
What Other Families Have, Our Children Must Have Too

When Yan Xiao said it was okay, then it was okay, even if it wasn't okay, he had to turn this kind of not okay into okay.

In some ways, Yan Xiao is quite a bossy person.

Mainly because Gu Lan is very busy every night, she doesn't have a lot of time by Yan Xiao's side, so Yan Xiao treasures it, and time is especially precious when it's tight.

He wanted to fulfill all of Gu Lan's requests that he could do here.

The injuries on Yan Xiao's back had recovered for the most part, and he walked to Gu Lan's side, slightly tangled, stretching out his arms to Gu Lan, "Come on, I'll take you to the academy."

The eight pitch-black feathered wings behind Yan Xiao's back were once again stretched out, only that while the wounds on his body had recovered a lot due to the heavy damage from the lightning, his wings were still in a mess.

Seeing this, Gu Lan felt that it was better to let Yan Xiao recuperate, she gently shook her head and did not accept Yan Xiao's hug.