049:you would be able to for now but if the hunger gets worse am afraid you may turn}.

"Turn to what?"Layla asked anxiously.

{System 1049: you may turn to a crazed vampire simply out of control until you have fed on blood, but you have a little advantage of having a maximum of two weeks before you turn because you are still an halfling, but it would risk you being found out and turning to a lab experiment}.

Layla sighed in distress and found out she was still standing outside for some minutes.

The door opened and Layla walked in absent mindedly.

The burden of the mission and the care home was on Layla shoulders, Layla walked towards Rowan room and knocked.

"Come in"Rowan cold voice echoed through the room.

Layla entered in a very low spirit and her head was bowed down.

"Rowie!"Layla said with a puppy eyes flashing pitifully.

Rowan almost rolled his eyes know the nickname was only called when Layla needed something.

"What do you need?"Rowan asked not beating round the bush.

"I need help with the care home,maybe you could borrow me some money,I promise to pay it back later!"Layla said.

"How much?"Rowan asked and folded his hands.

"$200,000 at least,the properties that we thought we could rely on has been sold,someone stole the ownership documents and sold it at a low price,it clearly shows that someone is targeting me"Layla said very aggrieved.

"Ok I would give you the money,only if you do something for me"Rowan said.

"Thank you! I will surely do anything for you!"Layla said with gratitude.

"Ok"Rowan said lowly as he thought.

"Oh before I forget, while I was outside ,I saw something suspicious and I took a picture"Layla said as her eyes brightened.

Layla walked closer to Rowan who was seated and took out her phone and showed Rowan the pictures.

Rowan looked at the pictures and told Layla to send a copy to his direct message.

Layla sent them immediately and she chatted with Rowan for some time before she decided to retire to her room and pack her things.

They would be leaving by early afternoon. Bella had already finished packing and was stretching beside the bed showing her excellent flexibility skills.

Before the usual hostile glares Layla finally packed her bag and sat down on the chair.

Layla phone rang it was the jerk Nathan and Layla wondered that haven't she blocked the number.

Layla didn't pick it but after the third ring which made her irritated Layla picked up the call.

"What!"Layla said annoyed and frowned.

"Layla,am sorry I know I fucked up big time but I need your help" Nathan said urgently.

"Am sorry and not in the country right now!"Layla said warily.

"It doesn't matter, it's about Lilith she keep saying some things I don't understand and I think she needs you,if you could just talk to her over the phone maybe it would calm her down a little!"Nathan said.

"Things like what?"Layla asked suspiciously.

"She keeps getting mood swings and act crazily sometimes,and this is the ninth bottle of water am giving her!"Nathan said.

Layla froze and her hands trembled in fear,even though she didn't like Lilith again she never prayed for something bad to happen to her.

"Nathaniel!I think Lilith is infected, don't panic and get her to the nearest quarantine base right now!"Layla said anxiously.

"Ok!I will do it now,I want you to know that I love you Layla-" Nathaniel said as the call was cut off immediately.

Layla trembled"hello!, Nathan!"Layla yelled ignoring the cold snort from bella.

{System 1049: your friend has been infected that fast,we need to not delay any further, the sample must be obtained}.

"System, I feel like giving up, what if Lilith get out of control before he get there and get bitten too?"Layla said anxiously.

"Hey what is the problem?"bella asked because she couldn't ignore the constant trembling of Layla which unexpectedly brought old memories.

"Lilith has been infected!"Layla said with her eyes unconcealed with worry and restlessness.

Bella didn't know who was the person but a string of pity made her gaze soften unexpectedly.

Bella walked closer to Layla and gritted her teeth and endure it,and patted Layla shoulder stiffly comforting her a little bit.

Layla stop trembling and was slightly calm.

"Thanks"Layla said subconsciously and smiled gently.

"No need"bella said completely ashamed of her kindness and moved back to the previous silent treatment.

Bella walked back to her previous position and continued her activity, Layla on other side was brimming with worry.

Meanwhile in New York city a particular man drove an unconscious woman whom was seated at the back with a seat belt buckled on her prevent her hanging body from falling.

The man repeatedly glanced at the unconscious lady behind with a flash of fear as he hasten his speed anxiously, the map showing on the car screen was the location of the closest quarantine base.

Since the declare of lockdown, the government has been creating quarantine bases around the cities and has informed each and every mayor after a council meeting to do the same action so has to be able to curb the virus for the mean time before the discovery of a vaccine in the country.

But it has only been a few quarantine bases that have been constructed due the plummeting stock profit and low foreign exchange between other countries having the general belief that their good could be infected or so , God know who spread such rumor!,now the virus was no longer a secret but the backlash was severe because of the general panic,the crime rate has increased to a shocking level by those who have the most ridiculous belief that the world is about end and instead of repenting, they rather commit themselves into sins.

Now anything that was brought on market that is rumored to protect from the virus people would rush to purchase showing how desperate they are not wanting to meet the same fate as the infected.

Nathan was on a hot seat because he had watched a live video of the virus attack in the well known hospital. Constantly looking at the unconscious Lilith, he couldn't help but knock her out to buy him time is until he got to his destination and before Lilith claw her way out.

Nathan suddenly began to unconsciously thank Layla and slowly regretted his previous actions months ago. He couldn't deny he was so stupid and was completely seduced by his fiance friend because he has been constantly sexually deprived and it frustrated him. When he say a good fish he could help but catch it, but he slowly began wary of it.

Finally the quarantine base was in sight and Nathan breath a sigh of relief, fortunately he didn't go to the wrong address otherwise he couldn't even know what would happen.

But another problem has happened Lilith was gaining consciousness which was bad to Nathan, though she hadn't turned completely he was still scared at this point.

It was only a few minutes before he would be able to arrive at the base, speeding up he stepped on the acceleration like his life depends on it.

Finally arrived, the quarantine base was a huge tent house with bright light and different smell of chemicals and drugs with not surprisingly high tech.

Lilith was immediately rush to another room with different people in white some wrapped in strange suit that covered their entire body but that didn't matter.

They checked Nathan thoroughly for any sign of being bitten or scratched.

After the check up Nathan confirmed that Layla was really infected but how?.

Until the doctor explained that it was from an unknown substance which was quite excess in her body cells due to addiction. Nathan was surprised when he heard it he became confused he hadn't witnessed or seen Lilith addicted to any drug Lilith wasn't a fancy of drugs she rather preferred the syringe,well maybe there were more secrets behind Lilith than expected.

The treatment was free as it's funds were paid from the government directly. Nathan went to her room to check up on her,after passing through many room which had a shrieking and yelling sound you could tell it wasn't normal.

He wore all they said for protection, all wrapped like a koala he walked forward and looked at the sleeping Lilith which unknown tubes attached to her.

"May I ask what are those?"Nathan asked curiously.

The man beside looked at the tubes and spoke up.

"The infected hasn't been completely turned so we used some drips and equipment we could use to sustain for now before she looses her sanity completely"the man said with his cold eyes as he spoke emotionlessly like he was talking about an object not something living but who could blame them they were doing their job.

"Ok, how many day do think she may will turn?"Nathan said .

"Think isn't the right word to say, based on facts she won't last more than a day,two days as been the maximum of every infected"the man said and Nathan kept silent.

Even though he didn't have the deep love he still felt scared and pity for her, he shook his head knowing there was nothing he could do and walked out of the bases heading home.


