

LEVI ACKERMAN 30 years old and the eldest grandson of Ackerman third generation. He is the Managing Director and the CEO of Ackerman Travel & Entertainment also the future heir of Ackerman Group, one of the largest companies in France. He is known as the strongest, smartest, most famous and handsome in the Ackerman Family. Everyone admires him and will fall in love with him except for one person which is Haruka Charles Auclair. HARUKA CHARLES AUCLAIR 28 years old, came from the noble family bloodline, Auclair. He works as Levi's secretary for over 2 years but never find Levi attractive in his eyes. Known as one of the most genius person in the world that people will do anything to make him work for them. People often called him a handsome guy with pretty face. Levi has been in love with his secretary, Haruka Charles Auclair since the first time he met him. He never expresses his emotions and confesses after two years, only to discover that his secretary is in love with someone he actually knows. But Haruka's love for that person didn't remain for that long after his heart was shattered into pieces by the person he loves. "I like you." "You know I don't like you." "I do. In fact, I love you, and you'll fall for me. I don't need the words 'I like you' from you. One day, I'll make sure you'll say the words 'I love you'." "You really shouldn't be hoping for something like that." Will his secretary like him back, or will his feelings be unrequited love forever?

raynelev17 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
72 Chs


-Haruka POV-

"Onii-chan!" A familiar voice spoke from not too far away. Hanabi is waving her hand at me. 

"You didn't tell me we're having dinner with Hanabi too." I look at Levi with a glare.

"Hmm? Why is that? Did you actually think about having a dinner date with me tonight?" He responded with a smirk.

"That's not what I mean, you stupid jerk. You should at lea…"My words were cut off when Hanabi suddenly hugged me from behind.

"Onii-chan, I miss you!" She said that with a grin.

"You only met me last week. Mattaku. What are you doing here, btw?" I asked. Well, I already know it's Levi's doing, btw.

"What do you mean, why? We're having a dinner to celebrate you, right? Levi invited me. Right. I also invited Lauren and Harry. There they are. Lauren!" Hanabi said that and then left to get Lauren. Not just Hanabi, but Lauren and Harry also? I look at Levi again.

"What does she mean by celebration? What did you say to her?" I asked him with a glare.

"My, my. Everyone couldn't keep their mouths shut when I said do not mention, huh? Well, that doesn't matter. Let's go, Haruka. We're going to have dinner together." He said that and then dragged me along with him, entering the restaurant. He didn't even answer my question. This jerk.

"We've been waiting for your arrival, Mr. Ackerman." The staff said as soon as we entered.

"Show us the room and prepare the food right away." The staff nodded and led us along.

"I told Levi to reserve this restaurant. They had a lot of delicious desserts here hehe." Hanabi spoke as soon as we took our seats at the table. She seems to be talking with Levi a lot more than I expected.

"Well, that's all thanks to you then." Levi said it while laughing. That fake laugh of his.

"Well, it's a dinner celebration for onii-chan, of course I wanted it to be at the best restaurant!." He replied. Here we go again.

"Well, Hana-chan. It seems like there's some misunderstanding. What exactly are we celebrating?" I inquired, staring into her eyes.

"Ara. I thought Levi told you. I even invite Harry and Lauren. We're celebrating you becoming the face icon of the Ackerman Resort, of course!" She said that cheerfully.

"Right. I heard about that too, Brother Charles. Congratulations." Harry spoke. Wait, this is not right.

"Wait. I think you heard it wrong. I didn't agree to that yet." I replied, trying to fix the misunderstanding.

"He said 'yet'. He's still thinking about it, though. I bet your brother will become more famous after this." Levi said it while laughing. This guy is trying to prevent me from talking, huh?

"Right. I bet onii-chan will be more famous than Timothée Chalamet at this point." Hanabi replied happily. These two really got along much better nowadays.

"The food is here. Itadakimasu!" Hanabi said that. She really shows her actual self here, not to mind the others around her. Well, I guess I just let her enjoy it at the time.


We just finished eating and got ready to head back home.

"I'll see you again another time, onii-chan. But do come visit the main residence since you're living much closer this time, or else I'll go break your new house's door." She said that while pouting.

"Hai. Hai. I'll make sure to visit a lot. I'm sorry I couldn't take you home today. Harry, take care of Hana-chan." I said that while looking at Harry. Since I came here with Levi, I didn't have my car with me. I couldn't take her home. Lauren already left.

"Heki, heki! (it's okay!). You should just spend your time talking with Levi." She grinned. This kid is doing this on purpose.

"Well then, see you again later onii-chan." With that, she left with Harry.

