
Give Me a Chance (A Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Fanfiction)

Former bully, current classmate, definitely not future partner. Of all the people Night City has coughed up, David’s eyes landed on the one person who had brought him nothing but pain recently. Their relationship was incompatible—he knew that from the start. So why did he like the damn choom so much? The color blue never looked so attractive before…

BeesThatBoo · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


Thank god it was the weekend. Katsuo didn't think he could handle the awkwardness if he saw Martinez in class the next day. It was worse considering the assigned seating had them sitting close together.

There was no way in hell his friends could ever know of the events that transpired yesterday. Who knows what kind of rumors could arise from such a thing. The son of an Arasaka executive flinging with a low-life street dweller? It could wind up costing him his future reputation. And what would his other classmates say if they found out? He would be casted out along with Martinez. The possible looks he would get and all the atrocious things they would say—he would never hear the end of it. Thankfully, no one else was in that bathroom besides them.

The many thoughts of the worst case scenarios going on in his head made him worry. It was three in the morning. He knew he should be asleep right now, but the anxiety still lingered.

He gave out a sigh and ran his hands through his face and hair.

"I wanna make it up to you."

What exactly did Martinez mean by that? The choom definitely didn't have any eddies; god knows how the kid manages to sleep under a roof. Unless he recently got lucky selling a few more XBD's. But Katsuo doesn't need any money—didn't need it—not with his weekly hefty allowance.

Katsuo chuckled to himself. Would Martinez gift him something? It was possible. Perhaps a new XBD, freshly scrolled and scarcely edited, containing hardcore smut. He stared at the high ceiling of his room thinking about his chances.

Closing his eyes, his hand went under the duvet until his fingers brushed against his briefs. He idly palmed himself, all too aware of the growing heat between his legs.

He checked his chrono—too late to use his toy—and pushed the duvet to the side, exposing his body.

Just a quickie, he thought as he lowered his briefs. It was quick and fast—push, pull, push, pull—something he did only when he couldn't sleep. He came with a gasp, breathing hard as he spilled onto his lower stomach.

Tiredly, he reached over his nightstand and grabbed a few tissues, cleaning himself up. The effects of his post orgasm were finally kicking. Yawning, he made himself comfortable on his bed and he closed his eyes—

His mind immediately raced back to when David kissed him, the memory coming back and curb stomping him in the head.

Katsuo's eyes flashed wide open and he loudly groaned in frustration at the intrusive thought. Fuck me…

He was not looking forward to Monday.

"What defines a straight man's straight?

Is it the boxer in the briefs or a 12 ounce steak?"

Verbatim - Mother Mother

BeesThatBoocreators' thoughts