
Girl, There’s Something Wrong With You

【Light Version Synopsis】 Born into poverty, orphaned, and abandoned by his pretty fiancee, our protagonist seems ripe for a standard rags-to-riches story. But fate takes a turn when his fiancee suddenly changes her mind: "I'm not calling off the engagement! And I'll cover all living expenses while we live together!" With nothing to lose, he agrees. But something seems off about his fiancee after one night together... ———————— 【Serious Version Synopsis】 As demons wreak havoc across the continent of Divine Land, humanity retreats to sprawling metropolises, barely clinging to survival amidst rising discord. From north to south, divisions deepen; noble houses and imperial factions clash incessantly; the common folk suffer under oppression; and roving bands of rebels bide their time, ready to upheave the fragile order at a moment's notice. Describing this human world in two words? Utter chaos, a quagmire. Transmigrated into this world, the frail youth Cheng Jinyang sets two modest goals for himself: 1. To regain his health through physical training. 2. To become stronger! (Note: As the title suggests, all the heroines in this novel are not quite 'Normal'.) ============ Translation Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this novel. I am solely responsible for the translation efforts. If you like the novel, please help me by giving a review and power stones. This series is currently being hosted on Hiraethtranslation. For advanced chapters : https://hiraethtranslation.com/novel/girl-theres-something-wrong-with-you/

DaoistfriendSR · Fantasy
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167 Chs

Chapter 41: Suspected New Human Rights Role.

"It seems unlikely at the moment," said the person next to him, "The opposing team has senior engineers, and their plans are meticulous with clear division of labor; it's unlikely that it is for the newspaper."

Those who have a penchant for newspapers usually do so out of societal grievances and act impulsively. Most criminal activities are carried out solo, and they are unlikely to easily trust others.

The characteristics of "meticulous planning," "team collaboration," and "clear division of labor" in this case are completely contradictory.

Cheng Huaiyan looked towards the distant factory. The advertising screens on the perimeter wall had all been extinguished, but the searchlights inside were still operating. The unabashed illumination power was fully on, as if silently mocking Tai(Great) City.

Nevertheless, even so, it would be too dangerous to enter without any intelligence.

The Jinyiwei(Embroidered Uniform Guards) had already handed over the information. The two of them silently flipped through the limited pages, and then made a decision:

Let's go in and investigate the situation first.

As for Cheng Jinyang and Xing Yuanzhi, they should stay outside... If it were just a group of ordinary refugees, they could consider letting them in to practice, but under the current circumstances, that's absolutely impossible.

Cheng Huaiyan and Xing Junmo equipped themselves, then they added cameras and communication devices before starting to search for a suitable infiltration point.

The two left outside were somewhat regretful, but since they didn't have the chance to set foot on the battlefield, it wasn't too much of a waste of time to observe and learn from their two cousins' actions through real-time recordings.

Seeing that the two brought by Cheng Huaiyan were newcomers to Tianluo, with no intention of following them in, the Palace Attendant Chu Jiye didn't have much to say to these young people. He turned and entered the command tent, watching the corresponding surveillance footage while discussing with the Jinyiwei.

Cheng Jinyang also brought out a small display device here, adjusted to the same signal frequency as the Jinyiwei(Embroidered Uniform Guards), and began watching the actions of the two cousins with Xing Yuanzhi. Their chosen infiltration point was... simply jumping over the wall.

Well, with the gravity algorithm Heaven and Earth Reversal, things like walls are just a joke.

"However, the location they chose is quite ingenious," Xing Yuanzhi suddenly said, "Look at the defense map of the park."

Cheng Jinyang turned around and saw Xing Yuanzhi unfolding the defense map handed over from Jinyiwei to Tian Luo, marking the positions of all cameras and alarm detectors.

"Well, entering from this position, they can just avoid the nearby cameras," Cheng Jinyang pondered.

"And because the nearby passages are blocked by debris, there's probably no need to worry about synthetic humans patrolling here," Xing Yuanzhi added.

"So that's how it is. I didn't expect there to be a strategy even in infiltration positions," a voice from behind them remarked.

Turning around, they saw a charming young girl of seventeen or eighteen, nodding in realization with a wry smile.

This girl... Cheng Jinyang remembered that she was standing beside Chu Jiye, her attire and demeanor contrasting sharply with those around her.

After all, whether they were from the Jinyiwei or the Six Gates, they mostly wore sharp military uniforms and carried guns, presenting a silent and resolute posture.

However, this girl was wearing a green dress, a rather fresh and natural style, making her look more like she was out for a countryside excursion than at the scene of a crime.

