
First day of College

It is 2016 between november,winter follows where in a city people are moving with their jobs and problems , a girl with many dreams lives with her dutiful parents.It's a first day of college and a big day for her because she never did things on her own.Today she is going to explore things herself and look the world through her own mind. She has always been in her parents warmth and even never stepped outside of a home without them.Finally,the day has come to know the world outside of a room.

As per well disciplined child, she never did anything unexpected in her life and obeyed her parents truthfully.Keeping this on mind, the girl wakes up so early this day so that she won't be late to reach the college very first day. She feels extra conscious about how she appears , how she will be communicating during college hours.She gets ready with full pride and confidence ( a medium tshirt with jacket , jeans pant and a pair of half leather boots). After having meal and good wishes from parents she finally arrives at the bus station , she sees so many people and feels own heartbeat in that place full of crowd where everybody minding their own business and problems. Its strange with her inner power she tries to cope up with outer environments and just move ahead towards the college gate with high volume song in her ear plugs played in a mobile phone. It could be seen like a confident girl walking outside but inside it was a storm of nervousness.She tries to make herself comfortable and then she meets another girl waiting outside of gate to whom she asked her class, with a bit surprise on a face she just appeared to be her classmate."Lucky one" the heart says, a bit of smile and then she finds a way , finds a companion to go inside as per the difficulties of moving head in a very much crowded college. College seems huge like in a movie, huge buildings with huge spaced grounds and gardens where students are talking to eachother in groups. Her heart nearly fell down seeing that much crowd inside the college , to her feelings she is in the middle of thousand strangers checking her coming inside and yes she did appear new for them as she was dressed as rich kid.She seems much fascinated and attractive girl compared to those dressed up as decent with simple tshirt and pants.This is a government science college where everybody tends to do their own moreover the fun fact is nobody cares not even college teachers about students studying inside the class or just roaming around the college areas or hanging with friends in the garden.Freedom was totally in air. She attends the first class with her just met friend then she suddenly comes to know that she has to run for another building for second class.Then she runs for class, now she is knowing that you need to attend classes as per the respective buildings associated with laboratories and everyday you need to change the classes and buildings accordingly major subjects. She feels hard because she has never been in this environment as private high schools could never be like this and sort of feels lacking discipline in college with such freedoms. In the middle of this, she succeeds to make a group of friends who walked with her throughout the day. Within situation, she also explores the beauty of college and how guys are chasing new girls to build friendships.She finds weired of how guys are desperately coming near her and her girl friends to get in a contact whatsover she finds it funny though laughing with new friends is what she is enjoying without worrying too much.Friends tried to make her feel comfortable saying "may be this a college life and we are living it now". A bit of burden but a hand full of many friends, a day passes by and she is in high dilemma of joining that college due to which she cries after returning home, she scolds mom that how is she supposed to study in such carefree environment. She explains everything with hopeless feelings and then mom says to her, "Its all fault of family's financial conditions, i feel sorry for you but try to understand many people out there cannot afford for their study and even you just missed your chance for apply in private because of family problems and dates, it was the only chance to not to get year gaps in your study".She feels right what her mom is saying to her which makes her fully convinced to carry on like that , she also thinks about positive side of having so carefree environment and bunch of friends to enjoy new path of life from today.She happily has her dinner with her family ,a slightly boosted up with friends gossips and likeabilities, sleeping in a bed in a wait of tomrrow morning to continue the newest life thinking it was nothing secured and protective like yesterdays.