
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 3

"You are still young now, wait for your wife to give you another car!" My wife glanced at me and said, I felt a little lost in my heart, and I have to wait two years, which is too far away.

I resentfully said: "Master, I am 16 years old now, I would have been the father of a child in ancient times! How can I still be young?"

The mistress giggled a few times, and said: "Stinky boy, you don't even have hair to return the child's father? But if you really want to learn how to drive, it's okay for the mistress to take you to the suburbs someday to let you practice your hands, but if you want Promise Master one thing!"

"What's the matter?" I asked happily.I thought in my heart that no matter what request my mother made, I would agree.

Mistress paused.As happy as a girl in Huaichun, she smiled and said: "We will go to the beach tomorrow while your master is not at home! I haven't gone swimming in the sea for a long time. I really miss that refreshing feeling!" My beautiful Mistress 3

My mistress has a nice name, Li Xiangjun, which has the same name and surname as Li Xiangjun, one of the eight beauties of the Qinhuai River, who was famous all over the world in ancient times. Although I have never seen Li Xiangjun in ancient times, she is definitely not half as beautiful as my mistress.

When Li Xiangjun married Master, I thought she was my mother when I was a child, and I was very proud to have such a mother. Since I became sensible, I knew that she was not my mother. Not only was I not disappointed, but I was even more delighted. In the future, it would be nice to marry a woman who is exactly like my wife.

"Well, okay, I agree!" Master has not allowed Master to go swimming in the sea since she married Master. I don't know why Master made such a request. I wanted to refuse at first, and I was worried that Master would get angry, but I heard Hearing the soft and waxy voice of my teacher's wife, I unexpectedly agreed.

Master and wife have been together for nearly 16 years, but they have never had any children, so it's okay to treat me or my own son.Although I know that some thoughts should not be, but I can't help it, and I can't control it. The figure of my teacher's wife Miaoman often appears in my mind.

Although my wife is wearing sunglasses, I can still feel those seductive eyes, which make people unable to extricate themselves, attracting me like magic.

After more than half an hour's drive, we arrived at the Friendship Store, the largest luxury store in Yangcheng. We parked the car in the underground garage. We took the elevator and went upstairs. I walked around with my wife, and finally my wife took me here. swimwear section.

Looking at the dazzling array of sexy bikinis, I felt a little hot. It was the first time I came to such a women's products section, and I was very embarrassed. Moreover, the styles of bikinis were all kinds of strange, some were similar to thongs, and the front crotch was only the size of an egg. , I doubt whether it can cover the key parts of a woman.

Although the things here are expensive, there are no fewer people than ordinary stores. Nowadays, there are too many rich people. As soon as my wife walked into the bikini area, the shopping guide lady in uniform came over quickly and asked enthusiastically.

The mistress asked her to stay on the sidelines and called her over if necessary. The shopping guide smiled and nodded politely and left. This service attitude is just different.

But Mistress chose for a long time and didn't see her choose. Suddenly, Mistress smiled and said to me: "Ye Qiu, come and help Mistress to see, that suits me!"

I don't know if it's because my wife deliberately wanted to embarrass me, so she made such a request.

I felt embarrassed looking at those colorful bikinis, I just wanted my wife to buy it quickly and leave, so I pointed at it casually and said, "This one is good!" Actually, I didn't even see what the bikinis looked like.

The teacher smiled, "Which one are you sure to choose?"

I nodded quickly.Mistress raised her hand and hooked her fingers, and the shopping guide lady walked over quickly. Mistress pointed to the bikini I just picked and said, "Wrap this up for me!" Then Mistress handed over the unlimited overdraft credit card To Miss Shopping Guide.

"Alright miss, wait a moment!" the female shopping guide said in a sweet voice.Turn around to swipe the card and get the goods.

At this time, a woman in her early twenties came to the bikini area, wearing gold and silver, she was afraid that people would not know that she seemed to be rich, and she looked pretty, but her figure was a bit shriveled, not as plump as my wife. She saw me and my wife A trace of disdain flashed in the woman's eyes, but she looked away quickly. After looking at it for a while, she pointed to the bikini I just picked and called Miss Shopping Guide.

It was a coincidence that the last bikini was bought by my wife, and only the one hanging outside was left, but the woman suddenly said: "Give me that set, I will pay double the price!"

The shopping guide lady said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, miss, that bikini has already been sold to this lady!" The shopping guide pointed to the teacher and said.

The woman looked up at the mistress, and was secretly startled. She was obviously shocked by the beauty and temperament of the mistress. There is no woman who is not jealous of women who are more beautiful than themselves, especially those who are more than one or two taller. grade.My Beautiful Mistress 3

"This set of bikini is very expensive, it must have cost you a month or two of salary! Why don't you transfer it to me and give you double the money!" The woman said arrogantly to the mistress, in her opinion, the mistress is just a white-collar worker.

Shi Niang is a strong woman and also very intelligent. When she met such an upstart woman, she dismissed her and said with a faint smile, "Are you rich?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, thinking that the teacher was really testing her, and then she felt a sense of superiority spontaneously, and said with a contemptuous smile: "It's too rich to talk about, but one month's pocket money is estimated to be a year of hard work for you." I can't make money either!"