
Gladiators of the Gridiron

Everyone wants to be the greatest, but for most people, that's nothing more than a pipe dream; for others, they feel like it's their destiny. Gladiators of the Gridiron is a story that follows two boys who are two sides of the same coin on their journey through their high school American Football careers to become the greatest of all time. Updated every Wednesday and Sunday

SeipoltMP · Sports
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132 Chs

Momentum Shattered

'Hey D, don't worry about that shit. You'll get 'em next time,' Stephen said.

The two bumped fists, but Deshaun grumbled. 'Fuck it. Punk got lucky, that's all.'

Ty looked over from his seat on the bench. 'Let's hope his luck runs out next time.'

Deshaun shot him a glare.

'Hey. We all need to work together. We'll all do better next time and keep them out of the endzone,' JJ said.

'We'll switch up our zone,' Coach Hoang said. Their heads turned to face him. 'Day, get out there.'

Stephen looked out to the field, this time, the ball had been booted out of the endzone and Chris hadn't had a chance to return the kick.

Stephen pulled on his helmet. 'We'll score again, just get a stop.'

'Listen. You two are going to have to deal with those Receivers. Don't worry about anything short. They don't seem like that kind of team, but either way, we're going to spread out our zone underneath you, so you won't have to worry about those double moves they keep pulling, just don't let them get over the top of you.'

'That lanky fucker just got lucky. Deshaun needs to keep Mophead on a tighter leash,' Ty said.

'Shut the fuck up and handle your own shit, I'll handle mine just fine.'

'Both of you shut up,' Coach Hoang snapped. 'You're a team. You both want the same thing. Those guys over there on the other bench are laughing at BOTH of you. Focus on shutting THEM up.'

Both boys went quiet and turned their attention out to the field to watch how the Dons' offence did on its second drive, while Coach Hoang addressed JJ and instructed him to play closer to the line of scrimmage next time, and focus more on stopping the Vikings' runs.

Over on the Vikings' sideline, the head coach stopped one of the players from running out to join the formation and sat him back down on the bench.

'Myles. You're up.'

Myles's purple eyes opened unexpectedly. He stood up, bald head gleaming as he pointed at himself. 'Me? Really?' The corners of his mouth curled upwards.

'Is there anybody else named Myles on this team? Stop smiling like an idiot and get out there already.' Even the coach looked slightly unsettled by his smile.

'Heh. Okay Coach.' The large boy picked up his helmet, keeping his smile as he jogged out onto the field.

'And whatever you do, make sure you stop that number 23!'

As the Dons' offence and the Vikings' defence took the field again, the Dons would take notice of a particular change in the defensive formation before them.

Myles was lined up much closer to the line than his counterpart who he replaced had been, looking more like another LB than a Safety.

He was big and strong enough to be a LB, and perhaps he was, either way, he looked like he was raring to charge in and smash whatever was in his way.

'Hmm.' Coach Long studied the two formations from the sideline. 'Let's see how they handle another play-action. Everyone's expecting us to keep running.'

The first play out for the Dons' second offensive drive was to be a pass, and with this new Safety lined up closer to the line of scrimmage, creeping ever closer to the Dons, it seemed like the right call to make, as the Vikings' defences deeper down the field would already be weakened.

Jay looked across to his Receivers, and then back to Chris, signalling to them all that the call was changing to a deep pass.

Stephen smirked down at Isiah. 'They still couldn't find anyone else to guard me? That's a biiig mistake.'

'Does every old bitch on your team love to yap without doin' shit?'

'Oh I'll show you what I'm about to do. Watch and learn, freshy.'

The ball was snapped, and Jay turned back to hand it over to Chris, just like they had done almost every play on their first drive that brought them a touchdown.

Myles rushed forward like a ravenous beast that smelled blood, though he stopped immediately as soon as he saw that Chris didn't have the ball. He froze, like he was no longer interested now that the play was a pass instead of a run.

Stephen shoved right through Isiah, brushing off his feeble attempts to slow him down or push him back. But as Stephen charged straight ahead, Isiah was able to keep up with him step for step.

Benny charged forward too, rushing straight up the middle of the field, preoccupying the single high Safety out there, making sure Stephen would be all alone with his opponent.

Jay calmly threw the ball deep out to Stephen's side of the field. It wasn't the most accurate pass, but it didn't need to be, he was just throwing it up and trusting in Stephen's superior size in the one-on-one.

Stephen didn't even turn to face the pass, he looked back over his shoulder, watching it that way instead. When it was close enough, he leapt up into the air to catch it at the highest point he could.

Isiah scrambled beside him, and even with his own height and leaping ability, he knew there was no way he could reach the ball first. Though that didn't stop him from trying.

His hands swiped at the ball in the air, but instead one latched onto Stephen's shoulder. It was unclear if it was an accident or not, but the smaller boy dragged Stephen's arm down and pulled him away from the ball.

The ball bounced off of Stephen's free hand and fell to the ground as they crashed back down to earth.

The pass may have been incomplete, but flags flew in from multiple sides of the field and officials waved the play off.

