
New place, new world

I sat on the porch my skirt felt like it was melting to my legs as I sat in a small chair on my new front porch. The heat was unbearable but I was living. My Brown hair tied up in a tight bun and my eyes were still trying to adjust to the new light of the outside world that only seemed to get brighter. My family had just moved from Germany to the U.S., a large city in a state they called Washington. Probably the farthest my mother could get from Germany. Her and my father had divorced.

I was tired but my mother insisted I stay outside while she finished unpacking our belongings. I lived with my mother and twin brothers Eric and Alex. Who at the time where only 3. I on the other hand was 17 and only fluent in German... not many people spoke German here and I was afraid to learn a new language. I had caught some English but not much.

" Hannah!! " My mother's voice called. My mother's voice was always stern and seemed to break even the slightest silence quickly.

Even though I had brown hair and light blue eyes, my mother, however, she had blonde hair and green eyes. I opened the door walking inside.

" Can You grab that box and take it to the boy's room? " She said in German. I smiled

" Of course mother. " I responded in German. I make my way up the stairs to my brother's room. Both twins still playing out in the front yard as if they didn't have a care in the world. The window was open and I could hear their giggles as they played tag.

" Mom?" I call down the hall in German " Where is my room?'

"Across the hall from your brothers sweet!' My mother's voices call back in English.

Only getting brothers out of the whole sentence I walk into the room across the hall from my brother's room.

The room was all white with ivory trim. I smile seeing the large bed in the center of the room. I flop my body down onto the bed the covers like clouds around me lifting me up.

" This will be great " I think to myself in a sarcastic manner.

Hey I'm Alex and I'm from America. I have always thought Germany was a beautiful country. Even though I know so little about it i wanted to create a story to share with the world. So please leave your comments, questions etc. I would love to hear your feed back!

sincerely Alex Tales

Mistress_of_horrorcreators' thoughts