
Girl, There’s Something Wrong With You

【Light Version Synopsis】 Born into poverty, orphaned, and abandoned by his pretty fiancee, our protagonist seems ripe for a standard rags-to-riches story. But fate takes a turn when his fiancee suddenly changes her mind: "I'm not calling off the engagement! And I'll cover all living expenses while we live together!" With nothing to lose, he agrees. But something seems off about his fiancee after one night together... ———————— 【Serious Version Synopsis】 As demons wreak havoc across the continent of Divine Land, humanity retreats to sprawling metropolises, barely clinging to survival amidst rising discord. From north to south, divisions deepen; noble houses and imperial factions clash incessantly; the common folk suffer under oppression; and roving bands of rebels bide their time, ready to upheave the fragile order at a moment's notice. Describing this human world in two words? Utter chaos, a quagmire. Transmigrated into this world, the frail youth Cheng Jinyang sets two modest goals for himself: 1. To regain his health through physical training. 2. To become stronger! (Note: As the title suggests, all the heroines in this novel are not quite 'Normal'.) ============ Translation Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this novel. I am solely responsible for the translation efforts. If you like the novel, please help me by giving a review and power stones. This series is currently being hosted on Hiraethtranslation. For advanced chapters : https://hiraethtranslation.com/novel/girl-theres-something-wrong-with-you/

DaoistfriendSR · Fantasy
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167 Chs

Chapter 9: Shameless Senior Sima Yi.

Cheng Jinyang once fantasized about the extraordinary algorithm of universal gravitation, perhaps written on paper with equations, programmed into a USB drive, or resembling enigmatic phrases like "Returning Maiden approaches Innocence, Innocence approaches the Taming Power of the Great," which, once remembered, could magically unleash its utility. But he never expected it to be a pile of thick textbooks.

"Fundamentals of Physics," "Theoretical Mechanics," "Relativity," "Quantum Mechanics," "Elastic Mechanics," "Vibration Dynamics," "Engineering Thermodynamics"... Most of them were physics books, wrapped in orange covers.

"Calculus," "Linear Algebra," "Mathematical Methods," "Probability and Mathematical Statistics," "Computational Methods"... The second most were mathematics books, with indigo covers on both the front and title pages.

"Algorithms and Data Structures," "Principles of Internet Communication," "Machine Language," "Common Framework Coding Fundamentals," along with four other computer-related books, with white hard covers and gold lettering on the spine.

If you add English textbooks like "College English Test Band 4," it would evoke memories of Cheng Jinyang's past life as a freshman in university. However, undoubtedly, university students in this world don't need to learn English.

He casually picked up a copy of "Relativity" and stared at the author's name: Written by Mr. Sima Zhongda, Emperor Xuan of the Great Jin Dynasty. "Relativity," written by Mr. Zhongda in the seventh year of Zhengshi, describes the macroscopic system of matter, spacetime, and motion.

Seeing him somewhat puzzled, Xing Yuanzhi said lightly, "Emperor Xuan of the Great Jin Dynasty, Mr. Sima Zhongda, not only was a politician and military strategist, but also a talented scientist. From laying the foundation of the three laws of physics to the basics of relativity, everything was researched and published by him during his lifetime."

"If you usually pay attention in class, you would know that it was him who, single-handedly, propelled the Divine Land from the feudal era civilization of the Middle Ages to the industrial age... Moreover, the foundational textbooks he supervised the writing of are very perfect, even today, more than 800 years later, they are still being used by major families."

"Well, of course, I know." Cheng Jinyang said in a muffled voice, feeling deeply impressed by this senior.

Either he had a system in his mind, or he had access to the Wanfang Database of 103,000 papers. In any case, this Sima Yi senior is most likely a transmigrator.

[T/N: Sima Zhongda is the formal name, while Sima Yi is a common alternate name or a nickname.]

And he has thick skin too, just look at all these authors' names.

But this world is not a parallel Earth. There is only one Divine Land in the whole world, surrounded by boundless oceans on all sides. It's roughly equivalent to the original Asian continent, with a slice cut along the Ural Mountains in Siberia, eliminating the western continents of Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Americas.

So even if Senior Sima Yi didn't plagiarize, he wouldn't have taken the achievements of foreign figures like Descartes, Newton, or Einstein—because there are no such figures here in the first place.

You can't forcefully impose the history of Earth onto the history of this world.

"Do you want me to read all of these?" Cheng Jinyang asked.

"No." Xing Yuanzhi walked over, quickly sorting the books into three piles, and said, "The ones on the left must be thoroughly understood; they are the foundation for you to trigger universal gravitation. The ones in the middle can supplement your algorithms, enabling your abilities to be triggered faster and more stable, which is what we call computational enhancement. The ones on the right are the foundation for reaching higher levels, but they should lack the parts unique to your Cheng family's textbooks, so they are only recommended for you to read in your spare time."

"The service is too thoughtful," Cheng Jinyang said, "I'm really touched."

"You should first read that book 'Computational Methods.' There are several basic algorithms of your Cheng family in it, which you need to memorize until you can effortlessly calculate them by instinct," Xing Yuanzhi said, taking out a device resembling a blood glucose monitor.