Isiah was penalised with DPI, so the Dons' offence would move up to the spot of the foul anyway.

Stephen laughed, clapping his hands in Isiah's face at the announcement of the obvious penalty. 'Damn, can't guard me without fouling? You know that was gonna be a touchdown, didn't you?'

'Fuck you.' Isiah shook his head, walking away. The next time he lined up opposite Stephen, he'd start a few more steps back from him.

Then, when the Vikings would be worried about another pass, the Dons called up a Draw play.

Jay dropped back, posturing for another pass, but at the last moment handed the ball off to Chris who zipped behind the double-team against Mike and burst through the clogged line into the open field.

Just when he thought he was free, he was met face-to-face with Myles.

The larger boy had a feral grin on his face. He lowered his shoulder as he launched himself at Chris.

Chris planted his feet, but before he could duck, jump, juke, or spin out of the way, Myles slammed into him.

There was a heavy crack as pads hit helmet. Chris's head shot back. His helmet flew into the air, and his body crumpled to the turf; the ball spilt free.

Myles was very satisfied with himself, standing over Chris, gloating over his perfect hit. He'd smashed the smaller boy right in the head, but it was still a clean hit as Myles hadn't used his own helmet to lead the charge, and had only hit Chris with his pads.

Defenders and offensive players alike scrambled for the fumble caused by the big hit. A pile dove onto the loose ball and it disappeared under the large mass of bodies.

Whistles blew shrilly as officials rushed in and tried to separate players and get to the bottom of the pile.

Myles was suddenly hit from behind, almost losing his footing as he was knocked away from Chris. Stephen stood there, fuming as he glared at Myles.

Myles didn't have much of a reaction regarding the attack. 'I didn't think he'd break so easily,' was all he said before he walked away.

'You motherfucker—'

'Hey! Easy, big guy,' Jay said, getting between Stephen and Myles, holding his friend back. 'Don't get yourself thrown out.'

Chris was still down on the ground. He hadn't moved since the collision. Then he started to groggily sit up.

'Chris! Are you alright?' Stephen knelt down by his friend, checking on him.

The crowd erupted in cheers, but not because of Chris's supposed recovery, but because Benny had emerged from the bottom of the pile with football in hand, the Dons had recovered the fumble and would be keeping possession.

'Huh?... Oh yeah… yeah I'm fine,' Chris said. He started to stand back, pushing Stephen away. He was extremely wobbly as he got back onto his feet, but he wasn't standing for long before he fell again.

He would've hit the turf again if it wasn't for Stephen catching him. 'Shit! You're not fucking alright, you dumbass!'

An official who had seen the interaction quickly called a pause to the game, and signalled for the doctors on standby to come check out the injured player.

Medical staff hurried forward and helped escort Chris over to the bench as a timeout was called to the game.

'Hey, buddy. Can you tell us your name?' A doctor crouched before Chris who sat on the bench. A gloved hand on his shoulder steadied the boy.

Chris's glassy, unfocused eyes blinked rapidly. 'H-Huh? My name?... I'm…I'm Chris.'

'And how many fingers am I holding up, Chris?' The doctor held up two fingers.

'What?...' Chris's brow furrowed as he stared at the shaking, blurry fingers before him. 'Four.'

The doctor frowned, lowering his fingers as he looked up at Coach Long who stood nearby, watching the whole ordeal with great concern.

Chris tried to look past the doctor, then tried to stand up but was firmly held down in his seat. 'H-Hey. I need to… stop. I need to get out there… we need to win. My team needs me.'

'I can't do that buddy. I think you may have a concussion.' The doctor stood up and looked to the officials nearby and the Dons' coaches, shaking his head. 'I'll need to evaluate him inside, but I wouldn't get my hopes up on him being able to play again tonight.'

There was a sullen round of applause as Chris was helped over to the school building nearby and taken through to the medical rooms.

Stephen clenched his fists, staring across to the Vikings' bench.

The teams took the field again after the medical timeout was over. No RB had been sent out to replace Chris, so Jay stood alone in the backfield, but Stephen had no intention of the team running the ball.

Before he took up his position, he stomped over Jay. 'I don't care how, just get me the ball.'

Jay nodded silently.

Stephen lined up in front of Isiah again, but he had eyes only for Myles in the middle of the field.

'Damn… I didn't think your boys were so weak. Who do you think the next one to drop will be?'

Stephen's eyes slowly panned across to Isiah. 'You'll end up knocked out next if you say one more word.'

Isiah's jaw set tight, but he didn't say another word to Stephen.

'Set … hut.'

Isiah hopped back and kept retreating as Stephen surged forward. The giant turned back, and Isiah skidded before pouncing forward, trying to make up the distance to stop a curl route.

But it was a fake. Stephen spun around Isiah and sprinted downfield as the high Safety rushed to close the gap and cover-up Isiah's mistake.

Jay threw the ball hard and low, even his cool demeanour had been somewhat affected by seeing his close friend get knocked out like that.

Stephen caught the ball against his stomach, and then stuck his arm out, roughly shoving the smaller Safety aside as they tried to tackle him.