"Shall we get going too?" Levi asked me with a smile, but I just ignored him, walking towards the car.

"Are you still mad at me? I'm sorry, okay?" He looked at me with a sad face. Well, obviously he's just acting right now.

"Unlock the car." I said that, ignoring his plea.

"Alright, alright. Let's get going." He said, unlocking the car, and we both got inside.

"Ah, right. You know, I spent all day watching anime yesterday. It's been a long time since I did something other than work on the weekend." He started to talk to break the silence. 

"Really? Good for you then." I replied to him with an uninterested tone.

"Don't you want to know what I watch? You know, I was very excited to tell you that. It's been a long time since I did something other than work on the weekend." He said it with a sad tone. Come to think of it, it's true he's been spending most of his time working, even during the weekend. Well, he used to have sex on the Friday night every day before, and he spent the weekend working. He won't go out or enjoy himself unless it is necessary. People said he changed after the accident five years ago. But what exactly happened that made him change so much?

"What anime did you watch?" I don't want to hear him keep complaining, so I just ask.

"Finally, you're talking to me. It's called Attack on Titan, I guess. There is a character named Ackerman. But you know, the funny part is there's a character named Levi. Didn't expect my name would be that famous, haha." He laughed. This guy didn't know anything, did he?

"Do you know what the character's full name is?" I asked him, not looking at him because his eyes are on the road anyway.

"I didn't. Well, I just watched 10 episodes, so I didn't get to know the full name yet." He replied

"It's Levi Ackerman." I said that shortly. 

"Really?" He looked at me with a surprised face.

"Eyes on the road, Levi." I warned him

"Ah, sorry. I'm surprised and didn't expect that. Does the author have a crush on me, or anything else? Hahaha." He said that while laughing. Well, he's not wrong. Not that the author has a crush on him, but the author did say that Levi's name appearance was inspired by this man here, the real Levi Ackerman. Not only Levi's name, but also his uncle and his parent's name. Even Mikasa's appearance was inspired by Lauren's face. The author even asked the chairman's permission to use their name. The Ackerman's influence, you could say.

"Actually, the author of the manga did mention that the name's Levi was inspired by your name." I said that to him while looking outside the window.

"Seriously?" Again, he looked at me.

"I said eyes on the road, Levi." I said that firmly.

"Sorry. I didn't expect that. But I'm surprised you knew about that. Did you do your own research? Is it because the character has the same name as me?" He was looking in the front, but I could see him smirking.

"What are you talking about? I used to look at the character's profile every time I watched any anime. That's the reason. And the Attack on Titan anime was released in 2013. I don't even know who you were at that time. The series ended last year (2023) anyway." I tried to deny his statement. But the truth is, I did some research on Levi's character because I heard about him three years ago, and the statement made by the author surprised me too. I didn't expect the character to be inspired based on the person next to me right now.

"Hmm, that's too bad. Then, who is your favourite character? Is it Levi Ackerman? People seem to go crazy about him more than the main character." He said that with a smirk while looking at me. Oh, the car stopped moving already. That means we arrived at my place.

"Of course it's not Levi. For me, it's Annie Leonhart. Well then, I'll take my leave, sir." I said that, opening the door to get out of the car. Honestly, Levi is my favourite character because of his personality, but of course I wouldn't say that to him.

"See you tomorrow then, Haru-chan." He grinned.

"I told you not to call me that." I glared at him.

"Well, that's up to me. Now then, have a good night's sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiles at me, but I just leave without saying anything.


-The Next Day-

-Levi POV-

"The meeting was longer than expected. I'm sick of hearing those trashy opinions." I said that while walking towards my office.

"You sure had a rough time today, sir." Haruka spoke with a flat tone. Ugh. I wish he could use his sweet voice with me.

"What is the time now?" I asked. I'm too lazy to look at my own watch.

"It's 11:45, sir." Haruka replied. Wow. The meeting should finish by 11, but then they keep dragging the time with their stupid opinions. 

"Well, that's perfect then. Shall we go out for lunch, Mr. Auclair?" I look at him, asking for his opinion.

"On condition, I choose the restaurant." He replied. I didn't expect him to agree, btw. Well, that's positive progress then.

"Well, I don't mind that. I'll let you choo…" And who the fuck is trying to cut my words right now?


I look at the door. It's Sophia, and what a surprise, it's my father's secretary. I have a bad feeling about this.

"I'm sorry, Director. The vice chairman wished to see you right now." My father's secretary spoke.

"It's almost lunch hour now. What did he need? Why doesn't he just call me directly?" I asked him with my cold voice. I don't like this.

