

"Fucking bitch!" With bloodshot eyes and gritted teeth, he quickly grabbed me and pulled my hair. I dropped the knife from my hand so quickly, and I just felt my head hit the wall. The blood started to drip. The ring in my ear makes me dizzy.

I have no match for his strength, and I only got weaker the second time he hit my head against the wall. And it's a miracle because I can still be conscious and fight the pain. I groaned, and with so much strength, I lifted my thigh and kicked him back to strike his balls.

He made a sound of pain and let go of me. I made him mad even more, and I know I will never survive this night if I let him catch me. I crawled and tried to let myself up, but I couldn't because of the dizziness. Horror filled me when I felt his rough hand grab my thigh and pull me closer to him. I kick him, but he grabs both my thighs to settle on his and grabs my neck to strangle me.

"If you just listened to me, this wouldn't happen! But you fucking disobey me!" He choked me with so much hatred. I struggled and tried to punch his face, and my legs were shaking. The dark started to illuminate me. I almost lost my breath when I saw the knife on my side. I try to reach it as he focuses on choking me. I could almost reach it. With my only fingers trying to hold the knife, I pushed with all my strength to pick it up, and I succeeded, and with a dying breath, I stabbed him.

He let me go and I pushed him away from me and got up. I am still catching my breath and coughing. I'm holding my neck as he is trying to pull the knife from the side of his stomach. I almost made it to the window when he grabbed my hair, and I winced.

"Let me go!"

I can't ask for help because we are in a secluded area, and I can't count on his family either because they won't help me. He punched my stomach harder and slapped my face. I weakened on my spot and sat on the floor. When he almost touched me, I used up my remaining strength to kick him, and his head bounced off the side of my bed.

I cried and got up. I'm so messed up. My hair was messy, with a drench of blood over my face, and I had disheveled clothes. I didn't think twice and jumped out the window. My back hit the grass, and a rock hit my side. I shouted in pain.

"Sunny!" He growled at the window. I quickly stood up, and I cried when my ankle broke. I let one single glance at the mansion pass, leaving happy memories with my Bloppa. Escaping myself, holding my thighs, firstly my right foot to run and the other. I turn my back on the house. with a clenching heart and painful tears. I don't know where I will go after this night. I was very scared at that time because I could hear his voice chasing after me.

Someone help me, Please.

Every time I ran, I winced because I could feel the broken ribs, aching head, and dizziness. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me.

I ran as fast as I could. I didn't mind the sharp stones hitting my feet. The cold breeze of the night and the moon tracing my shadow helped me run in the dark. I flinched when I tripped, and it caused my body to twirl and my back to hit the tree.

"Ahh!" I cried. So much surviving in the night. I got up again and continued running, feeling his foot on the ground closer to me.

"You better show up to me or I will fucking kill you this time!" He shouted in the dim forest.

Run, run, run. All I could do was run and help myself survive the night. Looking for a place or a city I could ask for help, I only saw the lonely island with a ghostly old ferry boat on the side.

I didn't waste any time, and I headed there. I'm hoping that someone can help me in the middle of the night. Bloppa, I'm sorry. I'll come back. I promise. I will fight that house. I'll be mine again. Just please help me to survive this night.

With instinct and the hope that someone would be there, I shouted for help. I can no longer hear his foot behind me, and I may have gotten away from him, but I have to run away from here. But how?

I don't have a boat. I can't swim properly with this condition of my feet. There is a possibility that if I try to swim, my feet will go numb and I will drown. Fuck this escape! This is the finish line; I run, but I'll never survive. This is the end of me.

"Help! Someone help me! I shouted and cried. looking behind my back if he catches me. "Help!" My voice cracked. I don't recognize my voice anymore. My body was slowly weakened by every passing second. Will my life end here? No justice? no freedom, no happiness, no purpose.

I should be happy right now because no more pain no more surviving anymore. But why do I feel this feeling of wanting to taste my freedom? How will I achieve it if I'm already on the edge? Slowly falling.

"Sunny!" A gasp escaped my lips. I felt my heart beat louder and louder. She was afraid of the man chasing her.

"Stay away from me!" Please, somebody. I was hoping and praying for the first time that God would give me another chance to live, to escape this worst nightmare..

"You can't escape this now, Sunny. Turn to me now and come back to the house!" he demanded in the dark. And then I saw him close the distance of darkness and come to light, blood drenching his stomach. Sweating, pale skin, bloodshot eyes

No, no, no…

I turned my back on him and tried to escape again, but I stopped on my tracks when he spoke. He was threatening me with his voice. He pointed me to the sharper knife that I used to stab him.

"Try to run, Sunny. Try and I will haunt you to death." I shiver when I feel him slowly approaching me.

"Stop this, Papa," she pleaded. He chuckled devilishly.

"I will never stop until I see you dead." This is the end of me. No more running, accepting the faith was in front of me. At the end of this survival, I will never taste any freedom at all.

There is no freedom involved after all.

I was ready to close my eyes when I heard the dangerous and sinful baritone of the man behind me. My eyes widened in shock. My father was lost in her tracks and looked at the man behind me.

"Damn noises." She heard the man sigh, and she felt a different coldness on her spine. "I wanted to rest for the first time, and you two ruined it." She wanted to turn her back and look at the man behind her, but she just couldn't because she was observing his father if he made another move towards her with the strange man behind him who came out of nowhere.

But she feels glad somehow because someone will help her, and he will never be alone. She will survive. I will survive.

"Who are you?" his father asked. She heard him snorting.

"Stop asking; I'm not interested in you," he said plainly yet dangerously. His father gritted his teeth.

"If you don't want noise, then get out of here. Don't fucking dare to interfere with my business or I might slit your throat." His father warned, but the man behind him seemed to never have cared for my father.

"Too bad I wanted to be in the middle," he said, and I felt him take something out. I heard the sound of the pistol sliding, and I saw my father's eyes widen and his face grow even paler. "Try to touch her, and I'll never hesitate to trigger this for you. Right where you stand, right now, right here. You wouldn't like it, do you?"