
Girl, There’s Something Wrong With You

【Light Version Synopsis】 Born into poverty, orphaned, and abandoned by his pretty fiancee, our protagonist seems ripe for a standard rags-to-riches story. But fate takes a turn when his fiancee suddenly changes her mind: "I'm not calling off the engagement! And I'll cover all living expenses while we live together!" With nothing to lose, he agrees. But something seems off about his fiancee after one night together... ———————— 【Serious Version Synopsis】 As demons wreak havoc across the continent of Divine Land, humanity retreats to sprawling metropolises, barely clinging to survival amidst rising discord. From north to south, divisions deepen; noble houses and imperial factions clash incessantly; the common folk suffer under oppression; and roving bands of rebels bide their time, ready to upheave the fragile order at a moment's notice. Describing this human world in two words? Utter chaos, a quagmire. Transmigrated into this world, the frail youth Cheng Jinyang sets two modest goals for himself: 1. To regain his health through physical training. 2. To become stronger! (Note: As the title suggests, all the heroines in this novel are not quite 'Normal'.) ============ Translation Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this novel. I am solely responsible for the translation efforts. If you like the novel, please help me by giving a review and power stones. This series is currently being hosted on Hiraethtranslation. For advanced chapters : https://hiraethtranslation.com/novel/girl-theres-something-wrong-with-you/

DaoistfriendSR · Fantasy
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167 Chs

Chapter 28: The Advantage of Equipment.

Attack when unprepared, that's all there is to it.

Since Miss Wang is from the Taiyuan Wang family, she must be well-versed in military strategy; it's impossible for her not to know this.

However, for someone without practical experience, even with a solid theoretical foundation, it's not very realistic to expect them to apply it from the outset.

Zhao Kuo, who only talked about warfare on paper, is a typical example of someone who failed to connect theory with practice.

Princess Nankang looked at the screen and thought, 'I remember this young lady Wang Wanrou is indeed clever. Her poor performance just now was merely due to lack of experience.'

If trained properly in the future, perhaps she could quickly grow and become a reliable asset for Jinyang.

She continued to stare at Miss Wang, while Miss Wang calmly looked at the remaining three people on the screen. She showed no signs of frustration or embarrassment as if she hadn't been eliminated at all.

On the virtual battlefield, after using Chu Qingqing's metal barrier to block the bullets, everyone hastily obscured their sight and crawled away from their original positions.

Sure enough, in the next moment, a massive explosion tore through the metal barrier, and countless shrapnel grenades shot crazily through the breach. They left scars on the concrete pillars behind, with smoke and dust billowing everywhere.

In the midst of billowing smoke, a figure suddenly burst out and launched a cannon punch towards Chu Qingqing.

Chu Qingqing quickly jumped back, simultaneously manipulating the metal barrier to rise again.

Just as it seemed the opponent's arm would be severed by the sharp metal spikes, he swiftly withdrew his hand, avoiding the piercing edges.

Not right!

Her gaze immediately noticed that, as the other party was withdrawing, he dropped something over here.

That is, a high-explosive grenade!

Before she could control metal to stop the explosion, the terrifying shockwave spread out.


Chu Qingqing, standing in the monitoring room, saw Wang Wanrou sitting silently in a chair, staring at the screen in front of her.

Immediately, she understood: she had just been killed by a high-explosive grenade.

As a girl who had served in her family's secret guards for a period of time, Chu Qingqing naturally understood the characteristics of high-explosive grenades.

They kill with the shockwave caused by the explosive, with a small area of ​​effect and less likelihood of injuring the thrower.

Even more cunningly, the opponent intentionally threw the grenade when she raised the metal, effectively using the metal wall she controlled to block the explosion's shockwave and trap the grenade's power in her confined space.

He then took advantage of the situation to hide behind a concrete pillar, leaving himself practically unscathed. It's as if her ability to anticipate or react has been completely countered by the opponent.

Damn it.

Girl Qingqing gritted her teeth unwillingly, clenched her fists, and her nails sank deep into her flesh.

Then she ended up hurting herself by digging too hard, grimacing as she rubbed the indentation in the palm of her hand.

Xing Yuanzhi also emerged from behind her. Her original position was farther back than Chu Qingqing's, so she wasn't directly killed by the shockwave, but instead suffered severe internal injuries, enduring for about ten seconds before passing away.

Seeing Wang Wanrou and Chu Qingqing, she knew this was the respawn point, so she turned her gaze to the screen.

There were still two blinking dots on the screen, representing Cheng Jinyang and Su Zizhong who were still alive.

"Is Jinyang still alive?" she breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness."

In any case, four heirs of families with supernatural abilities were wiped out by an ordinary civilian without any supernatural ability. Even if the opponent is a professional-level assassin, this result is truly embarrassing...

Then, the small dot representing Cheng Jinyang on the screen also went out.

Xing Yuanzhi: ...

