
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 65

"It's your lust, and you want to blame it on Mistress! Little pervert!" Mistress smiled coquettishly and said, "There are still four beauties waiting to apply for the job outside. Try to finalize all this in the morning, but check your body." Leave it to Bai Ling!"

"Master, do you think I want to! I'm afraid that if I watch too much, I won't be able to stand up!" I said

After speaking, my wife twisted her waist and slowly walked out of my office. I was fascinated by her graceful figure.I can't wait to lie on her belly all the time!

"Manager Ye, this is Ms. Guo Meimei!" After the teacher left, Bai Ling brought another girl over this time, but she didn't leave, but entered my office with the girl.

It seems that my wife has explained to her that the inspection is not my turn!My beautiful mistress 65

Guo Meimei is very sexy, giving people a coquettish feeling, her hair is dyed wine red, her clothes are very fashionable, and she is carrying a green baby in her hand.

She is more charming and coquettish than Qin Lan. She wears earrings and a necklace. She has a good figure. Her skin is white and snow-white, and her clothes are even bolder. There is a deep groove on her chest. She looks at me with a pair of seductive eyes smiling slightly.

I have some doubts, is such a girl also a virgin?

She went straight to my desk and sat down gracefully, and said with a charming smile, "Hello, Manager Ye, I'm Guo Meimei, do you think I'm okay?" Her eyes are very beautiful and bold, staring at mine Her eyes didn't flicker, she leaned forward slightly, I could almost see the pink grape on her chest!

In fact, the principle of recruitment is to be beautiful and virgin. I know that Bai Ling brings people here from her perspective. In order to save efficiency, she talks to these girls outside beforehand, and then brings them here after getting to know them. The order is naturally from beautiful to ugly, Of course, these girls are not ugly, it's just to see who is better.

"Where's your resume?" I asked.

Guo Meimei smiled sweetly at me, "Isn't mine considered a resume? It seems that your recruitment requirements don't have any special requirements, you just want beauties and virgins, and I think they just meet these two requirements."

"Hehe..." I laughed and said, "It seems that Ms. Guo Meimei is very confident. Well, Sister Bai Ling, you can check for her first, and I will avoid it!"

"Actually, there is no need to avoid it. Sex is nothing but emptiness. As long as Manager Ye has no desire for sex, it doesn't matter if he sees it!" Guo Meimei's generosity surprised me, and she made sense.

Bai Ling didn't make a sound, but quietly glared at me seeing that I didn't mean to leave.

Guo Meimei lifted up her short skirt in front of Bai Ling and me, slowly took off the black lace panties, took a few tissues and sat on the seat, then spread her snow-white legs, revealing Her beautiful big abalone.

There was no coddling or embarrassment, as if she wasn't taking off herself. I didn't expect her to be so open.

Her private parts are also very good, black and thick, the abalone is smaller than Qin Lan's, but her butt is superior, white and upright, smooth like satin, Guo Meimei's butt is white and big, if you use the rear-entry style I think it will definitely be ecstasy.

Guo Meimei had a calm expression from the beginning to the end, but Bai Ling's face was a little reddish, and she checked Guo Meimei's private parts, the membrane in the gap was still there, and her chastity was still there!

This made me wonder if she repaired it in the hospital, so I pulled Sister Bai Ling aside and whispered to her: "Sister Bai Ling, did you just check if there are any stitches on her?"

Bai Ling hadn't heard of the repair operation yet, so he said disdainfully: "What stitch marks, you think it's clothes!"

I quietly whispered in her ear to give her a brief introduction to the hymen/membrane repair surgery, and she was stunned for a long time: "There is such a thing! Then I will take a closer look!"

Bai Ling and I went back to Guo Meimei, ready to check again, but Guo Meimei said: "Manager Ye doesn't seem to believe me! I can tell you that my story is absolutely true. If you don't believe me, we should go to the hospital right now." Make an appraisal!"

This Guo Meimei is really straightforward, not reserved at all.My beautiful mistress 65

But I just saw that her pink and bright red doesn't seem to have been tampered with, and the membrane is still there and not broken, it should be a virgin!

"Okay, Miss Guo Meimei, you have been hired by our company!" I solemnly announced.

Guo Meimei stood up facing me, and slowly put on her pants in front of me, but her eyes were fixed on me, with an ambiguous smile on her face.

"When will I join the job tomorrow?" Guo Meimei asked after putting on her pants.

"Before nine o'clock in the morning, doesn't Ms. Guo ask about her salary?" I said with a smile.

Guo Meimei gave an answer that I didn't expect: "Hehe... I'll take as much as I give, but I'm actually applying for you!"

I felt a cold gaze sweep over me, and when I looked up, it was indeed Bai Ling's jealous expression!

Damn, does she know me?But I have no impression of Guo Meimei at all!

After Guo Meimei left, she went on to interview the next beauty. This girl was not simple. She looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, but her breasts were no less than Lin Yazhi's!Real childlike big breasts!

The girl's name is Liu Yan, with an innocent smile on her face, but her breasts always attract my attention.

No doubt she was admitted too, but she was embarrassed to let Bai Ling and I check the private parts together, and there was nothing there.

After twelve o'clock, I finally finished the recruitment work, and the teacher's wife also completed the task. I don't know why the teacher didn't come out of the office all morning!

"Okay, you're done. Tomorrow will be a day of trial operation, and the day after tomorrow will be officially open for business. Now go to lunch!" The teacher clapped her hands and smiled with relief.