
Girls' Frontline: SubZero (Fanfiction Story)

This is a story commissioned by Merlion. He wanted me to make this story for him but he doesn't know how to. Do please give some proper reviews if you like it. Thank you.

LostLeaf370 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: When in Rome, Do as the Romans do

Time 10th October 2061

Place Kyiv, Ukraine

Chapter When in Rome, Do as the Romans do

Ahmar, still feeling a bit groggy from his deep sleep, stirred awake as the flight announcement filled the cabin, signaling their arrival at Kyiv International Airport. Rubbing his eyes, he gathered his belongings and joined the other passengers in the queue to disembark from the plane. With a sense of anticipation, he made his way to the luggage pickup area, where he retrieved his belongings before proceeding to the immigration counter for verification.

After passing through immigration, Ahmar stepped into the arrival terminal and scanned the crowd. Amidst the sea of faces, he spotted a girl holding a sign with his name written on it. Curiosity piqued, he approached her, and she promptly asked if he was Ahmar. He nodded, introducing himself with a smile. The girl introduced herself as Grizzly MkV, extending her hand for a handshake. Ahmar reciprocated, feeling a sense of warmth in her presence.

Grizzly led Ahmar to a humvee vehicle parked in the airport's carpark. As they got in, Ahmar couldn't help but wonder about their destination. Seizing the opportunity, he asked Grizzly where they were heading. Grizzly explained that their motherbase was located near Chernihiv, approximately a two-hour and fifteen-minute drive from Kyiv. She suggested they rest in Semypolky before continuing the journey the next day.

Feeling weary from the long flight and not wanting to burden Grizzly with questions, Ahmar decided to close his eyes and doze off, trusting Grizzly to wake him at the appropriate time. An hour later, the humvee came to a stop near the side of the road at a motel. Grizzly gently roused Ahmar from his sleep, and with bleary eyes, he followed her instructions.

Grizzly informed Ahmar that she had already paid for their rooms, handing him a key to his own. She mentioned they would depart at 8:00 AM the next morning, bidding him goodnight before leaving him to rest.

Ahmar stepped out of the humvee, stretching his tired limbs, and located his room number. Unlocking the door, he entered the room and collapsed onto the bed, instantly succumbing to a deep sleep.

As Ahmar slept, he found himself transported to a vivid dream. The surroundings shimmered with golden hues, casting a radiant glow. Curiosity drove him forward until he reached a door beckoning him to open it. He turned the doorknob, revealing a girl encircled by marigold flowers. Her beauty was captivating, with her blonde hair and mesmerizing golden eyes. Adorned with a prayer shawl on her left shoulder and a Star of David necklace around her neck, she emanated a sense of tranquility.

The girl looked up at Ahmar, rising to her feet. She began to speak, but her words were inaudible, lost in the void. Undeterred, she extended her hand toward Ahmar, and before their connection could be made, the earth quaked violently, plunging Ahmar into darkness.

Startled, Ahmar jolted awake, his slumber interrupted by Grizzly shaking him from his bed. She urged him to rise and prepare, as their journey was about to continue. Shaking off the remnants of his dream, Ahmar readied himself for the day ahead.

After a long drive, the duo finally arrived at their destination—the motherbase. Grizzly guided Ahmar to the Big Boss's office, leading him through an underground basement accessed by an elevator. They reached their destination, and Grizzly knocked on the door, receiving permission to enter.

Stepping into the room, Ahmar was immediately struck by the extraordinary decor. The walls adorned with medals, certificates, and

various documents told tales of valor and achievement. Two individuals stood before them—a woman in her early 30s and a man in his mid-40s.

The woman thanked Grizzly, who then departed, leaving Ahmar in the company of Helianthus, or Helian for short, the Big Boss's secretary. The man introduced himself as Berezovich Kryuger, the Big Boss of Griffin & Kryuger PMC. With warm welcomes, they acknowledged Ahmar's decision to join their company.

Helian revealed that Griffin had contacted her regarding Ahmar's recruitment, and she assured him that Griffin had thoroughly explained the company and the concept of tactical dolls. Just as they settled into conversation, another person entered the room—a girl with blonde hair and captivating blue cyan eyes.

