
Girlfriend just wants to have sex

When the male protagonist's lust value in the sweet pet world increases by 10 times, and the female protagonist cannot satisfy the male protagonist's desire, what will happen? Countless small worlds began to collapse. Su Nian, as the old sex critic of the lust group, was ordered to take on two tasks: first, to satisfy the male lead's desire; In order to let Su Nian complete the task carefully, she did not engage in seven and eight, and the Tianfang universe was equipped with a monitoring system 008, and she was not allowed to have any words and deeds that seduce men's initiative. its google translation:

Ink88seeker9 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

【Gold Digger】 3 pretending to be her sister's voice called the bed

Almost immediately, the lower body stood upright.

Because I was not satisfied last night, today's size is even more terrifying. The purple-black appearance is thicker than the forearm, with intertwined blue veins clinging to it, the glans head is round like a goose egg, and shiny liquid oozes from the top, black and thick. The hair is all over the pubic mound, which makes it even more rough and domineering.

Together with the props just brought, the whole thing is not an exaggeration to say that it is a murder weapon.

I thought it was my wife's limit to be able to do this, but I didn't expect that when I got closer again, I saw the black object inserted between the legs again! Stuck in the flower hole, tightly wrapped, still trembling slightly.

Chen Mohan's footsteps paused, surprise appeared in his eyes, and even suspicion appeared. His wife is not such an open person. There is more than one woman in this family, and that woman is not peaceful...

"Hmm... Mo Han, are you back?"

A familiar yet shy voice sounded, Chen Mohan felt relieved, secretly thought that he had been in the mall for a long time, and his mind was sensitive, what did he doubt? Even Su Nian, who is uneasy and kind, would never dare to play this trick in Yue Ying's clothes, she must be desperate.

008 was already shocked. It felt that its judgment of the np lust group was still low. All of them were using espionage as a disguise to engage in pornography.

After confirming that the person on the bed was his wife, Chen Mohan's physical reaction became more intense. He stared straight at the flower hole where the massage stick was inserted, where water was dripping, and it seemed more sensitive and juicy than before.

Before he came back, Yueying must have already prepared with the massage stick. Thinking of his wife holding the object and carefully inserting it, Chen Mohan felt hot in his heart, moved and excited.

There was already a bit of hoarseness in the deep voice: "Today, why do you want to play this game?"

008 wanted to remind Su Nian to talk less, otherwise with Chen Mohan's vigilance, he might be able to detect the abnormality, but after thinking about it, he shut up. The boss's world doesn't need it to remind at all, it only needs to supervise the boss not to hook up with people at will That's fine.

Sure enough, Su Nian's words and deeds made even 008 doubt who was lying under the blanket.

She not only imitated Su Yueying's voice and behavior, but also figured out Chen Mohan's preferences.

"That's right, just try it casually...don't ask, I'm ready, come in quickly~~"

Chen Mohan let out a laugh. What he likes most is that she is obviously very shy, but she still insists on a serious look. Speaking of which, since he couldn't be satisfied, they seldom have such a state in bed. Most of the time, daily Getting along is warmer than bed affairs.

Chen Mohan made up his mind, no matter what happens today, he must let his body vent, otherwise Yue Ying will feel uncomfortable.

Having made up his mind, he raised his hand to grab the end of the massage stick and pulled it outward.

The black massage stick is tightly wrapped by the delicate meat hole, and the end is still stained with transparent water. With breathing and trembling, it will be slightly trembling. When Chen Mohan's hand holds the lower end, the trembling The rhythm of the massage was greatly accelerated, and it kept rubbing against the bumps on the wall of the cave, which made the female body tremble more and more.

"Well...don't, don't play, or it will be the same as yesterday..."

Chen Mohan felt a little regretful, he wanted to continue, but he also knew that for Yue Ying, just coping with his body was already the limit, if the foreplay was too long, she would not be able to persist, or in other words, no woman could persist go down.

Presumably, Yue Ying inserted this thing in advance today, in order to get used to it as soon as possible.

"Okay, then bear with me, I'll go in directly!"

The man stood by the bed, helped the white and soft buttocks, and put the ferocious fleshy roots together. The black massage stick was pulled out completely, and it was thrown on the ground, throwing a water stain in the air.

Su Nian's mood also became tense. Dear brother-in-law, hurry up and fuck in. If it takes longer, you may find that it is not your sister who is lying here with your bare buttocks. , how could I allow you to fuck my annoying sister-in-law?

In the subtle tension, Chen Mohan adjusted the position of his crotch, aiming at the small pink hole that was not yet closed, his waist straightened, and the huge fleshy root with a transparent cover, with a "poof", he fucked it hard.