
Alex : How i met her.

As far as I can remember, I was always happy. My father adored me and my mother, well I was the only thing that ranked above her love for tea. She was a doctor and often worked overnight, that's why she was tired often and to keep herself awake she drank tea. Couldn't blame her. I was a single child. I always got whatever I wanted. My mother's sister, whom I called Khala, also lived in the same country as us tho different city. She had only two daughters at first. The elder one, Mary, was four years older than me, and the younger one, Rose, was two years older than me. We all got along, really well. I thought of them as my sisters. They would come at least twice every year. They stayed over for half a month or whole month each time. I often went there too. Every think was good. Then, after a year, my bajo( Mary) and appi (Rose ) got another pair of siblings. They were twins. Julia and Harper. Julia was beautiful. She had silky hair and a baby smooth skin (probably because she was a baby). Her brownish doe eyes were innocent. (Mark my words, they aren't innocent anymore.) Harper was cute and sleepy. He was innocent (and still is) and such an ideal child. Only brother I had if I linked him through bajo and appi. I was happy once again, more than before if possible. Any small speck of saddeness if ever existed was blown away. I had enough legos and stuffed toys to share with Harper, but I couldn't divide them further and reduce my share, so I didn't share any with Julia. When anyone asked why I didn't share any, I always replied with this reason, but they always asked why Harper, why not Julia, which was purely out of curiosity, but it irritated me. Wasn't it obvious that I had only one brother. He is my only successor, at least for now. Julia couldn't talk, so she didn't fight at that, but when she was four or maybe five, we would fight constantly. It was new. I never fought. I loved everyone, or maybe everyone loved me. No one fought with me. When I asked for pizza, it was pizza. When I said that, I didn't feel like eating, I wasn't pushed to eat, unlike bajo, appi, Harper, and Julia. Only Julia would complain about how unfair it is, so I argued that it isn't. We would always fight even over the smallest of things. Now that I think about it, she was always right. She was always angry and agitated but sweet and kind at the same time. She would yell at everyone and then hug them and apologise. Sour patch candy would best describe her. She always felt guilty after fighting unless it was me she fought. She despised me.

I also hated her at first.