
Chapter 339

Diana's P. O. V

My confession was too loud, and in the end everyone ended up hearing what I said. If I did not look pathetic and hopeless in their eyes before, then I certainly looked the part now.

"Did you just say you're quitting the team?." Jasmine asked, repeating what I said for everyone else to hear, just in case they didn't the first time.

"Yes." I replied, chewing on both sides of my cheeks. They gasped at first, shocked by my decision, and then the girls exchanged glances with one another.

"Am not doing it because we lost or anything, believe me am glad that your hard work wasn't in vain." I explained, wanting to quit on good terms with everyone.

"Josie asked me to give up something some time ago, that I'd have to let go of something. And that thing has to be cheerleading." I started off, knowing how badly what I was going to say would affect them.