Saluting Helian and Kryuger, the girl's presence caught Ahmar's attention. Helian introduced her as Kalina, the company's logistics officer. Instructed by Helian, Kalina was to show Ahmar around the base and assist him in finding a suitable tactical doll to serve as his adjutant.

Helian bid them farewell, and Ahmar and Kalina embarked on a tour of the base. Ahmar couldn't help but notice the scarcity of male individuals, prompting him to ask Kalina if there were other boys besides himself and the Big Boss. Kalina responded, stating that she only knew of the Big Boss and his friend, with no other boys present.

As they continued their exploration, Kalina eventually led Ahmar to his assigned living quarters. The space was surprisingly spacious, offering a separate living area doubling as an office, a cozy bedroom for rest, and a well-equipped kitchen for his culinary needs.

Kalina handed Ahmar a list of firearm names, explaining that they were the names of dolls from which he could choose his adjutant. As Ahmar pondered his selection, Kalina suggested taking him to a friend who might have insights into his preferences.

Approaching a door marked '16Lab,' Ahmar and Kalina entered the dimly lit room. Kalina called out to someone named Persica, but there was no immediate response. After locating the switch to illuminate the space, a faint hissing sound caught their attention from a corner.

Emerging from the shadows, a woman with pink hair and a lab coat stepped forward. Weariness apparent beneath her eyes, she demanded a valid reason for their presence in her lab, playfully threatening to have her doll evict them. Kalina swiftly explained their purpose, introducing Ahmar to the woman named Persica.

Curiosity gleaming in her eyes, Persica focused her attention on Ahmar. She expressed her inability to sense his aura in the room, prompting Ahmar to introduce himself. Persica then closed her eyes, a smile forming on her face, as if deciphering something hidden. She confirmed that Ahmar had good taste and was a man of culture.

Persica assured Ahmar that she would create the doll he had requested, promising its delivery to his office the following morning. With matters settled, Persica requested their departure, citing other pressing tasks. Kalina and Ahmar exited the lab, and Kalina couldn't help but inquire about the contents of Ahmar's note. He hesitated for a moment before confessing that he desired a robust and precise doll, but in truth, he secretly hoped for a doll with an appealing and alluring appearance.

The following morning, Ahmar awoke to the jingle of his bedroom alarm. Taking a refreshing shower, he donned his new officer attire in a striking maroon color. As he made his way to the kitchen, the doorbell chimed, indicating a visitor. Opening the door, Ahmar was met with the sight of a

girl slightly shorter than him, with pink hair and mesmerizing turquoise eyes. The thought that crossed Ahmar's mind was that she was undeniably attractive.

Introducing herself as AR-57 from 16Lab, the girl informed Ahmar that Dr. Persica had assigned her as his personal adjutant to assist with his duties. Ahmar graciously welcomed AR-57 inside and gave her a brief tour of his living quarters. He then offered her something to eat, but AR-57 politely declined.

Their first day of work began promptly at 9:00 AM, and Ahmar and AR-57 carried out their duties until 5:00 PM, with a break from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM. As the day drew to a close, Ahmar approached AR-57 to discuss an issue that had been bothering him. He expressed his unease about referring to her solely by her firearm designation and sought her permission to give her a human name. AR-57 readily agreed, and Ahmar contemplated a name that would suit her perfectly.

After careful consideration, Ahmar settled on the name Ariel Colt. When he presented the name to AR-57, she repeated it with a smile, instantly taking a liking to it. Curious about the name's significance, AR-57 inquired, and Ahmar explained that "Ariel" meant "Lion of God," while "Colt" was derived from her manufacturer's name. Satisfied with the explanation, AR-57, now known as Ariel Colt, bid Ahmar farewell and ventured out to make friends within the base under her new identity.

Days passed, and Ahmar settled into his routine, dedicating himself to his responsibilities alongside his adjutant, Ariel Colt. Their bond grew stronger as they navigated the challenges and adventures that awaited them within Griffin & Kryuger PMC. Together, they forged a formidable partnership, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead in this thrilling new chapter of Ahmar's life.