
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 59

The third ancestral precept even without me would do the same. Although there are many rich people in China, there are more poor people in the vast rural areas. I saw reports on the Internet that some left-behind elderly people bought a change of clothes for their grandchildren, Stationery for school, snacks for holidays, etc. to do illegal things, this kind of thing that should not have happened makes people feel a bit bleak.

"Master, I will keep this in mind, no matter what happens to me in the future, I will never forget the teachings of my ancestors!" I said firmly.

I, Ye Qiu, are living a happy life now, and all of this was given by my master and wife. If they hadn't picked me up to raise me, I'm afraid I would have been reduced to food for wild beasts in the mountains.

"Well, yes, you are indeed my apprentice of Liu Dalie!" The master was very pleased, and asked with a smile on his face: "Xiaoqiu, do you still remember some formulas that the master taught you back then!"

Master taught me a lot at that time, but I didn't have much interest in Maoshan Taoism at that time, so I forgot about it, and I said with some embarrassment: "Master, I am stupid, and I have forgotten many things. , so far I only remember spells!" My glamorous wife 59

Talisman spell is to urge the internal force in the body to burn the talisman paper after chanting the mantra. The talisman paper is made of special materials, and the burning point is much lower than that of ordinary paper. The talisman paper is engraved with Dao patterns, which can communicate with the gods of heaven and earth. , so as to borrow the power of heaven and earth!

I used it in front of my wife and Bai Ling last time. I didn't have internal energy in my body so I didn't use the talisman at that time. The effect was far worse. I didn't have any memory of what happened after I finished chanting the spell that day. !

"Actually, Taoism spells are not that complicated. You just need to remember Jijiru decree and Heaven and Earth Borrowing Law. All spells must have these two sentences. After you read these two spells, add the ones you need to cast. Taoism is enough!" I nodded, and the master continued: "For example, to open the Yin-Yang eyes, after reading the first two mantras, add the Yin-Yang eyes to open, or to open the Yin-Yang eyes. I got it out of research, and at that time I used to use inversions, so there is no difference!"

"Today, Master will teach you the key to opening the Yin-Yang Eye. Also, after opening the Yin-Yang Eye, you can see things that you can't see with the naked eye, and you can see through walls. The deeper the Tao, the farther you can see! No matter what you look at Don't panic when you see any scary things, because most of the things you see they don't see you, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke them, they won't find you!" Master explained to me carefully.

It sounds a little scary. I don't know what things I can see that I can't see normally, but I can still see through the wall?I suddenly thought of a question: "Master, you said that the yin and yang eyes can see through, so if I open the yin and yang eyes on the street, will I be able to see women's bodies!"

"Of course!" The master smiled wretchedly.

"Then Master, haven't you seen many women's bodies!?"

"Ahem... don't look at evil, don't look at evil! How can you focus on those things as a teacher, and you think you can open your yin and yang eyes if you want? Opening yin and yang eyes consumes a lot of physical strength and energy. It can only be turned on for 5 minutes! So you kid, don't use this trick to peep, if you are unlucky, you will die if you see the ghost king or the charm emperor with your yin and yang eyes!" Master warned, since there are still In such a situation, you really can't mess with Yin and Yang. Although it's fun to peep, it's not good if you get killed.

"That's like what I just learned, how long can the yin and yang eyes be opened, and how can I protect myself in case I encounter a powerful yin thing?" Life-saving is the first element. If you lose your life, how can you talk about fighting demons and defending the Tao?

The master chuckled: "Even if you are a smart boy, you still know how to escape if you are a teacher! It is not shameful to be lustful, but it is shameful to be lustful but can't even save your life! In fact, there is another spell that complements the Yin and Yang eyes, that is the invisibility spell. Only when you have internal power can you use it, you need to practice quickly!"

Invisibility spell! ?Damn, there is such a voyeuristic skill!I couldn't be more excited, whether it's the yin and yang eyes or the invisibility spell, this is definitely a sharp weapon to see a woman's ass!If someone uses the invisibility spell to stand in front of her while taking a bath, I can see her but she can't see me, that would be really cool!

"Little bastard, what are you thinking about? Let me tell you, the invisibility spell consumes more energy than the yin and yang eye, and requires internal strength. Even if you meet this condition, if you don't have enough time for the invisibility spell Long, as a teacher, you can only use it for 3 minutes at most!" Master seems to always be able to see through my intentions, and he can guess everything I think!

After listening to Master's words, I became a little disappointed. Even he can only use the invisibility spell for 3 minutes. It seems that he needs to strengthen his practice!

"Try to open the yin and yang eyes now, and I will teach you the internal force cultivation as a teacher later!" The master stood up and took out a piece of talisman paper, and then stood aside and waited for me to recite the mantra.

I stood up and stretched my muscles and bones, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Urgently, like a law, the heaven and the earth use the law, the yin and yang eyes—open!"

While I was chanting the mantra, Master flicked his wrist to urge the yellow talisman paper to be thrown out. With a sound of swiping, the yellow talisman paper rose into a ball of flame in the air and instantly turned into ashes!

Immediately, I felt my eyes brighten, as if the surrounding walls had disappeared, and my field of vision was much wider, as if standing on an open field, I could see a radius of ten meters, but I didn't find anything negative.

When I looked up, I almost spit out a nosebleed. I saw Bai Ling taking a bath!The naked body is unobstructed!Clearer than looking through a telescope!