They bounced off his stiff-arm and fell to the ground, and Stephen rumbled across the ground. No one was able to catch him as he ran in for another Dons touchdown.

The cheers of the crowd were quieter this time, still reeling from the injury just the play before.

Isiah kicked himself and quickly made his way to the bench, thudding down roughly as Marshall scowled at him.

Again, the extra point was converted, and the Dons jumped out to another 7-point lead.

Stephen sat on the bench, stewing in his anger. One single touchdown had done nothing to subside his rage. He had ignored the congratulations he got.

He stood up suddenly, eyes locked on a particular player who had taken the field for the Vikings' kickoff return. Myles stood in the formation, waiting to be one of the blockers that would escort Marshall's return.

'Move!' Stephen dragged one of the Dons' players back onto the bench and went out to take his place in the return defence.

'Hey! Stephen, what are you doing?' Coach Long called out, but he was ignored. He sighed and shook his head, but let the play continue.

When the ball was launched high into the air by the kick, Stephen made a beeline straight for Myles, seeking him out rather than trying to avoid his block and get to the returner like every other Dons player was.

Myles had a curious look on his face as he saw the furious giant rampaging right towards him, but he didn't back down and met him head-on.

Stephen went to tackle Myles to the ground, but the shorter boy held his ground.

The two locked horns and attempted to throw each other off their feet but neither were giving up an inch of ground as they struggled with one another.

Stephen lashed out, thrusting his palm against the side of Myles's helmet, spinning it sideways before he latched onto the facemask and ripped the helmet from his head.

Myles laughed, grinning again as he lunged forward, thrusting his hands up at Stephen's face. The face mask got in the way, but Stephen's head reeled back and his helmet was flung to the ground.

The fight continued as Stephen managed to wrestle Myles to the ground, struggling to get on top of him as Myles writhed about and tried to flip Stephen over so he could get on top. Each boy threw punches whenever they had a moment of control.

Officials rushed forward and desperately attempted to pry the two mighty boys apart.

'God dammit!' Coach Long hurried out onto the field as other players had now swarmed around the fight to try and break things up.

It took a while, and a lot of manpower, but eventually the two boys were separated. A group of officials and players alike had to pull them both apart and hold them back. Coach Long was at the forefront of the group that wrangled Stephen.

Myles laughed again, still grinning, a bit of blood running into his mouth and staining his sharp teeth thanks to a busted nose. While Stephen came away from the scrap with a cut lip and his own share of bruises.

When both boys were dragged away to opposite sidelines to be back with their benches, the head official took to the centre of the field and called for everyone's attention.

'Because of extraneous unsportsmanlike conduct, both number 81 of the Dons and number 52 of the Vikings have been ejected from the game. As both teams are being penalised, those penalties offset each other, and play will resume at the spot of the kickoff return.'

After that, the officials came over to have a stern talking with both head coaches. While the Vikings' head coach pleaded that his boy was just defending himself and it was Stephen who had initiated the brawl and should be the only one punished, Coach Long took full responsibility for Stephen's actions and promised he wouldn't let that happen again with anyone else.

The officials warned that they'd throw the game out if another incident like that occurred, and then they backed away, calling for play to resume.

Coach Long turned his attention to Stephen. The man shook his head and let out a heavy sigh. 'I'm not mad at you, Stephen; I'm just disappointed.'

'He hurt Chris. I—'

'I don't want to hear it. Grab your things. Go home. We'll deal with this at practice.'

Stephen opened his mouth to say something but swallowed his words. He stood up.

'Hey, we'll beat those fuckers, don't worry,' Deshaun said, looking back at Stephen as he was taking the field along with the rest of the defence.

Stephen looked over at him. 'Make them pay.'

Deshaun nodded, then Stephen stormed off to the locker room.

Deshaun was soon matched up with the familiar, annoying face of Isiah. 'Oh man. I didn't think that big bitch would get his feelings hurt just from one little hit. It's not our fault that little white boy can't take a hit. They boyfriends or something? I'm starting to think your whole team are a bunch of faggots.'

Deshaun ground his teeth together. 'You talk a lot of shit. Come see me after the game if you can back it up, bitch.'

Isiah smirked. 'Yeah. I'll gladly beat your ass off the field too.'

The two stared at each other until the snap of the ball.

Deshaun feinted with his right hand, getting Isiah to hesitate. Isiah's lips curled into a snarl before he shoved right into Deshaun's chest, pushing him back.

The two fought for every yard as Deshaun did his best to hold him back. The Vikings' TE streamed past them, heading straight towards the endzone on a deep vertical route.

Isiah shoved Deshaun off and went to cut under the TE's streak. Deshaun lunged after him, and that was when Isiah swerved back to the outside.

Deshaun planted his feet—his ankles buckled and he fell to the ground. Isiah charged ahead without looking back.

He caught the ball along the sideline, and was untouched as he ran into the endzone for another Vikings touchdown.

Just like that, the game was about to be tied again.

Thanks for reading. As always, I hope you enjoyed it.

Welp... is anyone looking forward to the Pro Bowl?

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See you for the next chapter!

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