

Fregene_Happy · Realistic
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13 Chs




Lin Jin wanted to punch a hole in wind blade's face but when he was close enough he realized wind blade wasn't the one bullying his sister Quingtan,. Quingtan was the one who had frozen him in the spot ,.

". Quingtan.! ". Lin Jin forgot about wind blade,. his sister was in pain and he had no time for wind blade.

" Quingtan look at me ! look at me ". Lin Jin urged Quingtan who looked possessed by now, her eyes were so bright you couldn't look directly at them.

Quingtan looked at Lin Jin's face with a calmed face. " i am here now, everything is fine, sleep ok have no worry ". Lin Jin tried to ease the pressure in her " everything will be fine, Lin Jin is here ". this seemed to be working for him as Quingtan's entire body started turning normal again.

soon enough she closed her eyes and and the cold air around her was now gone, her hair turned normal .


" I have a lot of questions to ask here " wind blade said.to Lin Jin standing opposite him with a burning fire in between them . it was midnight now and they had made a fire to warm their selves up. by now Quingtan was awake, but she was still shivering from the cold.

" what's wrong with your sister ?". wind blade asked out of curiosity.

" she was born with it and I don't know the cause, but Everytime she's stressed out or in a bad health she turns something else. ". Lin Jin replied.

" well is she back to normal now ?". wind blade added.

" yes ". Lin Jin replied.

wind blade still didn't believe,. though she wasn't as charming now as she was in her cold state, she was no doubt a clear beauty.

Lin Jin noticed wind blade looking at her in thought if she was still in anyway in her goddess form.

" but if that's it we could make lots of cash from that, I mean she's really strong when she's in her cold form so ". wind blade said but was cut off by Lin Jin.

" then take the risk of her freezing to death.?". Lin Jin said

wind blade was silent, he hadn't thought of that.

Lin Jin brought out something from his pocket handing it to Quingtan.

" what is that ? is that a yang vigor stones ?". wind blade asked .

" yes it helps calm down her cold ". Lin Jin answered.

he puts the yang vigor stones in her hands clutching her fingers around it.


Lin Jin felt cold by touching her as her eyes got bright again and her hair changed color, but that was just for a few seconds as she turned normal seconds later, and now her face was bright and she looked healthy again.

wind blade was surprised by this, she had just absorb a yang vigor stone just like that, this could be done by only a few who had achieved sky attainment, she was certainly not ordinary .

he noticed two blue pearls fell off her hands, they looked shiny " what's that ?".

" the yang vigor stones , she absorbs them and turns them into cold yin pearls ". Lin Jin said.

". cold ! yin ! pearls ! ? she can make yin pearls,. what the ?". wind blade was in shock, every land pulse mountain was being brought down to pieces by miners I search of yin pearls or yin stone but now she just made two with no stress.

" we're gonna be rich !". wind blade said with a burst of excitement.

" no we're gonna be poor ! no I mean we're not going to sell them ! we can't risk anyone knowing about this !". Lin Jin said .

". we can just say we found them , if we sell just two we could be so rich we wouldn't have to struggle for a thing again". wind blade still insisted.

". but we wouldn't be selling any , and if you're looking for a way to get out of your misery why not go work for yourself ?". Lin Jin was getting angrier by the second.

" and by the way, why did you posses a nine clacks through the arm fist, I mean when you wanted to punch me earlier I saw it ". wind blade asked .

now this was the question that broke the ice . Lin Jin hadn't thought of how to explain it that he had just evolved to such a stage in such a short time.

he had to make wind blade keep this a secret,. if this was exposed it could bring him a lot of trouble. he activated his nine clacks looking at wind blade with fury in his eyes.

" hey what are you doing ". wind blade was now terrified, if Lin Jin wanted to harm him he'd be so dead.

" remember when you kicked my ass for some yang vigor stones ? now it's my turn to pay back ". Lin Jin said stepping closer to wind blade .

" hey ! if you have something on the ball go fight lei pi not me, even if you kill me you won't be hailed as a hero,. you know I had to do it he was gonna kill us both ok! if you're gonna fight lei pi I think the more hands the better ".

Lin Jin stopped there, he actually didn't want kill him, he just wanted to break a few bones on his body at least, but he just realized wind blade could break those bones while helping do some hard work. ". if this was known by a third person, I swear my Nini clacks through the arm fist wouldn't miss the mark. ". Lin Jin said.

wind blade looked confused,. Quingtan who was sitting behind them was a third person,. " do you just want to kill me ?". wind blade questioned

Lin Jin still didn't get his point.

