
Glance, Fall Out Boy songs brought to life

Menace, Phoenix, Dark Dark, Frosty and some other people live in a big building on a glade in the woods and are training fighting together to defend themselves against the shadows in the woods. They all have different magical powers and personalities, hobbies, jobs and relationships. Getting along with each other isn't always easy but they are holding together. Will that be enough to get through all the trouble in their lifes, surviving and fighting shadows?

Menece · Fantasy
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81 Chs

14th Oh Sugar Sugar

Sugar was in the kitchen making cupcakes. She just put the sixt dish in the oven and kept working on the decoration for the strawberry and the blueberry cupcakes. There should be fresh tiny strawberries on the one and blue sprinkles on the other ones. Already a tray with chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with creme were on one side of the kitchen table. Another one with apple and cinnamon was laying next to it.

In the morning after breakfast Sugar was working on a new recipe for cupcakes. She wanted to create some with a mix of vanilla and yogurt taste with pieces of pineapple and mango on top. She wondered if they will be good and how they will taste. In some days she will try making them. Sugar also studied the recipes for the cupcakes so she knew how to make them today. Finally she finished putting blue sprinkles on the blueberry cupcakes. She loved baking and sweets any kind.

Phoenix came in, looked at her, while she was focused on putting some tiny apple pieces on the cinnamon cupcakes and asked: "Didn't we just had pancakes for dinner? Why you making cupcakes now?"

"I love cupcakes, so why not?", she responded. "Yeah but why so many?", she kept on asking. Sugar answered:

"I love them all and I can't decide. Anyway, you know, I always make enough for everyone." Phoenix didn't wanted to quit yet,

"Yeah, but..." "Here, have a cupcake!", Sugar suggested and took a vanilla cupcake from one tray of one part of the kitchen table and gave it to her. Noone can say no to cupcakes.

Then Phoenix got silent, looked at the yummy cake and took a bite. Chewing she mumbled something about it tasting very good and left the room. Slowly Sugar sighed. Phoenix always wanted to know things in every detail. Why this, how that. But it was probably pretty simple, she wanted to understand. It's just, there was no deeper reason in why Sugar made so many different cupcakes. She loved it and someone will eat them.