
Dyed Green

Xu Huanwen's movements were gentle, this gentleness deeply pierced Wen Qiqi's heart, her pretty face involuntarily twisted, she didn't understand if Xu Huanwen was really bent?

Why treat a man so gently?

And Xu Huanwen's gentle movements, and some tender words, were almost exchanged for a severe beating from Gu Lan.

Gu Lan sighed heavily, "I'm sure I'm still not quite used to this style of painting......"

Magnificent family feuds and whatnot, it's so strange just thinking about it.

What with all the I love you you love her, she loves her she loves him, or you love me I love him, he loves him he loves her and all the other complicated as hell plots, Gu Lan felt like it was even more troublesome than catching ghosts.

Gu Lan yanked away Xu Huanwen's hand just in time to see Wen Qiqi looking at herself with a gaze full of jealousy, Gu Lan pulled up her lips and couldn't help but ask Xu Huanyu.

"Hey old brother, do you know that your hair is green?"