
Give Me a Chance (A Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Fanfiction)

Former bully, current classmate, definitely not future partner. Of all the people Night City has coughed up, David’s eyes landed on the one person who had brought him nothing but pain recently. Their relationship was incompatible—he knew that from the start. So why did he like the damn choom so much? The color blue never looked so attractive before…

BeesThatBoo · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Bad Romance

"You sure there's no one else in here?" David whispered, nodding towards the bathroom stalls.

Katsuo rolled his eyes. "Yes, they're all unoccupied, Martinez. Notice how the locks are green and not red." God, how this kid still managed to attend the Academy was beyond him.

"'Kay, just making sure," David said, his body relaxing.

"What's with all the secrecy, anyway? I don't see why we have to talk here of all places," Katsuo pointed out, raising an eyebrow. "You managed to get your hands on another illegal BD?"

"Not a lot of students use this bathroom. It's further away from the central area," David explained, still keeping his voice quiet. "Classes ended, so most students are gone—well, except the ones who like to stick around. And no—haven't received any new XBD's from my supplier."

He has a point, Katsuo thought. "Okay, fine. Now what is it that you had to drag me all the way here for?" he pressed, impatience growing thin.

David steeled himself. "Okay…First off, you don't have to agree to anything I'm about to ask," David warned. He could feel his heart racing, stomach coiling with nerves, blood rushing to his face.

Ok….? Katsuo didn't say anything, but inclined his head to let David continue. They were here already, might as well hear the whole thing out.

Nothing could've prepared Katsuo from the words that escaped David's mouth. It was the last word that struck him the most that he was sure he short-circuited. But no, David's face was—while obviously red as an organic tomato—dead serious.


The silence was deafening. David had turned slightly away, not wanting to see Katsuo's reaction just yet. His hand nervously rubbed the back of his head, waiting for a response—anything really—but Katsuo wasn't saying anything, which made David worry in anticipation.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Katsuo leaning against the sink. "What did you just ask me, David Martinez?" he asked, voice low and tense.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea… David closed his eyes briefly, sighing. Katsuo really said his full name. "Don't make me repeat myself, choom—"

Katsuo quickly turned around, facing David. "It was a rhetorical question, dumbass! I mean—did you even hear yourself, Martinez?!"

The look on his face was a mixture of concern and slight disgust, and David winced at the reaction. "You don't have to agree to it, y'know…"

Katsuo shook his head, staring down at the sink in front of him. There were a lot of things he wanted to say back, all of them very unfiltered. David heard him mutter something, but it wasn't English.

Katsuo looked back at him. "The fuck's wrong with you?" He had said it so quietly, but it came out harsher than expected.

David's face hardened. "Look, choom. I gave you an offer. Take it or leave it."

Katsuo scoffed. "You're gonked, Martinez."

If he insulted David, it wasn't showing; he was still looking at Katsuo, waiting for an answer. "Well?"

Katsuo hesitated, considering his options. "N-not here…"

The words leaving his mouth sounded as if he were listening from a third point of view. His uniform slacks felt restrictive all of a sudden, and he shifted.

Of course David noticed. "Uh, we can go in one of the stalls if you'd like." They were incredibly spacious and highly cleaned—the many perks of Arasaka Academy.

David seemed all too calm, confident even, passing this off as a casual conversation.

Katsuo mused. He would be lying if he said he didn't want to agree to the offer. The thought of David getting on his knees before him, using his mouth and sucking him off, here at school… Arousal burned throughout his body, and if it wasn't noticeable before, it was now.

Katsuo watched in awe as David's hand tentatively reached out to him, going for his clothed erection, lightly squeezing in a teaseful manner. The hand pressed up into his slacks, making out the shape of his hardened member.

Without warning, David dropped to his knees, hands quickly making their way to unbuckle the belt. Eyes lidded, mouth slightly agape, Katsuo watched as David pressed his lips against his blue briefs, mouth hot and ready to take him, shaky fingers hooked to the waistband and slowly pulled down—

Reality hit him like a truck—they were in a public bathroom, at Arasaka Academy. No, no, no. Anywhere, BUT here. He mentally prepared himself as he fought back his urges with a shaky breath.

"Wait," Katsuo said firmly, gently pushing away David, who gave a confused look in return. His voice dripped in arousal, giving off a lower, hoarser tone, and he mentally kicked himself to snap out of it.

"Something wrong?" David asked. Concern and worry painted his face, and Katsuo felt bad for turning him down.

This wouldn't be rejection, Katsuo thought, just a momentary setback. He wanted this as much as David, but somewhere where the setting would be more appropriate, where they would both be comfortable and wouldn't have to worry about people finding out or spreading rumors.

Katsuo fixed his slacks in silence, rearranging his erection to make it less noticeable. "Get up…" He offered his hand to David, who took it without question.

David braced himself. Panic arose in him and he was quickly thinking of yet another apology. He should've known better—should've had more self control than to make himself look like a desperate joytoy—

Katsuo interrupted his thoughts. "Not here, David." It was all he said before he left the bathroom, although it looked like he wanted to say more but decided against it. Probably for the best.

It was said so softly too that David wasn't sure if he heard him correctly. So Katsuo didn't turn him down after all. Relief washed over David, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

If not here, then… where? Katsuo's own place was out of the question. It was pretty obvious he lived close by, within the City Center, but he didn't want to risk meeting his father—who definitely knows it was David who broke Katsuo's nose and the smart screen.They could go back to David's apartment, but that had its problems too: the whole area was run by the 6th Street Gang, and they didn't take too kindly to Corpos. He figured Katsuo wouldn't like it either.

David cursed. Why does this godforsaken city keep giving him a hard time? He didn't bother to fix his own uniform before walking out of the bathroom.

"You know that I want you

And you know that I need you

I want it bad, your bad romance"

Bad Romance - Lady Gaga

BeesThatBoocreators' thoughts