"You are..." Xing Yuanzhi hesitated for a moment, "Chu Qingqing?"

"Xing Family's Qingfeng, hello." Chu Qingqing smiled and greeted her. "And you, Cheng Jinyang, right? From the Shendu Cheng family who just obtained citizenship recently, a rare talent with the potential to reach the fifth grade?"

"You are too kind, I dare not claim such talent." Cheng Jinyang said calmly, shifting his gaze to Xing Yuanzhi.

Xing Yuanzhi nodded slightly towards him, still looking somewhat serious, hinting that this 'Chu Qingqing' was indeed not an ordinary person.

Hmm, I guess she's the daughter or niece of that Palace Attendant Chu Jiye, or something like that, a direct relative brought here for field experience.

"So, can those two Tianluo seniors, really complete the mission successfully?" Chu Qingqing continued to ask, without any apparent skepticism in her expression, just pure curiosity.

"This is hard to say," Cheng Jinyang responded ambiguously. "After all, we still don't know what's going on inside. We need to continue observing."

The three of them turned their gaze back to the screen. They saw Cheng Huaiyan rush to the side and quickly climb up to a high place, concealing himself behind the fence on the top of the factory.

Xing Junmo activated his optical camouflage and disappeared directly within the range of the camera carried by Cheng Huaiyan.

The two individuals are advancing efficiently and covertly towards the interior of the factory, one from a high position and the other from a low position. Although they are almost out of sight due to their stealthy movements, the footage from both of their cameras shows that they are maintaining an appropriate distance from each other, ready to provide support at any moment.

"Oh, this is the invisibility cloak," Chu Qingqing remarked with interest, staring at the empty field shown by Cheng Huaiyan's camera, "Actually, our Chu family has been wanting to develop a few pieces ourselves, but we've always been turned down by the Sima family. Ah, after all, your Shendu Cheng family has close ties with the Sima family, which our Yangdi Chu family can't compete with. So, the technological sophistication of the Tianluo equipment also surpasses our family's dark guards by a notch. It's truly envy-inducing."

Cheng Jinyang: ......

No, what's going on with this girl? Are we familiar with each other? Doesn't it feel awkward to talk about this topic directly?

"Oh, sorry." Xing Yuanzhi said lightly, "Technological equipment is ultimately just external force. Relying too much on them may lead to neglect of one's own cultivation."

"Ah, I see." Chu Qingqing neither agreed nor disagreed, "But that's something to consider after reaching the fifth grade, right? The realm of standing alone in battle... is not something everyone can achieve. At least before reaching the fifth grade, more advanced technological equipment still has its value."

Is it possible for a person with a fifth-grade or higher realm to form a single army?

Cheng Jinyang secretly noted it and smiled, saying, "Yangdi Chu family is also a fourth-grade family, right? How come they value technological equipment more than their own bloodline abilities?"

"It's not that we value technology and underestimate supernatural abilities," Chu Qingqing said with a smile. "It's just that our family has been improving algorithms recently and has come up with a new model. It may involve a heavier proportion of consumables in terms of technology. Speaking of which, it's also related to your operation this time..."

She suddenly exclaimed and looked at the screen in Cheng Jinyang's hand.

Tiny snowflakes began to appear on the screen, as if there was a reception issue.

However, this was not a normal occurrence. Qixia District was not some remote wilderness, and there shouldn't be any signal problems.

"It's electronic suppression, interference devices have been installed inside the factory!" A bunch of people rushed out of the command tent, led by Chu Jiye, the Palace Attendant, with an unpleasant look on his face. He asked the leader of the Jinyiwei stationed outside, "Do you have electronic countermeasures equipment?"

The leader shook his head with a stern expression and said, "It's been urgently brought in from the nearest base position. So we need some time to deal with this."

"Roughly how long?"

"Fastest in 16 minutes."

"Not enough time!" Chu Jiye flicked his sleeve. "10 minutes is enough to alert the people inside!"

Losing contact with Cheng Huaiyan and Xing Junmo means something has happened to them inside, and there's no way to know from the outside.

Conservatively speaking, Chu Jiye definitely hopes that the two Tianluo members can withdraw first, rather than trying to forcefully penetrate the range of electronic suppression without rear contact.

However, as the saying goes, communication has been cut off, so those inside can act however they want, and those outside have no way to give orders.

Chu Jiye's gaze shifted, passing over his daughter Chu Qingqing, and then landed on Cheng Jinyang and Xing Yuanzhi.