". I am a third person here ok " Quingtan said .

". oh yeah ! a fourth person I mean ".


" and what are we gonna say to them ?". Quingtan asked Lin Jin who was walking behind her with wind blade following behind him.

" we'd say I was just in the nut-sky valley hunting fire birds ". Lin Jin replied .

". but haven't you thought about it that they might want to see your catch ?". Quingtan asked again.

". hmmm. we'd say I only caught a fire birds with one clack and a six clack fire bird attacked us so we've been hiding since then, we ate the one we caught so there no proof of it left ". Lin Jin said .

" but they'd ask where the pearl of if it left a life soul ". wind blade added .

" well maybe we... we'll say we lost it while we were running.". Lin Jin answered

" man ! you're good at this ". wind blade said .

" Kaiju! a Kaiju !! a Kaiju !! you've gotta come see this !! ". as they got closer to residential areas they could hear the voice of people calling out , they seemed to be running to a particular direction.

" a Kaiju ! why would a Kaiju visit Quinyang town ?". wind blade was the first amongst them to react to this.

" I don't know ". Lin Jin certainly wouldn't know .

" can we go see it ?". Quingtan asked .

" why would we want to go ?". Lin Jin hesitated .

" hmm why wouldn't we go ? I mean it's not like we've seen one before ?". wind blade couldn't hold it anymore as he quickens his pace to get there .

" you know these things are crazy, it might just end up killing everyone just because they didn't respect it, you know how these guys are ". Lin Jin said .

". well suit yourself cause I'm going, and Quingtan don't you wanna see a Kaiju?". wind blade asked directing his question to Quingtan.

". sure ,. Lin Jin come on we'd just go take a quick look and we'll be on our way back home. " Quingtan said.

" ok fine just one quick peek and we're on our way back ok ?".

". ok ". Quingtan promised as she headed straight for the gathering.

they followed the crowd of people which led them to the entrance of the sky hall , when the got there it was crowded with people that they couldn't even see the Kaiju.

wind blade didn't hesitate, he was influential as he was a member of wild blade martial Club. when he got close people around paved way for him to pass through, through this opportunity Lin Jin and Quingtan followed behind. in no time they were in the front row , there they saw two giant creatures, they were both roughly three metres tall, they were both humanoid, one looked a bit feminine with a horn on the middle of her forehead. her whole skin was blood red with even her eyes more reddish than human blood. the other looked manlier and even reddish it had two horns on its forehead with one one each side.

" the bout would determine who gets to represent your shelter, and I don't care what status the winner's of but he or she shall represent you, now I had a bet that you lurts would win, so if I don't get my prize I'd have the head of your Deen and every one that participated. " the male Kaiju said with a voice deeper and louder than the average human.

" well killing our Deen would be a great idea" Lin Jin thought .

" firstly I'd love to see the at least three top Champ from your shelter". the male Kaiju added. directing his words to a male human beside him.

" emm two would not be available but I can make the rest come out now,. hmm. Cheng DU,. ! Zhou Wen ! and Yu Quibai. please step forward .". the man by his side called out.

two old men and a young looking man stepped forward all looking proud.

". how strong are they ". the male Kaiju asked not even sparing the fighter a glance.

". Cheng DU is already has already achieved his seventh clack " he said pointing to one of the older men who stepped forward. " Zhou Wen here has already achieved his seventh clack at his young age, he's a genius, ". the man said pointing at the young man amongst the fighters. " Yu Quibai here has also achieved his eight clack , he's a formidable ....".

the man was going to continue but the Kaiju cut in ". why can't the rest be here ?".

" well, one is very sick now and one emm' is currently nowhere to be found ". the man said, he was referring to xu and chu ming.

" I see, these weaklings cannot stand a fight with even a fighter from jade shelter and you call them fighter,. can they even throw a punch ?". the Kaiju man wasn't satisfied with this result. " let me see you power, fight me with all you've got fight me ". the Kaiju man said.

everyone was surprised, they knew the Kaiju's were far stronger than humans but fighting three string elites at the same time was a suicide call.

" you mean they should all come at you at a time or ". the man asked .

" no I mean they all should attack once,. come.at me !".

the fighters were already humiliated by this Kaiju, they wouldn't hesitate if they were to all go at once, but what they were scared of was harming a Kaiju could as well result to the death of everyone in that shelter .

" step back yisha,. ". the male Kaiju said directing his command to the female Kaiju,. she stepped back as the fighters drew near to attack him .