
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 98

Zhu Xiaobao slapped Xia Wanying's face with a slap, and immediately there were five or five red fingerprints on her face. Xia Wanying covered her face and looked at Zhu Xiaobao in disbelief. She couldn't figure it out, Xiaobao hadn't always coveted her body what!Let him have sex/love with him today, why would he beat someone?

"Xiaobao, what's the matter with you!?" Xia Wanying looked weak, with tears in her eyes, and said pitifully: "You can tell me what Aunt Xia is not doing well, no matter what you ask Aunt Xia I can satisfy you!" Xia Wanying stared straight at Zhu Xiaobao's body, the meaning of these words was self-evident.

Zhu Xiaobao originally wanted to beat her up to vent the anger in his heart, but seeing Xia Wanying's charming appearance, he changed his mind again, and it would not be too late to deal with her after playing enough.

"Aunt Xia, I'm sorry, I was wrong just now! But don't let me call you stepmother in the future!" Zhu Xiaobao got up and put on his clothes, and said with a wicked smile: "Aunt Xia, don't you have more to say!"

Xia Wanying and Zhu Chengshan only do it together once a week, sometimes even longer, and they are always in a state of hunger and thirst. Now that Zhu Xiaobao has had a good time, of course it is not enough.My Beautiful Mistress 98

"Xiaobao, as long as you like, Aunt Xia's body can be given to you at any time!" Xia Wanying took the snow-white towel from the recliner and wrapped it around her body, and her exquisite body was revealed again.

Zhu Xiaobao rubbed her chest vigorously, and said with a smile: "I like Aunt Xia's body very much, not only me, but a good friend of mine also likes it. Let's meet Aunt Xia together some other day, okay!" The friend in Zhu Xiaobao's mouth Of course it was Ye Qiu.

Xia Wanying's heart beat violently when she heard these words, not only did she not feel disgusted, but she also felt a sense of joy and excitement, but she blushed and shyly refused: "Xiaobao... this, this is not good What if your father finds out!"

"There's nothing wrong with this. You have such a strong sexual desire. I can't satisfy you by myself. Wouldn't it be good if you have multiple people with you! As long as you don't tell me, how will my dad know? If you don't agree, it's fine." It's gone!" Zhu Xiaobao wanted to leave desperately, but Xia Wanying stopped him after taking a few steps.

"Little Treasure...you can do whatever you want, as long as you're happy, Aunt Xia will do whatever you want!" Xia Wanying whispered with her face flushed.

Zhu Xiaobao didn't expect her to agree so readily, and cursed a bitch in his heart, then turned around and said in front of Xia Wanying: "Aunt Xia, then you go back to the room and wait, I will call my friend right now!"

Xia Wanying nodded, and went back to the villa and took out her sexiest underwear from the closet to put on. As soon as she entered the room, Xia Wanying changed her delicate appearance just outside, she became glamorous, and she dressed up in front of the mirror. There was a very special smile on his face, not like a smile looking forward to an affair, but like a long-awaited prey about to take the bait.


After eating at home, I looked through some records about the Xiangxi Exorcist Sect in Master's study. Except for some basic introductions, I didn't mention some core issues about them, such as how many of them there were in the whole country at that time. How many strongholds and so on.

I want to go to Master to understand, but Master is not at home, and I don't know where I went so late.

I closed the book, and I was going to watch TV with my wife and Bai Ling, and eat tofu by the way, but at this moment the phone rang, and it was Zhu Xiaobao again, so I walked over and closed the door of the study, and said with a smile: "Hey , Xiaobao, did you handle your stepmother?"

Zhu Xiaobao said that her stepmother is not much worse than my teacher's wife. I have always been skeptical, so why would a young and beautiful woman find a man with a family?Although Zhu Chengshan has some money to start a company, he can only be regarded as below average in Yangcheng.

If that woman is really as beautiful as Zhu Xiaobao said, it would be a hundred times better than Zhu Chengshan to recognize a rich godfather. Although the godfather is also an old man, it is not a daily life, as long as the money is enough!

"Ye Qiu, let me tell you, I got rid of that bitch just now! It's really delicious, come to my dad quickly, and I'll let her do it for you later!" Such a good thing, Zhu Xiaobao remembered it very generously. I, my heart is moved, but at this time, my wife will definitely follow me when I go out, and it will definitely not be possible with her here!

Forget it, I went to discuss it with my wife, and after making up my mind, I said: "Xiaobao, it's not convenient for me to go out now, I'll think of a way, you wait for my call, if you don't receive my call in half an hour, forget it, you Enjoy it slowly!"

I went downstairs to talk to my wife about going to wish Xiaobao's family, but my wife refused to live or die. I begged for half an hour and my wife didn't agree. "Today is the thirteenth day of the seventh month, and the yin is getting heavier and worse at night. You just stay at home honestly, and you are not allowed to go anywhere at night. After the fifteenth day, my wife will not force you!"

"Okay!" I sighed in disappointment, and looked at my watch. It's been more than 40 minutes, so let's talk about it later!

Zhu Xiaobao waited for my call at home for more than half an hour but there was no news. Knowing that I would not come, he went downstairs alone and walked into the stepmother's room. Seeing the sexy and provocative Xia Wanying on the bed, Zhu Xiaobao was hot all over. When I entered her room, I felt a chill, colder than the cold air from the air conditioner.