
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 51

"Sister Bai Ling, didn't I come into the house just now?" I didn't know that Bai Ling was cooking for me. She has some wine!

Bai Ling took off her apron and washed her hands. Although she was busy in the kitchen, it was difficult to see the shadow of a housewife from her. The main reason was that Sister Bai Ling was so beautiful that even standing by the pot and frying vegetables gave people the feeling of being a woman. Like a show, it looks unreal.

Bai Ling dried his hands and said, "Qiuqiu, I still have two dishes on the table, why don't you try them and see if my cooking skills have improved!" Bai Ling studied with Li Xiangjun for three days, and today Li Xiangjun has something to go out I finally had the opportunity to cook, and I couldn't wait to show my results.

I shook my head like a rattle, that black thing disgusted me just looking at it, compared to the delicious dishes prepared by my wife, Bai Ling's culinary skills are far behind!

Not to mention asking me to eat, even if I look at it twice, I feel unappetizing.My Beautiful Mistress 51

"Sister Bai Ling, another day, I'm really full today!"

Seeing my reluctance, Bai Ling nodded, and suddenly asked: "By the way, how is Zhu Xiaobao's family? Did that man beat you?" Sister Bai Ling seemed to be very concerned about me.

"They're divorced!" This matter involves other people's privacy, and I have had a relationship with Lin Yazhi, so I don't want to mention too much about Zhu Xiaobao's family situation.

"Then let's separate, that's good, why do such a man want to come here! If I meet a man who beats a woman, he must be castrated! Qiuqiu, I warn you, you are not allowed to beat a woman in the future!" When Bai Ling spoke, he stared at my crotch, which made me feel chilly underneath.

I giggled, "How could it be! How can I be willing to beat a woman before I hurt her! Sister Bai Ling, am I that unbearable in your eyes?"

"That's about the same!" Bai Ling suddenly remembered something, and smiled at me: "Qiuqiu, you can teach me about computers when we go to your room. I'll take a shower first. I just got all dressed up in the kitchen. The smell of oily smoke, just wait for me and it will be over soon!"

There are two rooms and two bathrooms downstairs, one is in the wife's room and the other is outside. I thought she was going to take a shower in the wife's room, but Bai Ling went directly to the bathroom outside, which made me stop when I was about to go upstairs .

After a while, there was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, and I fantasized about the picture of Sister Bai Ling standing naked under the shower head in the shower. It should be misty and misty, and her beautiful body is in it.

I quietly came to the bathroom, and suddenly found that the door of the bathroom was not closed tightly, leaving a gap, and there was still mist of hot water coming out. Listening to the sound of rushing water, my heart also became excited.

Walking step by step to the door of the bathroom, I could see the fuzzy flesh inside through the frosted glass door. I felt my body gradually getting hot and dry, and I had the urge to go in and wash with Sister Bai Ling.

At this time, the sound of the water inside stopped abruptly, followed by the sound of Sister Bai Ling squeezing the shower gel, watching Bai Ling rubbing the shower gel on the glass door outside the bathroom, my mouth was so dry that I could no longer control myself. Unable to hold back, his heart sank, he pushed open the door and rushed in.

"Oh, sister Bai Ling, why are you in there? I thought you were taking a shower in the room. I rushed in without paying attention when I was in a hurry to urinate!" plan to go out.

Instead, she stared at Sister Bai Ling's fair and shiny carcass. Unfortunately, the private parts were covered by white foam after applying shower gel, and only the pair of big white tits could be seen!

Sister Bai Ling's hair was wet, she put her hands on her lower abdomen and forgot to cover the important parts, she looked at me with a flushed face, "How did you get in here!"

How did you get in?Isn't the door always open?She even asked me how I got in. It seemed that Sister Bai Ling was embarrassed. I said with a shy face, "The door is not locked. I just pushed it open! Sister Bai Ling, why don't we wash it together, and I can help you wash it off?" Carry it!"

Bai Ling suddenly woke up, covered his private parts, and scolded, "Get lost..."

I became depressed, did you not close this door yourself?And where have I not seen you?Why are you so conservative now!

"Sister Bai Ling, what exactly do you want to let me wash with you!" Of course I won't be kicked out by her one word. gun!

Bai Ling took a deep breath, and asked solemnly: "Qiuqiu, do you really want to have sex with me?"

I thought I heard it wrong, "What! Oh, Sister Bai Ling, in fact... I don't just want to have sex with you. Love, because I like you, I want to be your man, protect you, love you and love you for the rest of my life! I Although I am still young, I will grow up and take all the responsibilities!"

I didn't say this just to get Sister Bai Ling's body, that's what I thought in my heart!

Bai Ling's heart beat violently, his eyes were a little moist, and he said in a low voice, "Come and help me take a bath!"

She actually agreed. Sister Bai Ling's words sounded more beautiful to my ears than fairy sounds. I quickly took off my clothes and approached Bai Ling's shiny body!