"The vice chairman wants you to have lunch with him. He'll be having a lunch meeting with the President of Aimer Entertainment, and he'd like you to join him. And the vice chairman did call you earlier." His secretary explained. I look at my phone. He's right. There's one missed call from my father.

"Tell him I'm not interested. And I already have my own lunch appointment. You may leave now." I responded. I know what my father is trying to do. He wants me to meet their daughter. 

"Director, you should go, or else the vice chairman will get mad at you." Haruka interfered, which I hope he didn't.

"The meeting doesn't require my presence. It's just my father doing whatever he wants." I said that to him.

"Right. I'm doing whatever I want, and you don't have the right to refuse that, Levi. Come with me. I need you to meet President Aubert's daughter. This is an order." My father said that firmly. When did he even show up?

"I told you I'm not interested in getting married!" I raised my voice.

"That's not the thing you can decide on your Levi. Come with me now, or I'll make Mr. Auclair work for someone else." His words clearly shocked me. He's trying to threaten me. After all, he's the one who made Mr. Auclair work for me in the first place.

"Don't treat Mr. Auclair like he's a thing!" I kept raising my voice, but my father didn't seem to care.

"I'm not. I'm just giving you an option here. It's not that difficult, Levi. Just come with me and introduce yourself. And don't say unnecessary things." He said it with a cold voice. He's threatening me, obviously.

"I just go and have lunch. I'm not interested in getting married. I'm sorry, Mr. Auclair. Let's have lunch together another time." My voice goes soft again. After that, I leave the office without waiting for my father.

-Ackerman Hotel Restaurant-

So we'll be having lunch here after all.

"Good afternoon, Vice Chairman. President Aubert is here. I'll show you the room." The staff said as we entered the restaurant and led the way.

"Good afternoon, President Aubert. I'm sorry to keep you waiting." My father said as soon as we entered the room. 

"No worries, vice chairman. I just arrived, too. Please have a seat." The president replied with a smile. Typical business things.

"I brought my oldest son with me today. Levi Ackerman." My father spoke, introducing me.

"Levi Ackerman. It's a pleasure to meet you, President Aubert." I extended my hand to shake hands. Levi, act professional.

"The pressure is all mine, Mr. Director, haha. I brought my daughter too. Aurelie, introduce yourself." The president said to his daughter. A young woman with long brown hair and hazel eyes.

"I'm Aurelie Auburt." She simply introduced herself in that way. She doesn't seem to be interested in me. Well, that's good then.

"You have such a fine daughter, sir." I said with a smile. Of course I'm just lying. That's only what my father wanted me to say anyway.

"Right, she is. She's 23 years old and currently working as the marketing manager at the company. I would love for her to get married soon. Maybe you two should get to know each other? Hahaha. Of course I'm just kidding." The president said it with a laugh. He's not kidding, he's serious, haha. 

"Hahaha. Of course you're kidding right, President. Your daughter is too young to get married to." I tried to play along, but I think I triggered someone's button.

"Right. I'm too young, and you're too old for me. Aside from that, I heard a lot of rumors about you. Scandals everywhere." She said that with a disgusting face. Wow. Now she's started it first.

"Aurelie, you shouldn't say that." Her father interjected. Of course he didn't want to ruin this meeting.

"It's okay, President. Your daughter is right. So, you shouldn't let her stick with someone like me hahaha." I replied with a fake laugh.

"Hahaha. That's enough of that. Why don't we discuss the project we're going to work on later?" My father interrupted. Well, I know there's something awful that will happen later.



My father slapped me on the cheek. That hurts, haha. Well, I did expect this to happen after all.

"I warned you not to say unnecessary things." He said that with a very cold voice. He's very angry right now.

"I only said that because of what she said. And she's not wrong, btw. Your eldest son was involved in many scandals." I said that with a smirk.

"You. How dare you talk back to me." He tried to slap me one more time, but I stopped him.

"I had enough of this father. I followed you to the lunch meeting, so you better keep your promise. Do not touch Mr. Auclair. I'll take my leave now, vice chairman." I said that with a flat tone, but it's actually a warning. After all, he still needs me and Mr. Auclair in the company.

"Levi, stay right there. I'm not done with you yet." I ignored my father's voice and made my way towards my office.

"Welcome back, Director. How was your… What happened to your face?" After seeing my face, Haruka rushed towards me. He reached for my cheek, which surprised me.

"Did the vice chairman do this to you?" He asked with sad eyes.

"Haha. This is nothing. I'm used to it." I laughed.

"This is horrible. Why would he do this to his own son?" Haruka mumbled, but I could hear his voice shaking.

"Mr. Auclair, are you crying?"