"Looks like you've been crushed by your own arrogance," Chu Qingqing absentmindedly ran her fingers through her hair and chuckled.

As if to confirm her words, Cheng Jinyang emerged behind the three girls.

"Wow, no wonder he is ranked seventh on the Tianluo List, so impressive," he couldn't help but sigh.

Earlier, while waiting outside the Luo Hall, despite hearing people discuss that Su Zizhong was seventh on the Tianluo List, seeing him grovel before Sister Xinnan still made Cheng Jinyang subconsciously look down on him.

However, after actually facing him, Cheng Jinyang realized how formidable the ace assassins on the Tianluo List truly were.

Compared to demons, these Tianluo elites didn't possess superhuman bodies capable of withstanding gunfire, but they excelled far more in tactical awareness and offensive tactics.

The tactics commonly used to deal with 'Weird' level demons were almost instantly overwhelmed when facing Tianluo elites.

"Ah," Xing Yuanzhi couldn't help but hold her forehead and sigh.

This time is really embarrassing. Especially that highness... I guess everyone will be completely underestimated by her, right?

Immediately after, the last dot on the screen also went out, and Su Zizhong reappeared from behind the crowd.

"Who killed me just now?" He looked incredulously at everyone.

Dropping the high-explosive grenade, the metal barrier also rose between the two sides. With this metal wall blocking, and with smoke obscuring the vision, the other side was also directly within the explosion range of the grenade. Logically, they should have immediately lost their combat effectiveness and had no ability to turn the tables at all.

So he just dodged behind a concrete pillar first, waiting to see the situation after the grenade exploded. As a result, as soon as he stuck his head out, a bullet shot out from the smoke, piercing through the shattered metal barrier caused by the shockwave of the grenade, and accurately hitting him between the eyebrows.

Seeing that this elite killer was also taken out, the girls were shocked and speechless. Only Cheng Jinyang was stunned for a moment, ans showed an incredulous expression:

"Ah, did you get hit by the shot I fired before I died?"

Su Zizhong: ???

"Being able to calculate my position when your vision was obstructed, truly lives up to the high regard of Her Highness!" he sincerely complimented and admired.

"You flatter me, it was just luck," Cheng Jinyang modestly replied, "I just guessed based on intuition."

Intuition... Su Zizhong sneered inwardly, with intuition just happened to hit between my eyes? Why not say it was a stray bullet that killed me?

As the two praised each other, the girls behind them felt their scalps tingling. So Xing Yuanzhi interrupted them and asked around, "So, what's next, debriefing and analysis?"

"Yes," Princess Nankang's voice echoed in the room, "Except for Jinyang, the rest of the people... are even weaker than I originally anticipated."

At her words, everyone felt ashamed and speechless.

"Let's take it one by one," Princess Sister said, pulling out the recording, freezing the scene when the four entered the lower hall. "Firstly, during your progress, you lacked even basic awareness and reconnaissance of your surroundings."

"In fact, in the past decade, 99% of the elite fallen from the Tianluo Ranking did not die in direct confrontations, but from sudden enemy ambushes and assassinations, including ambushes, traps, poisons, and snipers."

"There aren't many rules on the battlefield; the enemy will use any means to kill you. So from now on, discard the lazy habits you've cultivated in peacetime! The only guideline you must adhere to is to survive at all costs!"

These words hit like a ton of bricks, leaving Cheng Jinyang shocked, thinking that Sister Xinnan hit the nail on the head.

In fact, despite his repeated reminders, long-term exposure to the nightmare of 'dying and respawning indefinitely' still makes everyone subconsciously slack off when it comes to 'dying in battle'—to put it simply, getting killed too many times makes people numb.

However, reality is not a dream, when you die, you're really dead, there's no chance of resurrection at all.

"Sister Xinnan is right," he solemnly echoed, "everyone's mentality hasn't adjusted yet! You should take this team wipe as a lesson!"

The girls: ...

Originally, everyone was a bit disheartened, feeling aggrieved by this guy's pretentious criticism—it's like, weren't you also hanging by a thread, yet you dare to criticize us?

But Cheng Jinyang's counterattack before his death took the careless opponent down with him. In comparison, the girls' performance was simply too amateurish to be tolerable, so they could only remain silent.

"By the way," Xing Yuanzhi pointed at the screen showing Su Zizhong's movement trajectory, suddenly asking, "Since this gentleman can use weapon equipment to swiftly descend from the rooftop to the ground, shouldn't we also be able to use similar props?"

"I thought you would need to lose a few more rounds before considering this," Princess Nankang said with a smile. "That leads me to my second point - the advantage of equipment."

"Don't underestimate the importance of scientific technology just because you have supernatural abilities. In fact, before your abilities reach the fifth grade, advanced weapons and equipment are more powerful than the abilities themselves."

"For the second round of practical combat training, I will provide all the weapons and equipment currently available to Tianluo for both sides to choose from freely. This way, you will have a clearer understanding of the issues at hand."