"We also need to measure your blood concentration."

"How do we do that?"

"Just place it against your carotid artery. Since it's not a direct blood test, there might be some margin of error, but it's sufficient for regular use," Xing Yuanzhi said, attaching the device to the side of Cheng Jinyang's neck.

"113 ma." The screen immediately displayed the number.

Exceeding 100 ma means indeed entering the 'Ninth Rank Lower' realm, a result that made Xing Yuanzhi slightly dazed.

'Ma,' or Sima Zhongda, similar to the Newton-named unit of force 'Newton' in the previous world, is used to measure the concentration of supernatural blood.

An untrained ordinary civilian male typically has a blood concentration of around 5 ma at the peak period around 40 years old. Even elite special forces soldiers who have undergone long-term military training would have a blood concentration of no more than 10 ma at most, unable to discern the specific nature of their supernatural abilities, which can be roughly considered as 'no supernatural blood.' This is a typical civilian physique.

The reason why aristocratic families are called so is because even the most mediocre offspring can reach 100 ma before the age of 30—the cruel gap lies in this innate difference.

As the body grows, the blood concentration of aristocratic offspring will naturally increase slowly. It is said that long-term use of supernatural abilities can slightly accelerate this rate of increase, but compared to the baseline growth rate, this increase is negligible.

Another rumor suggests that there is a phenomenon called 'blood explosion' among supernaturals, where blood concentration suddenly increases under certain circumstances. This baseless rumor speculates about how the five top-tier supernaturals manage to possess almost godlike blood concentrations, leading many fools to pursue various esoteric conditions that might trigger a 'blood explosion.'

Xing Yuanzhi, of course, doesn't believe in superstition. Based on her current rate of blood concentration growth, she estimates that she can reach 'upper Ninth Grade' at 20 years old, around 40 she could achieve 'upper Sixth Grade,' and strive to break through to 'lower Fifth Grade.' This is already considered a 'genius' level.

However, Cheng Jinyang... this guy who still hasn't awakened his abilities, can actually have the blood concentration of 'lower Ninth Grade'?

If he, like herself, awakened at the age of ten and practiced diligently every day, could he have reached 'middle Ninth Grade' by now?

For a moment, Xing Yuanzhi felt a sense of loss, thinking, 'So I'm not that much of a genius after all,' yet also a sense of regret, 'What a waste of potential you have.'

But the Cheng family doesn't care about him, and I, Xing Yuanzhi, won't let talent go to waste. Even if he squandered five or six years of training time for his abilities, the most he can achieve in the future is 'upper Sixth Grade,' but that would still be a 'upper Sixth Grade' serving my Xing family!

Although the backbone of a prestigious family requires someone of the 'Fifth Grade,' who would complain about having a 'Sixth Grade' supernatural in their own family? For mainstream aristocratic children, the Seventh Grade is already the limit!

With this in mind, Xing Yuanzhi decided that regardless of whether Cheng Jinyang had a special ability to penetrate dreams or if his rollercoaster-like blood concentration during sleep turned out to be useless, she would go back and strongly suggest to the Xing family to provide enough resources for Cheng Jinyang's cultivation.

"So, what exactly is my blood concentration?" Cheng Jinyang couldn't help but ask when he saw her standing there in silence.

"113 ma, which means you have entered the Ninth Grade Lower Realm," Xing Yuanzhi put away the device and said lightly, "Among peers from prestigious families, this level is considered quite advanced."

"Is that so?" Cheng Jinyang nodded, not quite grasping the significance of the number.

"Let me explain. The publicly disclosed criterion for entry into the Cheng Clan of the Divine Capital(Shendu) is reaching 112 ma before one's 18th birthday. If a teenager meets this condition and possesses the [Gravity] bloodline ability, they can re-enter the Cheng Clan of the Divine Capital."

"Even if one's original surname is not Cheng, such as inheriting the father's surname but having the maternal lineage from the Cheng Clan, after entering the clan, they can receive the Cheng surname. Not to mention someone like you, who comes from a genuine Cheng family background."

"So, should I go to the Cheng Clan of the Divine Capital?" Cheng Jinyang smiled and said, already cursing inwardly.

Damn it, why? If it weren't for Ah Zhi telling me, I wouldn't even know I was a little genius! Those damn snobs from the Cheng Clan of the Divine Capital look down on me? Screw them!

"Sure, you can go," Xing Yuanzhi said lightly, "But the Cheng family in Shendu has ignored you for years, not even caring about your bloodline concentration. I suppose their neglect towards you stems from some political considerations, right?"

"113 Ma is considered outstanding among ordinary aristocratic offspring, but among the truly exceptional ones, it's just average. I doubt the Cheng family in Shendu would regard you differently. From a political perspective, once you confront the family, it either means they'll readmit you or completely block your path forward. After all, uprooting the weeds is the best way to prevent any future problems, isn't it?"

"I have to admit, there is some truth in what you said, A'zhi," Cheng Jinyang pondered for a moment, nodding. "So, please keep this matter confidential for me."

"Of course, I will keep it a secret for you," Xing Yuanzhi slammed the remote control on the sofa, gritting her teeth. "And how many times have I told you not to call me A'zhi!"