
Queen Lati Gets Drunk, Plans Ahead

Chapter Sixteen

For a vibrant girl, a queen, to rest her forehead on her vanity table without turning round and round before the mirror, her problems must have been greater than she could escape.

Queen Lati tapped on the edge of the vanity table a couple of times, waving her head.

Her mum dated King? Princess Yemi wanted to kill her…and Milfred threatened to blackmail her.

Then, was a call, which she ignored, dabbing her tears, licking the ones that sagged into her mouth.

Her hand took the phone on the vanity table beside her head and she looked at the caller.

"Hope you saw your naked pictures? What do you say regarding what I said?" Milfred asked.

She has her defense at her fingertip but she has to recover from her sorrows before answering him.

"Lati," Milfred called her.

"Milfred." she answered him."You paid a stalker to take pictures of me," she said," Thank God I was in…" she paused her words.

She paused because saying the location may not correspond with her defense if he goes ahead with the threat.

"Okay, you are clever?" asked Milfred.

Not to say all she wanted to say as a girl in her situation would, she simply told him," Stalking is a crime, do you know? Go ahead!" she offed her phone and in the padded-with-foam chair, she sat, her legs where dancing.

She called somebody outside the palace and ordered a drink and called the chief guard to collect it from him.

She collected the bottle of hot drink from the chief guard and almost drank half of it at a go.

The way she hit the bottom of the bottle on top of the vanity table, was a sign she has a light brain.

She forgot that she left the kitchen door open for Mama Sara who will come at 7:30 and staggered into the bathroom, had a shower bath and flopped into the double-seater black leather seat, and passed out.

Jackson trudged up the staircase and saw her and ran back, locked the door, ran up helter-skelter and found what she drank, smelled it, and ran back to the seat, befuddled.

The man in him looked at her, his penis dangled in his boxers, and her flat tummy was like a small valley.

The husband in him led him to the kitchen.

He set the table of noodles in front of the seat and the bed was yonder.

He lifted her upper body, sat in the seat, and returned the upper body to lie across his legs.

Waving his head, his hand caressed her inner lap…she did not wake.

He placed it on top of her vagina like a doctor's hand and took a fork of the noodles up, returned it to the plate and sliced them, forked up a bunch into her gaped mouth with saliva dripping out.

She was lifeless?

He lifted her upper body and ran to the hot drink and took a long drag of it, ran back and carried her to the bed, opened her legs wide, and had a field day looking at his madam's beauty; the interior, the nipples, undissolved areolas–anything he had not been able to see, he tried to see, anything he had not touched, he touched.

He began to sex her, sex her.

As usual, the penis began to find a way to enter.

She had told him she loves a long penis and he had swallowed his pride.

Now, he has to test if he is man enough without being watched...

Her right leg that hung across his shoulder, he pressed backward, very very backward for his hand to reach her breast too.

Oh! Blessed!

He was pushing in and out, in and out, fomenting the breast and she began to groan and groan, typical of a bull with a knife in its throat.

He released and carried her in her unconscious condition like an undertaker to the bathroom, laid her inside the tube, and began to wash her.

She was breathing rapidly, eyes half closed and mouth too.

He carried her back to the bed and she held him tight.

It was 7:30 when she recovered consciousness and opened her eyes.

Alarmed, she pushed Jackson off and scampered about.

Oh, Mama Sara! She told her to come after seven!

She pushed and pushed Jackson down the steps.

Mama Sara, outside the kitchen door, danced about with excitement for what she saw and ran up gingerly.


She was sitting on the edge of the bed carrying a plate of noodles and a fork.

Aghast, Mama Sara paused."Crudest," she called her again, "what's the problem?" she asked, a curious look thrust into her face.

Her fork fell.

"Crudest, there is danger! Jackson, he was coming here and saw me and ran back into the flower, are we sure Princess Yemi has not given her something to come and plant?" she asked, waiting for instruction.

She wanted to sit up and react, she held her down, looking at her sympathetically," Hold on, what is the problem again that you are like this?" she asked her.

"Mummy," she fell her head on her leg and began to cry.

She kept tapping on her shoulder. "What's the problem, the ex?" she asked

She nodded her head on her leg, and mum dating King," she told her

"Dating King? How? Who told you ?"

"It's true."

"Who told you, I said who told you?"

"You know Princess Yemi said I was a gift?"


"I asked mum what that means and she told me to ask King…"

"All these then translate to dating King?" asked Mama Sara.

"I did an investigation, mummy, and saw in King's diary that he separated from mum because King wanted to marry the first queen, Queen Sabina."

"Dated or dating?...something in the past…and because of that you want to kill yourself? See how you are, we all have a bad history, especially in relationships. So, stop digging all that stuff, the problem is how to live in peace and get pregnant and give them a child, isn't it?" she asked.

She nodded the head on her leg.

"How about your ex, is he still threatening you?"

She nodded the head on her leg and asked her who this person is, this person that does not fear.

"How far was the relationship?" she asked.

"He was the guy mum and dad thought was going to marry me after schooling. We were just husband and wife but…"

"But…then what happened," she asked.

" His mum found for him their village girl."

"He married him after graduation?"


"That's over seven years ago…is he still with the wife?...he is not….okay, he left you and married his mum's choice, why die for you now that if you didn't come back, he will blackmail you?"


"I mean why does he, after over seven years, want to come back to a queen, the wife of his king…he's from Ile Ife, abi?"

She nodded.

"This is arrant nonsense! Give me his details!"

"Why, mummy?"

"Just forget what I will do."

"Tell me, I want to know what you'll do."

"Pitying him?"

"No, Just let me know what you'll do."

"Blind him."

"Ah," she sat up.

"You still want him? Then, why agitate?"

"I want to kill him."

"How…with King's gun? Hehe-hey! Let me laugh like you. "You! Kill an ex with a

husband's gun? It will make an interesting story."

She laid back her head as before and coiled in resignation.

"Crudest tell me before he does harm and let's know how many problems remain."

"Milfred Ola," she told her, simply… lying coiled, still.

"Now, this gardener!" said, Mama Sara. It was partly a reminder. But it was not.

Who could forget the information that her gardener may be an accomplice to kill her?

She has to lead the investigation or order his sack.

But when Mama Sara, seeing her weak condition, wanted her to recover first.

"Just, hold on, stop worrying. I don't like you in this way," said Mama Sara.

Both of them reached the mirror.

" Oh God, do you drink?"

Mama Sara lifted the bottle." Is it not wine you do drink?"

"...cuz of annoyance mummy."

"This can't solve the problem. I did something for you to pocket him you spoiled it, twice…how then can you get pregnant without him…will you try another person? Am just saying."

"Mummy, no…if not King, let it grow bush. We scarcely meet but when we do, we do have sex. "

"Then, should I try the spell again to increase the rate of sex with him? All my concern is for you, especially…please, don't swallow me," said Mama Sara, holding back a smile.

"I will go to my enemy next week and face her squarely, if she is powerless, I will have peace with King, my stepdad."

Has she cleverly narrated her story with her ex? Will she ditch Jackson and face King instead of the affair being exposed one day?

What is she up to by traveling to confront princess Yemi, an Odieshi member?

Let us move on and see, seeing is believing.