
It's Me, Only Me

Gu Lan didn't pay much attention to Hua Yin's expression and tone because it wasn't the time to communicate with her roommate emotionally. She needed to find a place to hide first!


When she was unconscious, she heard the lecherous old man saying that there were many abducted people in this village. So, when she reported to the police, she also mentioned this situation. Liang Yuhan was taken away, and this place would be thoroughly checked. For Gu Lan, it was extremely unsafe.

After all, Gu Lan was a "living" corpse, and if discovered, she had no way to explain herself.

Thinking this way, Gu Lan stealthily ran back to the coffin where she woke up earlier, while the police were still not actively searching.

This surprised Hua Yin greatly, and he quietly followed behind Gu Lan, observing her actions and trying to assess her thoughts. He commented, "So, this is what they call... the most dangerous place is the safest place?"