
Tina the ice girl

Tina is a beautiful young girl.she is nice,intelligent,and helpful.

Despite all this, she had ice power but did not know till she was 16 when bad boys came to her and said "give me your money or else we kill you" they said,Tina on the other hand was shaking in fear,she tried to run but they caught her.

"Do whatever you want" she said,but they just said" enjoy your last day on earth".

Tina shock her hand in fear and suddenly ice came out of her hand freezing one of the boys, Tina did it again and it froze all the boys.from that day Tina knew that she had ice power.

Every body in the community cherished and love her so very much even people who was her enemy and she became the talk of the community.

They would shout out loud "we love you so very much" and she will reply "thanks"

One day a very jealous girl Luna wanted all the attention and power that Tina had so she ganged up with some bad boys to kill Tina.

They went to talk power from a bad wizard who did not like Tina.but Tina frooze them all.